Saturday, May 25, 2013

Is this the right time?

Good Morning Readers!

One of my friends and a constant Sunday Reader, Prashant, called me last Sunday, after reading last week’s Post and mentioned how much he liked that post! He then started discussing with me on various topics with his feedback on my Posts and finally suggested me a topic which you readers would now be reading…

Raj walked down from the terrace of his apartments and entered his room.

“From when do you have a girlfriend?” Santosh asked Raj.

“I guess the call was from his manager. He must be scolding Raj and so he ran to terrace” Vishwa said with a mild laugh, as Raj walked silently into his bedroom.

Both looked at each other when they dint receive any response from Raj. He just walked silently and laid down on his bed. They continued watching the MTV Roadies without bothering themselves much.

It was 10 PM when Ganesh called Raj for dinner and he walked out of his bedroom, still looking spellbound, and started his dinner without speaking a word.

“What the hell happened to you dude?” Santosh asked him

“Who had called you?” Vishwa continued.

Ganesh shook Raj by his shoulders waking up Raj from the Coma.

“Who had called you dude? What happened? Is everything fine?” Vishwa asked again

“It was my parents” Raj said meekly

“Anything wrong buddy?” Ganesh asked as Santosh kept down his dinner plate and turned at Raj seriously.

“No. Nothing wrong” Raj said.

“Then why the hell have you turned silent since the call? Why did you run to terrace?” Santosh asked.

“It was my Mom. She said, she has finalized a girl for me. Next weekend we have to visit their home.”

There was loud uproar and the silent room now filled with all mixed talks, cheers, bullies and just every possible noise three irresponsible boys could make!

All the three of them surrounded Raj as he sat on his bed after dinner. They now wanted the complete details.

“But why are you shocked? You should be happy” Ganesh said followed by others who supported him.

“Yes, right! Why am I shocked?” Raj asked himself.

Was he shocked? Or afraid? Or turned silent with happiness? Or he just dint knew what to react?

Like all thousands of bachelors, he too was a fun loving irresponsible bachelor till few hours back. He was a hard working software engineer spending most of his day at his cubicle in office. His daily routine was exactly similar to most of the single unmarried software engineers living in the Software hub, Bangalore.

Wake up at no specific time in morning, take a quick bath and run to the office. Office, being a second world, often cuts off a software engineer’s life from his first world. No outside contacts, no phone calls, no memories, just work, work and work! He too worked hard with his peers in his second world, having fun, coffee breaks, lunch break and Facebook breaks in between his work. As the day ended, he returned to his room, where he would be accompanied by three other bachelors and they all would spend the evening discussing on various random topics covering the Global issues, like the ongoing peace talks at the Mid-East to the vary local bathroom issues, like the leaking tap. None of the topics, ever coming to any conclusion!

They enjoyed each of their evenings with these discussions, petty quarrels, various TV shows, cooking dinner together, movies, nearby malls, dinners at nearby mess and everything that they could do.

During weekends, Raj would hang out with them at the Malls wandering over the area or just stay back at room spending all the 48 hours rolling left and right on his bed along with his favorite novels.

To put together, his bachelor life was on a roll. He was enjoying every moment of his life and this sudden breaking news had even broke down his routine. He was now in a deep thought on what to react and what to decide. Was he still young? Or was he old enough to stop enjoying like this and get married and settle down? It was a big decision to be made and hundreds of thoughts had been revolving in his head from the time he had cut his Mom’s call. Every time he thought of something, another thing would counter attack his thought and the same question would pop up in his head.

All four of them discussed about their bachelor life and then they discussed on how the life would take a turn after marriage. Their discussing too ended with a negative note, marriage would put an end to all the ongoing fun!

Raj, now afraid, slept awake with eyes wide open thinking again and again of how he was now and how he would be after marriage. But again and again the same question kept torturing him the whole night –

Is this the right time?

When he woke up from his thoughts the next morning, he declared to his roomies that he would tell his parents to postpone his marriage by one or two years. He declared, with full confidence, that he was still too young and still wanted to enjoy his bachelor life. He still wanted to visit Goa with his friends for the coming New Year as they all had decided.

