From the time when you, my dear
readers, logged off leaving me and Nithya at CCD, I have been thinking hard how
not to mess up our first coffee. And more I think the more I mess up, just like
the Engineering exams, the more we try to remember the right answer, the more
we end up scribbling some nonsense!
As I took my seat and looked at
her, she was holding her glass of coffee, even if it is labeled Iced Eskimo, it
is still a coffee back at its heart, and slowly lifted it to her mouth and
cautiously sipped it. As soon as she sipped the coffee, her eyes closed and she
grinned in surprise. Her face looked so cute with that innocent grin and her
tangling earrings; I almost forgot the glass in my hand. Opening her eyes, she
kept down her glass and looked at me; suddenly surprised by the way I was
staring at her she raised her eyebrows questioning me. I just nodded my head
and sipped the coffee and looked back at her. She was still looking at me, may
be awaiting the same reaction she had given.
“This is very cold” I said
“Obviously it will be cold, it’s
Iced Eskimo” she said giggling.
I too joined in giggling with
her, but there was a difference. She was giggling at my innocence, while I knew
it was my foolishness. When she finished her giggling, she took another sip
from her glass and smiled again.
“You don’t like this?” she asked.
“I like this. Why?”
“You are not drinking, just
looking at me finish my glass. So I wondered if you dint like and got to order
this just because I ordered”
“Ah. No. I like this. Just
drinking slower” I said and thought if only she could understand I was staring
at her cute reactions and giggles. Or what if she caught me doing that and is
asking me this only to warn me indirectly.
I have had to stop staring at
her, but how could you resist looking at the nature’s most beautiful creation. God
might have been the best chess player; he gives checkmate when we are out of
strength and desperately in need of help. But I was not going to be the loser
this time. I even had the queen sitting right in front of me smiling at me.
Woow! Chess! What a topic! Thank
you my Lord!
“Hey! What are your hobbies?” I
asked her suddenly getting out of my thoughts.
She was taken aback by sudden
question but smiled again sipping her cold coffee.
“I love reading books, I listen
to music, in fact everyone at my home listen to music. My mom plays old songs
while she is cooking and I sit in kitchen with her reading books. I also do help
her in cooking but I don’t cook that well. You know what, once I was so
involved in reading a story, she asked me for something, I went to the other
room, got the box out from the closet but sat there itself on the chair. After
about half hour mom called me for dinner and then I went out with that box
still in my hand. She started scolding me but seeing my surprised face she
laughed out till I understood what had happened and I too joined her”
I was looking at her smiling, the
way she was explaining, the way she enjoyed those little things, the way she
saw sunshine in the darkest room, her way of enjoying simple things in life.
There was something about her, her smile.
“I also like playing carom. I
used to play carom for my school. What are your hobbies?”
“Oh that’s really cool. I just
like roaming around in my bike. Yeah... I am not much of a hobby guy”
“I have heard you write short
poems. Is that true?”
“Oh no. No. No. Who told you
“It’s all over the college.
Everyone knows it. Most of the girls from our class are curious to read your
Now it was my turn to blush and
act a bit. But who the hell was spy spreading my secrets. May be Sid or Raunak
or Naveen. Are they girls? Can’t they keep their mouth shut? Or wait, were they
using my poems to impress girls? Or were they really helping me with a free advertisement?
“Come on, don’t be so modest”
she said holding her glass in right hand and slowly moving back the loosened
hair with her left hand. As she moved all of the hair that had come out and
fallen freely covering her ears, the little earing shone again brightly. I
could stand the power of that sparkle but not the twinkle of her curious eyes.
I silently picked up my glass and
sipped in the coffee. I tried to steal a look at her but she was still looking
at me.
“Its ok if you want to keep it a
secret, but yes everyone in the class knows about it” she smiled again.
“It’s not something secret but
also it is true I don’t write much. Only once in a while I sit down and write
few bits.”
