Woow! What a topic to write on! And
I hope even to read on…
“Dude, it’s the best shirt you
have got” Raunak screamed in anger.
I just frowned at him and said,
“But I was thinking of wearing a T-Shirt”
“You just said you would better
go with a Shirt”
“After checking my shirts I
decided to wear a T-Shirt”
He bent down his head and started
playing Highway Rider in his mobile.
I moved aside the shirts to the
end of the bed and took out the neatly ironed T-Shirts and spread them one
after another. The blue one with a saying on it got rejected because it seemed
too plain, the red and white stripes went aside because it had collar and I
thought of going out without collar. I just thought that would look more bold
and stylish.
“Finally I have these three,
which one should I wear?” I asked him again.
He did not even raise his head. I
hit him on his shoulder.
“What the hell is your problem?
Why don’t you just pick anyone? You wasted my 20 minutes in selecting a shirt
and now you want to select a T-Shirt. Wear anything and go” he yelled at me
with his eyebrows furrowed. He was literally staring at me in anger.
“Dude, it’s my first date”
“So what? Why the hell are you
eating my time?”
“Just get lost. I have Sid to
help me.”
Raunak laughed for a whole minute
and said, still laughing in bits, “That guy will help you in selecting a shirt?
He never knows and never cares what he himself is wearing.”
The T-Shirts were still spread
out on the bed, with the best three on top of everything. The shirts had been
piled up in one corner of the bed while Raunak was sitting engrossed in his game
on the other end of the bed when Sid walked in with the TV Remote still in his
“Dude, you are leaving?” Sid
asked me.
“Not now I will leave at 6 PM. Still
four hours to go” I replied back.
“No, I meant you are leaving
room? By the way you have cleaned out your closet it seems like you are
packing. All the best for your future buddy. We will miss you” he said looking
at Raunak.
Both the rascals starting
laughing loudly, even rolling on the bed, spoiling the neatly spread T-Shirts.
I dint feel bad because they were laughing at me, I felt bad because they again
spoiled my selection and put me in doubt.
How would they know what a First
Date is? What romance is? How it feels when the heart beats softly but loudly? How
it feels to present yourself the best in front of someone special?
They only knew making fun of
lecturer in class and messing up the instruments in our Electronics labs. Ofcourse
I too was involved in all of their pranks but at least we need to get serious
at times. I still remember when we three had finished our experiment in one of
the lab and were just chit chatting sitting at our table. Sid started
collecting the IC’s from everywhere he could reach out and started his
creativity. Raunak and I were fully immersed in some irrelevant discussion
until he shook us out. What we saw a design of four legged animal with a long
tail, all neatly designed on the table with the help of the IC’s. He said that
was a Lion and it resembled our lecturer and now that would attack us. In front
it he had placed three IC’s and said those three IC’s were us. Then we started
playing with that, each one of us holding an IC and circling around the lion
trying to tease it. We were so merrily playing with that until the same
lecturer standing behind us since past few minutes finally said, “Please for
college name’s sake stop playing like kids. This is Electronics Lab, not
Kindergarten. I am even ashamed to punish you guys for this.”
The only thing which we said in
mind at that time was, “Thank IC’s, he won’t punish us!”
But now, we were in our room and
at the least when your friend needs your advice badly. After all he is in love,
with the most beautiful girl in the college.
Yes, she was the most beautiful
girl in the college. We had decided to go out that Sunday for a cup of coffee. Being
summer, the longer days helped us meet in the evening.
I had started sweating, sitting
on the bed still thinking of what to wear when both the rascals had run of the
room just because some song started playing on the TV and both of them were diehard
fan of the steps of beautiful heroine dancing for the first time in her Saree!
They both walked in when the song
finished and stared at me.
“You still have not finalized
your shirt?” Sid asked.
“He is wearing T-Shirt, not shirt”
Raunak told him.
“Just get out. You guys are not
my friends, you both are my enemies.”
They laughed again and started
selecting shirts for me but both selecting different ones everytime and arguing
with each other that the one they selected was better.