He felt relieved and headed to his office. As soon as he stepped into office, he first saw his teammate, who was just married, talking over phone and smiling all through the call. Something deep down his heart tickled him when his teammate mentioned it was call from his wife asking if he liked the breakfast she had prepared for him that morning. He thought life would be beautiful once a girl walked into his life. He resisted that tickle and sat down in front of his machine. Logging into his machine, he opened up his mailbox and went through the mails. Satisfied with the amount of work he had that day, he locked his machine again, thinking of getting his coffee.

As he sat back with his coffee, he opened Facebook, silently making sure his manager was not around. He saw an update from one of his college friend – Sam is now committed!

What the hell, wasn't Sam the one who always said, back in college, that he would be the last guy to get married? Kicking off all the thoughts from his mind, he forced himself to concentrate on his work and started working normally. But still the random thoughts kept disturbing him now and then. Every few minutes his desktop screen would change and the same line would flash on his screen as screensaver –

Is this the right time?

He left office early in the evening, returned to his room and continued his novel. His bad luck, the novel was a romantic one. As he went on reading, it read…

Then he just looked into her beautiful small black eyes. Her eyes twinkled when he held her hand in his. The whole world, jealous of their pure undying love stood still, surprised, as they both romantically kissed each other and a new dawn set onto their lives!

Raj closed the novel suddenly and sensed he was sweating a bit. He walked into the kitchen and got coffee for himself and Santosh and sat with him watching a film on the TV. To his bad luck, the Hero and the Heroine in the film were just married and the a song was playing which portrayed the best days post marriage!

He was now being forced to think the pros of marriage, he slowly started getting a hint of how his life would be after marriage. What he was missing and what he would gain. He started thinking the need of his better half in his life to share each and every small thing. Raj now started getting bored of bachelor life suddenly. Somehow he started thinking of all the romantic Bollywood movies and decided he should now get married.

He said, to himself, “Enough of roaming all over the city like a Bull. Now it’s time to settle down. I should get married, have a sweet girl in my life with whom I can share all my life, my thoughts, my feelings. I can share her burden, her feelings. We can both be always together, be happy.”

He was smiling looking at the blank wall when Santosh said, “Dude, what happened?”


“Then why are you smiling stupidly?”

“Nothing I was just thinking of something”

“Don’t lie. You were thinking of your marriage. You saw her photo right?”

“No ways!”

“Ha Ha. Don’t lie. You are gone Raj! This is the end!” Santosh said, smiling crookedly.

Raj felt this as a warning and again started feeling like his thoughts were taking a U-Turn.

Just then, the other two useless roomies walked in. Santosh declared to them, “Raj got the photo of that girl” before even they untied their shoe laces.

Again, a round table conference was called in and a big discussion started.

Though no result came out from the discussion, it bashed the decision Raj had made up in his mind. When he closed his eyes and compared the table of Pros and Cons of marriage in his mind, they equaled. He had no way to find out the best of them. Again the screensaver flashed

Is this the right time?

Finally losing his patience he yelled, “Will you guys stop?”

All three of them turned to Raj, surprised.

“Every time you guys start a discussion, I end up changing my mind.”

“Now what we have done. We just put all the options in front of you. You have to make the best decision. We have to help you with giving you all the choices and then upon that listen to your scolding’s” they said in unison and turned their attention to the TV.

As he opened his mouth to reply to them, his mobile rang.

“Hello Mom” Raj said climbing the stairs of his terrace.

“Son, what did you decide?” his mom asked anxiously.

“Mom, I am still young, I think... At least give me time to think... Please Mom next year” Raj said thinking of the fun he wanted to have in Goa with his friends this New Year.

He then talked about what all happened during the day and how much he missed her specialty dish Brinjal Curry! It was easy for him to convince his mom as he had been doing that since his childhood.

“Raj, how are you?” he heard his Dad’s strong voice when his Mom handed the phone to his Dad.

“I am fine Dad. How are you?”

“We are all fine here Son. So, what did you decide about your marriage? Your Mom had told you about it yesterday right?” his Dad asked, in his bulky voice.

Raj was unprepared for this and that too he never could stand up to his Dad’s voice.

He had no time to think and meekly replied, “Yes Dad, that’s fine with me”

As he said a YES without really knowing what he had said, he thought how romantic it would be to sit on that terrace holding his dear wife’s hand and looking into her eyes. He would then go on telling her all that happened in office and then she would share her daily story and then she would cook a nice dinner for him, may be the same Brinjal Curry which he missed badly, and they would have dinner together, looking into each other’s eyes just like in the romantic novel!