“That’s really nice.”
I just smiled and she joined too.
We bent down our heads to drink our coffees. Just few seconds passed and the
silence prevailed over us. Both of us, or atleast me, were trying to break the
ice, the literal ice, not the ice in the Iced Eskimo.
“Nithya, you want to eat
something? I am feeling hungry” I said, out of honesty.
“No. not now. I had my lunch an
hour back.”
“Lucky, you stay at home. I had
breakfast in morning and half a glass of Iced Eskimo now. Feeling damn hungry.”
“Oh that’s really bad for your
health. You shouldn’t be doing that.”
“Yeah true. But this is how
Bachelors live” I tried to smile but looking at her innocence I stopped.
“Let me order something to eat,
what about you? What will you take?”
“I am fine. I am not hungry.”
“No Nithya. You will have to take
something. Atleast another Iced Eskimo? Till I eat? Please… If I promise you a
“Ok. I will have one more. I like
this so much I cannot say no” she smiled closing her eyes.
I got up, walked inside the CCD
and got a piece of chocolate cake for me and ordered another Iced Eskimo for her.
We then talked again and talked a
lot. The ice that had to be broken had melted by now and we now spoke without
any hitch or any pause. She kept on explaining about every simple thing, about
the class, how she felt about the subjects, the practical labs, her home, her
likes and dislikes. And I kept on listening to her every word and kept on enjoying
her cute smile and the twinkle in her eyes every time she exclaimed about something
like a small little girl.
I too shared with her many of the
things that were part of my life. My home, my native, my friends, our trips, and
the things we did back at school.
We even shared our numbers,
though I had her number from the second day of the college, now I had it
formally and also got the information that the cell always remains with her
and, my dear readers, she even said “It is absolutely fine if you message me
Viz. In fact I myself will keep bugging you”
When she sipped the last drop of
coffee from her glass, she asked, “Viz, now this is not fair”
“What?” I asked in surprised
thinking what foolishness I had done now.
“You had promised me a surprise. What’s
that?” she asked smiling and raising her eyebrows twice and thrice. Her
eyebrows neatly shaped as a bow, danced over her eyes and gave out little lines
on her plain little fair forehead every time she raised her eyebrows.
“Ah that. Leave it yaar, it was
“No Viz. Please no cheating. You
had promised me” she now sounded like small kid and her voice itself gave me
enough courage.
“Ok. But on one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“You will have to close your eyes”
She suddenly closed her eyes and
said, “Ok I closed my eyes. Now the surprise please. Please Viz. I can’t stay
away from surprises longer. Please.”
“This is for you Nithya…
When Sun
rises as a bright Orange ball
A new day is
in giving us a new call
Cute little
flowers start blooming
The early
rising birds start singing
A new
opportunity runs in for all
To mend our
yesterday's fall
The fresh air
kissing our face
Reminds us of
our half run race
It’s time to
double our speed
our true deed
For there's a
new chance from God
Who is
watching us from his Abode
Let’s all
happily join our hands
In tying
together the peace bands
Making this
earth more beautiful today
Than what it
really was yesterday”
She opened up her eyes and they
twinkled again. After a silence of few seconds, she said, “That was sooooo very
nice Viz. I really liked the surprise.”
“Thank you” I said and smiled
As I dropped her on my bike near
the corner of the road of her home, she said, “Thank you for the drop, the Iced
Eskimo, the sweet poem and a wonderful evening Viz”
She closed her eyes and smiled.
Her smile seemed so true that I
felt only two of us standing in middle of the road, holding our hands. She is
blushing and looking down, her head against my shoulder. I am trying to look at
her but see only the freely flowing hair. We take a few steps for a tune flowing
in from somewhere far away. The trees standing tall, start showering their
flowers filling the air with their pure scent. We keep dancing and the trees
keep showering the flowers, the untiring music is filling the air and the love
is rising high as we go on getting lost in ourselves… At last…