Dear readers, I am back to the topic of my
first blog – Girlfriend(s)!!!
If you had thought the behavior of girlfriends
written in my first blog was intolerable then spare a few minutes on reading
this. This will lend some more help for your weak memory to spot out the
weirdest behaviors of girls, which is, their changing moods!
Again, this is just for humor... No hard feelings...
One fine Sunday, I had woken up early than the
other common Sundays and even had my breakfast along with my roomies, the
breakfast consisting of 4 soft Idlis and a nice yummy crispy Vada, the most
common South-Indian Breakfast, ending it with a strong hot coffee! With my
stomach full my mood was set right into a damn good one. After returning back
home, I found nothing much interesting was being played on any of the 82
channels. Switching the television off, I rolled on my bed. Being in a good
mood, I sent my girlfriend a message hinting her that I wanted to chat with
her. But, as always happens on a Sunday, she was busy with something and had no
time for her romantic boyfriend. The time she gave me, that day, for chatting
would come after my digital watch showed PM instead of AM. I had more than four
hours to spend before I could chat with her.
Thinking of utilizing those four hours and
finding none of my roomies would come out in that scorching Sun I decided to
take bath and head for Library. Err, yes! I was finally to take bath after 3
days. Sorry to open up my secret but that’s true. I hate wastage of water! So
with all the three pair of eyes staring at me in surprise I went into bathroom
and was back out, fresh and reinvigorated, after a complete half hour of bath.
With such a nice bath, I can easily leave bath for another three days I told to
myself. Finally with that extra energy one gets after a refreshing bath, as I
unlocked my mobile, I saw six messages all from her and two missed calls. Bit
worried, I scrolled through the messages thinking of various reasons that could
be behind a series of continuous messages. That’s what I had expected. Her mood
had changed and she wanted to chat with me but not receiving my reply her anger
had burst out and again this was her last message,
Message: U dnt even hav time fr me... atlst
cnt u even reply?
Without being much shaken, I replied back
Reply: Hey dr... I was havng bath. Tell me
Message: No need to reply me now... u cnt
reply me whn I msg u?
Reply: Arey I told u na I was havng bath... hw
can I take mobile into bathroom??
Message: Dnt joke. Why u need to take bath now
when u knew I would be msging u?
Reply: Hey u told u were busy and cant chat
till noon... tats the reason...
Message: I told I was busy then not now... u
just never undrstnd me... now lets chat at noon...
My fellow readers please have some courtesy
and decide on the position I was in. She had said she was busy few minutes back
and then suddenly she got time for me but since I dint reply even if she was free
she was in no mood to chat and again the chat session got scheduled at noon.
Such a weird behavior. Everything remained same except a small tornado rotated
me upside down within five minutes and went ahead!
Leaving the schedule undisturbed I went to a Temple
on the way to Library and asked the same question to the Lord, again, “When
will boys understand girls?”
I heard the same meek voice echo “Son, please
ask me anything in the world but not this!”
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