Thinking of a beautiful life lying ahead, he entered room.

“Dude, call the mess and order four Rice Plates” Ganesh said.

“Why the hell me?” Raj yelled.

“Because you have mobile in your hand. All of our mobiles are on charging” Santosh replied

“Shameless creatures!” Raj yelled at him

“Dude give me your mobile I will call” Santosh said snatching the mobile from Raj.

Raj gave him his mobile and walked into his bedroom, thinking how good the life would be when his wife would say, “Raj, dear, come for dinner, food is getting cold” instead of his roomies saying “Raj call the mess for dinner”

When the doorbell rang and Vishwa collected the food from the delivery man and called everyone for dinner, Raj came out of his room. All four of them sat together and started their dinner, planning for their weekend. They decided to go out on a car trip to nearby place and then a late night movie show. They even planned to go for a long drive till Maddur on Sunday noon just to taste the World famous Maddur Vada.

After dinner, as they were still discussing, another of their friend called in and keeping him on Loud Speaker they called him for the weekend trip and when that friend told his girlfriend will not allow him as they had already made plan for a movie and he would miss the trip; upon that when he added how his bachelor life had gone into her hands and he now missed those trips and weekend hang outs, something hit Raj on his head. Again his thoughts took a U-Turn.

As the day finally ended in their room and the lights were switched off, Raj closed his eyes and suddenly something flashed across in front of him –

Is this the right time?

I do welcome your suggestions, feedbacks and comments right below this space… It would just require a Gmail ID of yours…


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Chintu Said...

“I am happy for you Chintu” said Rohit, his manager, as the most hardworking perSon of the team stepped down from the stage receiving the highest award of the company from the Company’s CEO.

Everyone was still applauding and the sound of applause echoed all over the hall. He was happier than ever. Walking straight to the row where his parents were seated, he handed over the award to his Mom and smiled at her. Happier than him were his parents who hugged him with the same love and sat back in their seats, their head high up, with the proud their Son had brought them.

His teammates had already planned a celebration. They started dancing when he joined their group after the ceremony ended. The celebration went on. He seemed happy the whole weekend. Singing, jumping, appreciating his Mom’s skill at preparing his favorite sweet, discussing the state politics with his Dad, he spent his weekend.

The next day, Monday, when he walked to his seat, he received another round of applause from his teammates. He was now a star in his team, winning awards since three years and this time grabbing the most prestigious award!

He was his manager’s favorite choice for anything that came up. His juniors followed him, even tried to get his suggestions and as he was, Chintu always helped them. He was the jewel among his peers! Always jumping from his seat to help others, always extending his office hours and staying late to finish off the work, always providing the solution his client looked for, always giving out better ideas, always ready to login anytime he was needed. In short, his professional life was on a roll.

Out of the office, his personnel life was rocking too. He spent the evening with his parents, watched serials with them in the time he got while he was not working. During weekends, he used to hang out with friends.

His life went on following the same routine. Slowly the work load started increasing; he started putting in more hard work. He started spending more time on his work but still had enough of time for his personal life. As the load increased, his commitment increased. He was on a skate board without a break. Nothing could ever stop him.

“Chintu, come out lets have dinner” his Mom called him.

Chintu said, “Mom you please finish your dinner, I am still working. I will have later.”

“Chintu, you should first take care of your health Son. Have dinner and then work.”

Chintu said, “Mom please. This is very important. I will finish this and then I can freely eat all the Chapati’s you prepared today.”

His parents went ahead with their dinner and ever committed Chintu finished his work and had his dinner watching a movie on his laptop.

He even started missing his favorite shows on TV. Whenever his Dad called him to watch the show together, Chintu said, “Sorry Dad, you watch it today, I will join you tomorrow”

As his work went on, such scenes repeated. His work slowly started eating off his personal time.

It was Sunday and Chintu was busy with his work when his mobile rang.

“Hey Chandan how are you dude?”

“I am fine Chintu. How are you?”

“I am fine too. What’s special today?”

“Hey dude, we are planning for a movie. I am booking online now and calling everyone to confirm. 3 in, 2 to go.”

“Oh. I am really sorry Chandan. I can’t make it today.”