The time was running and I had
spent 50 minutes in just trying to select a shirt. Finally with a big frown, I
left them and went to take a bath. After spending for a complete 30 minutes
under shower when I walked out, I asked myself, “Why don’t I take such a clean
shower every day?”
Even those rascals were shocked
to see me in bathroom for such a long time. One out of the bathroom, I sprayed
half the bottle of Deo on my body, almost wetting myself again, but this time
with the deo instead of water. I suddenly picked up the red and white stripped
T-Shirt and wore it.
“Dude, that is not good. It just doesn’t
suit you” Sid said
I looked at him and then turned,
bit tensed, towards Raunak.
“I feel its ok, but you have got lot
better options. I still feel you should go in a shirt rather T-Shirt.”
I started looking at the shirts
again when Sid said, picking up all my shirts, “This is fine now. Don’t started
getting confused. Just go with this or else you will end up spending the whole
evening in room just selecting a shirt.”
“He is right, just go with
anything buddy. She is from our college and has been seeing you since a year.
She is not seeing you for the first time, doesn’t matter what you wear, she
knows you get thrown out of class every day” Saying this, Raunak winked at me
Finally after thinking for a
whole of three and half minutes, I decided to go as myself, just go in the
dress I wear normally and go plainly. I felt much relieved but in some corner
of my heart there still was a small thought running continuously. Everytime my
heart beat, the thought echoed, “Am I looking handsome enough to go out for a
cup of coffee with her? Should I change my T-Shirt?”
I looked at the time and it was
still 3:10 PM. I was ready exactly two hours twenty minutes! Never in my life was
I ready before time. Scolding myself for that, I removed my T-Shirt again neatly
folded it and rolled on the bed. The hot water bath and the heavy breakfast
from the Darshini were slowly showing
the effect. My eyes were being forced to close and take a short nap. Before I
thought of something else, I fell asleep.
I smelled coffee. I raised my
head from the coffee cup and saw her face. She looked as cute as ever. But
suddenly she started shouting my name. I panicked in confusion. The smell of
coffee grew stringer as her scream loudened. But wait, why is her voice like a
boys voice? Something was wrong. I tried my best to get my brain to work. It
needed more caffeine. I smelled the coffee again and tried my best to concentrate
on what was happening.
“Viz, Viz, get up man” Raunak was
shouting holding two cups of coffee.
Shocked to my nerves, I got up,
sat upright and checked the time in my watch. I thanked God million times as it
was still 4 PM. I was happy as I hadn’t missed my first date and I was happier
because her voice was still cute and not as bad as Raunak’s scream!
“Dude you saved me. I was asleep.
Would have missed the coffee also.”
“That’s why I got you this
coffee. This is the proof man, a friend’s coffee saves you and a girlfriend’s
coffee costs you!” he winked at me handing me the coffee cup and went out to
watch the TV.
“You bathed in hot shower then that Deo and
slept. Just like working on somethin the whole day and then throwing that into dustbin! Why the hell you wanted to get ready so early? You have grown mad or
desperate?” Sid asked sipping the coffee.
I just looked at him blankly rubbing
my eyes and sipping coffee. It took the whole coffee to wake me up from my
sleep. After finishing the coffee, I left the two buggers with their TV and
their discussion on if Heroine of the film should be beautiful to attract the
crowd or if she should be talented to make sure the crowd comes back for next
Washed my face, put on the same
red plus white striped T-Shirt, tucked it in neatly, saw myself in the mirror,
not much happy, tucked the T-Shirt out, took the deo, shook it well and sprayed
the remaining half all over my T-Shirt. Neatly put on my Red Tape shoes, polished
them, held my helmet, took my bike keys and looked at both the rascals. They
were still busy in their discussion, not even bothered to wish me luck. I
waited for another two minutes hoping they would look at me and say something, atleast
a kind feedback that would boost my confidence. But they were more bothered
about films than their friend!
I walked out of the room, banging
the door loudly that was loud enough to disturb their discussion and stepped to
my bike. Sat on it, put on my helmet, checked the time again, it was 5:15 PM,
adjusted my ass on the bike seat, kick started the bike!
To be continued…
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