“What the hell? Why aren’t you coming?”

“I have some work Chandan”

“Oh don’t tell me. We are six and all of us are in the same damn software life. Come on lets enjoy Sunday. Do it over night.”

Chintu said, “No Chandan. I have taken up a new project recently and really cannot miss the deadlines. I am afraid of the deliveries and I just want to make sure I am not running behind.”

“Dude but you have the whole evening”

Chintu said, “Dude. I am sorry. I really cannot risk it”

He got back to his work and after a week, he was reading an Appreciation Mail from his client. He ran back home, took the remote and switched off the TV. His parents were looking at him in surprise while he logged in to his laptop and showed them his another achievement. That night his Mom again prepared his favorite dish.

As the days went on, Chintu still seemed happy. His career was rolling; his personal life was also rocking. But he was now spending more time on his work than with his personal life.

His Dad had noticed that Chintu had stopped discussing about the news and even reduced his reading time. He saw Chintu’s mind occupied with work all the time, even while he watched his favorite show, irregularly though. But he chose silence because he knew; Chintu was capable of rewinding the times. Chintu would return back to normal. He wanted Chintu to know where he was heading. He wanted Chintu to learn from experience rather than advises. He was like all other Dads, who always want their Son to be stronger than them.

Even his friends noticed Chintu had stopped hanging out with them and rarely joined them for parties and movies. He was always in a hurry, not much open out to the things happening around.

Slowly, he started becoming obsessed with work. He got addicted to the work. He started enjoying the work like a new life. Work replaced his hobbies to an extent where he logged in as soon as he reached home and spent his whole evening in front of his laptop. He started looking for more and more of his work. In short, work, which was a part of his life, now became his life.

It was a festival day and he had spent all of the morning in front of his laptop, few times interrupted by calls from his Dad for the Puja. Finally when his Mom called him for lunch, he came out of his room, hungry, and sat down at the table. He seemed happy when his Mom served him his favorite dish. As he was eating, silently, his Dad spoke, “Chintu, when you know what’s happening why are you letting it happen Son? We are happy with your achievements but not if it’s gobbling up your life. Look at your Mom, she is waiting.”

Chintu said, “Mom is waiting for what Dad?”

“Son, this is the first time you haven’t smiled at her appreciating how well she prepares your favorite sweet.”

Dads are the best builders in the world. They very well know when the structure is losing strength or when and which part of the structure needs a repair. Chintu’s Dad, who had let Chintu to rebuild himself, had now decided it was the time when Chintu had walked past the days where he would strengthen and correct himself.

Chintu silently looked at his plate and broke a piece of the sweet again. He slowly looked at it and put it in his mouth. As soon as he ate, the sweet, prepared with pure ghee, melted in his mouth. His eyes closed by themselves and he chewed it slowly, enjoying every single bit of that piece. He saw a rainbow in the sky, with his eyes closed, the sweet that was filling his appetite few seconds back was now mesmerizing all his senses. He enjoyed the taste, the smell of ghee, the way it melted as he chewed.

He quietly opened his eyes and looked at his mother. She was still waiting for his feedback. He smiled looking into her peaceful eyes and said, “Mom you are the best cook in the world. This is so nice. I am loving it Mom.”

She smiled serving him more sweet and started her lunch. Chintu tried his best but could not beat the tear that rolled out quickly from the corner of his eyes, as he realized his mother was waiting for him to start her own food. He turned at his Dad, who simply smiled and nodded his head. Chintu’s Dad was happy for he knew, now, the structure he built was now back with the original strength!

Chintu finished his lunch, ran into his room, and typed a mail to his manager with all the updates on his work. Then he took a couple of minutes to calculate the whole work he had and the time he still had in his hands to beat the deadline. He winked at his calculation and quickly typed another mail to his manager telling him of his absence for two days till the weekend.

He came back running into the dining hall where his parents were still busy cleaning up the table and asked them to get ready. With a surprised look on their face, they asked if they were going to any temple or was it a movie plan. He said “It’s a surprise; just pack your luggage for four days.”
Chintu had been driving the whole night from Bangalore. He had turned down his Dad to take the wheels whenever his Dad asked him to let him drive for a while. It was 6 AM when his Mom woke up and asked his Dad, “Where have we reached?”

“We are near Shimoga. We will be climbing the Ghats now amidst the forest.”

Hearing the word “Ghat” she suddenly opened her eyes widely and sat up straight. She started advising Chintu regularly monitoring the speedometer until he consoled her and promised her he wouldn’t cross the speed limit and he is still wide awake and can drive.

The next thought that came to her mind was why were they here and where were they headed.

“But Chintu, where are we going? At least now tell us the surprise”

“Yes Son. Tell us the place we are going” his Dad added.

“Mom, do you remember last month, you said you wanted to visit the temple near Shimoga and perform a Puja to the Lord Ganesha? I had turned down saying I was busy. Now your Son is free”

“But what about your work?” his Dad asked instantly

“Dad, don’t worry. I have done enough work and will keep doing. I had work then, I have work now. The only reason why I am free now is I learnt how to handle it.”

His Dad turned to his left looking out of the window, his head again with proud and smiled at the trees staring at their car.

His Mother smiled and could not stop herself from moving ahead and hitting Chintu’s head with love. She then turned to her husband and said, “See, our Son is the best. We love you Chintu!”
Chintu tried his best, again, to stop a tear from flowing out of his eyes but, ’Nothing can stop a flowing river and a rolling tear and its best to let them free!

His Dad continued, “Congrats Chintu, you bagged another award!”

Chintu chose silence to enjoy the moment and rolled down the window pane. The cool air that blew in on his face freshened him. He heard the birds chirping, probably the early risers who had just started flying out of their nests. He saw the trees and their leaves oscillating with the wind. The air carried the purest of the Oxygen with a blend of the smell of wet mud. The roads were still wet with a rain few hours back. With each ray of sun forcing its way between the dense cover of leaves and breaking down the walls of a romantic fog, a lovely dawn walked in.

As Chintu took a turn at a curve, he noticed a small tent with a thin smoke rising up into the air. He saw the bench in front of the tent occupied by an old man sipping tea, lost in himself. Another man was busy preparing more tea, praying for more travelers to stop by his shop. Chintu slowed down his car and stopped it in front of the shop. Turning back to his parents he asked them for tea.
They both agreed with him and stepped out happily for a cup of tea. All three of them walked towards the shop. As they both sat on an empty bench facing the man, Chintu went to the man preparing tea and got three cups of hot tea. He walked back with the tea and handed the cups to his parents.

He then took a nice look around him. It was a dense forest and the greenery surrounded him everywhere his eyes could focus. The tall tress smiled at him as he smiled back at them. Every leaf of every tree wished him a good morning. The slowly but continuously blowing cool breeze kissed his cheeks every time it blew past him. The shining Sun rays stroke his eyes as he tried to beat them by staring at them, but he had to blink. While his parents looked at his game of blinking, they looked at each other, smiled, and said, “Chintu is still the same. Playing with the Sun rays”

Chintu, lost in his own world, now looked at the nearest leaf on the tree next to him. It was clear enough, as the fog had by now turned thinner. He noticed a small drop of water playing on that leaf. It shone as a pearl, when a ray hit it. The drop moved to the left when the wind blew and back to its original position when the wind stopped. This game continued until the wind paused for a minute and drop finally came back to its original position and shone again. The leaf was now bending down and the earth’s gravity was pulling the drop towards it. The brightly shining pearl now reached the end of the leaf and started falling down. Something held it up attached to the leaf edge but earths try continued. It still shone but was now tangling by the leaf edge and was being oscillated by the wind with a thin fog in its background. Finally earth won, with the drop leaving the leaf and dropping down onto the earth kissing it.

Chintu smiled childishly and sipped the hot tea from his cup. He smelled the tea and then the earth and feeling the pure air closed his eyes. Raising his head up, still smelling the pure air and enjoying the sunrays hitting his eye lids, he let the cool morning breeze blow against his face.

Chintu was happy!

Opening his eyes, after a moment, he turned to his parents who were looking happily at him and asked them if he could tell them something.

“Yes Son, please go ahead” they replied in unison.

Chintu said, “Mom, Dad, Life is Beautiful! I love you both for giving me this wonderful life!”


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!!

What a lovely Sunday the brilliantly shining Sun has brought in for us! Along with this Sunday comes the celebration of Mother’s Day!

Mother – What a lovely word it is and what a lovely world it makes!

A small kid playing on the ground falls down, gets hurt, he bends down to see the bruise on his knee and gets more afraid seeing the tiny drops of blood that have started popping out. Silently a word, “Ah Mom” comes out of his mouth and there along with it comes in all the strength. He gets up again, whisks the mud from his shorts and starts playing again like nothing ever happened.

A young man has been working all day in front of his laptop, he has gone crazy, has been hungry all day, the mental pressure has drowned him down, his mind has stopped working, the whole world is driving him nuts, he closes his eyes, stretches back and silently says, “Ah Mom” and from nowhere a peace sinks in his mind. He feels a cool wind blowing on his face. Slowly he gathers up his broken mind. He is still the same guy with all the pressure, but now is facing all that with a reborn strength.

A sweet little girl is about to walk onto the stage and face her first singing competition. She is scared, nervous, eyes wide open, trying to recollect the lines of the song she is about to sing in a minute. She gets up from her chair, walks nervously and steps on the stage. Standing in front a huge audience, holding the microphone, she closes her eyes for a second, gulps in the saliva, clears her throat and silently says, “Ah Mom” and when she opens her eyes, no audience is sitting in front of her. She sees her mother smiling at her and nodding to start her song. The girl, cutely smiles, all her worries gone with the wind, starts her song looking into the beautiful eyes of her mother until she hears the loud claps of the audience mesmerized by her singing talent.

A young woman, recently married, enters the kitchen of her in-laws for the first time. It’s a tough exam for her. The guests from the marriage are still at home, all of them eagerly waiting to judge her. The next hour can be anything, words full of praise or words of advises. The nervousness is shaking her. She is alone, all alone facing a whole army. She feels blindfolded in the new place. As she starts preparing tea for the guests, she holds the hot vessel of boiling milk with her hand, gets her finger burnt. A tear drops in her eyes as she is looking helplessly for the sugar. She forgets the count of tea powder that she has to add to prepare the perfect tea that her mother had taught her. She closes her eyes, and shouts in her mind, “Ah Mom, why aren’t you here?” and she opens up her eyes when she hears, “I am with you my beautiful daughter” She smiles gaining all the confidence. Suddenly she doesn’t feel the burn on her finger. Now her mother is guiding her in preparing her best ever tea. Out she takes the tray with the cups filled with tea and feels relieved when the guests get lost in their dream sipping the tea. She silently turns at the door of the kitchen where her mother is standing smiling at her.

All four of these are now thinking about the miracle that saved them and miles away back at home, their mothers have been praying every breath of their day to the Almighty to protect their children. This is the power of the word MOTHER! The amount of love it has got in it, the whole world of peace, the healing power, pond full of care, all these make this word magical! The word, MOTHER, no matter what time it is and what situation we are in, makes us feel happier; it cools down our burning mind, softens our heavy heart.

A young man is all broken, shattered to pieces, lost his strength to face the world. The whole world has turned its back upon him; mocking him on his failure. He is sinking deep down in a well with no rope to pull him up. The only place he finds is his mother’s lap to rest. As he rests on his mother’s lap, he feels the peace overcoming his grief. Slowly he is finding himself strong enough to face the challenges. His mother is silent but silently putting in the strength in him. He wakes up to face the world. He is now the strongest man in the world. He takes upon the whole world, wins it and is now the reigning king. As he is about to sleep on the softest bed, he closes his eyes and prays, “Thank God, You saved me!”

Up in the sky, God smiles and says, “You fool, thank your mother, she was the one who saved you, she was the one woke up all night praying for you and look at her now, she is asking me not to tell you all that she did for you!”

Our lovely mothers, who start their day early just to make our days the way we want, who change the amount of spice in their food just to prepare it in the right way we want it, who wake up all night just to bring out the right percentages in our results, who forgets their own tablets when sick but checks in if we have blanket on us when slept, who only wish that we return home safely while we are partying at a restaurant in the other end of the town, who stay miles away from us yet deep in their heart keep waiting for our calls, who never grow old enough to forget asking their children if they have had their lunch, who silently sit at the dining table smiling, waiting with water, as their children are hurrying up on the food just to run out for games and what not. You just name a thing and our mothers have done that for us.

There have been innumerable quotes on Mothers and even noting down all of them would not be enough in wishing our sweet mothers. Mother Parvathi’s adamant wish in bringing her son Ganesha back to life is an example of the power of love a mother possesses for her children. This is one thing that we have been hearing to and reading. But when we look back in our own lives, we can write down millions of such examples of our mother’s love. The way mothers find out we are in trouble by just looking at us, the way they figure out our bad health by just hearing our “hello” over the phone, what can they be made of? A never drying pond of the Amrita, a never eroding solid rock of Love, a never ending world of Care!

I bet mother has been the best creation of Almighty till now. I don’t challenge his creative capabilities, but I do feel, nothing more good is left out to add up and make a creation that would even match up to our mothers. The softest of the softest hearts, the kindest of the kindest love, the sweetest of the sweetest care; dear mothers how could you all be so wonderful. There is kindness in each of your actions; there is care in each of your words. How could you be so strong and yet so loving.

I doubt if ever my Mom has ever taken a break and rested, and I do bet it’s the same case with all the other Moms. What keeps them going? What makes them smile while preparing the early breakfast for their children or what makes them tireless when they ask us for our dinner wish list? What makes them kind enough to pardon every mistake we have been making? What makes them strong enough to protect us from every possible thing in the world? How could Almighty ever create something better than himself?

How lucky would our Sunday be, if we cancel all our appointments, stay back at home the whole day with our lovely Moms, cook breakfast for her, save her some rest, have a nice lunch with her, enjoy the smile on her face as she takes a nap, make a cup of coffee for her when she is enjoying her serials, be ready with the glass water for her when she is having her supper! Ah, that would be the best day of our lives!

This poem is for all you Sweet Moms, busy making another wonderful Sunday for us…

The kiss you gave me on my forehead
While staying awake all night beside my bed
And your warm caring blanket
Were powerful than the doctor’s tablet

The air you blew on my wound
When I came hurt from the ground
The prayers you showered
Into the exam hall, when I walked

Your never ending care
As I grew taller in the air
Your eyes filled with miracles
Always help me in my obstacles

Your kind heart and unselfish love
Score top, up all above
Beating aside all my special things
Mom you are the sweetest of all my blessings!

Dearest Mothers,
We all children join together in wishing you all a wonderful healthy life!!
Your smile is the powerhouse of our energy; your love is the storehouse of our strength!!
Happy Mother’s Day!!

This Day to My Dear Amma,

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Yep! It’s the Doordarshan day today!

By the way it would be a nice nostalgic walk for all of us. I meant for those who loved Mowgli, Swami, Renuka Sahane’s smile, the voice of “Mein Samay Hun” from Mahabharat, the skills of Byomkesh Bakshi, the songs from Rangoli and many more. And for others who missed the fun of that era, it would be a nice ride on the slide.

It was fun growing up in the 80s and the 90s. We had limited choices but all of them were full of life. The same stands with the TV. We had one nice channel and few little sweet programs being aired then. Those not only left us with time to spend time on other things but also made sure we never glued overselves to the Idiot Box with the remote in hand being utilized to its fullest. And when glued, they made sure, we enjoyed and also learnt!

When we sit back, relax and stop our brain for a moment to think about Doordarshan, the second thing that would flash across our mind would be our favorite serial. The first thing would obviously be the Doordarshan logo and the Doordarshan tune!

Mahabharat has been one of the most prominent serial to be aired on TV. The huge colorful set, the Kurukshetra war when the whole of the screen filled with people, the ever smiling Lord Krishna, the win of Pandavas, Duryodhan’s hatred, Bheema’s power, Karna’s unsung heroism and the mysterious Samay. If I woke up early on Sunday’s that would be only to get fresh and sit in front of the TV at sharp 9 AM for word Mahabharat to form on the screen with thousands of people indulged in war at the background followed by a loud “Mahaaaaabhaaaratt”. I had always wondered who the Samay was, and behind which star he hid (when the voice of Samay came in, the screen showed a picture of Universe, with stars and few planets and a chariot wheel rotating at the center) I used to think Samay to be one of the greatest fellow who knew everything, obviously if he knew what's happening and that too about the Mahabharat then he ought to know everything, even the questions that would appear in the next tests! Now to add a small GK onto your DD Knowledge, the voice of that mysterious Samay was given by Harish Bhimani, a well-known voice artist. Not to forget the famous Ramayan from Ramanad Sagar which added up in the mythological section. This serial, at its peak, was so famous that the whole nation would be in front of the Television watching the peaceful Ram.  

When I recollect my memories of those days, two of my favourites were Malgudi Days and The Jungle Book. Malgudi Days was a brilliant work from non-other than the well-known Kannada actor and director Shankar Nag based on the works of one of the finest writer India has seen, R.K. Narayan. If you go back and read R.K. Narayan’s work, you would believe how sweetly these two great men brought to life a complete village with full of us, common men. The daily life problems of common people and the mixed taste of fun and pain from them will probably be never so clearly depicted. The naughty Swaminathan still keeps running in front of our eyes when the catchy score of Malgudi Days plays in our mind – “Thaana Na Naana” by L. Vaidyanathan. Ah! I still love that more than any of the songs released recently.

You ought to believe me, if I say I took a break just now went back to YouTube, searched it, listened to it and came back! And just for you, my near dear readers, I will list down links of few select scores which by now you would want to listen to.

Moving onto my next favorite – The Jungle Book, the animated series based on the collection of stories by Rudyard Kipling. If you ever watched it, you will obviously have loved it. So let me directly ask you a question. Who was your favorite? Was it Mowgli, the hero of the show, Bhageera - the black panther always saving everyone, Baloo – Mowgli's best friend, Kaa – the python with amusing face, Raksha – Mowgli's wolf mother, Shere Khan – the bad tiger whose voice was given by Nana Patekar. Yes, Nana Patekar was behind the scenes when you were afraid and also angry on Shere Khan when he threatened Mowgli! Even this serial had a brilliant catchy score, written by Gulzaar, starting as – “Jungle jungle baat chali hai pata chala hai… Arre chaddi pehen ke phool khila hai phool khila hai…”

When we have started remembering about the good old days of Doordarshan can we afford forgetting Rangoli? No ways! You switch on Doordarshan at sharp 8 AM and there you can watch Shweta Tiwari smiling at you reading a letter from one of the fan requesting for an old gold song. Yes, true, in your nostalgic memory screen it will be Dreamgirl Hema Malini smiling! Within minutes, she moves away with the screen showing an old song to which you would definitely start humming to sipping your hot tea. What a start to your Sunday! Of course followed by reading the Sunday Readers! :D

If these beauties smiled in morning, Renuka Sahane came on screen with her cute smile during the evening along with Siddharth Kak, also the creator, in the greatest show Surabhi a.k.a Amul Surabhi. I know you would be remembering the score of Surabhi, with the tabla playing at the background and little parts of Indian culture flowing on the foreground. It has its entry in the Limca Book of Records for receiving the largest measured audience response ever in the history of Indian Television! Amazing! Isn't it? I myself along with my brother, who of course was the one to give me the answers, have responded to their Aaj Ka Sawaal, but never won though. I bet on the hard work of the entire team in reaching out to different parts and people of India and bringing out the hidden culture of the country. It was one show that taught a lot and at the same time kept entertaining people.

Andhera Kaayam Rahe – a trademark quote from Kilvish, the archenemy of our Hero, Shaktiman still keeps ringing in our ears. The way Shaktiman flew, did miracles, solved problems, saved people, saved the city, all of his qualities amused us in childhood days. Right when we were amused by his talents and tried holding our right arm up in the air and swirl around just like him, there used to come the cute irritating Pandit Gangadhar Vidyadhar Mayadhar Omkarnath Shastri. I agree we all have grown up, grown smart, in the age of Iron Man 3, but still back in our childhood days, Shaktiman was our real hero!

Byomkesh Bakshi, a simple yet smart detective always mesmerized me when he solved witty cases just by observing what others failed to and thinking differently. Though the series seems to be influenced by Sherlock Holmes, it gave a pure Indian touch to the cases and the detective skills.

Coming on to the Family Drama section, can the Indian Television Industry ever forget the first Indian soap opera – Hum Log? It brought in a whole new life to the Television history setting in a new era of family dramas, emotions, daily struggles, aspirations of middle class families. In short, a glimpse of a common man’s daily life. It was neatly scripted and beautifully enacted by the cast and was specially narrated by Ashok Kumar. To add upon the spice, Dekh Bhai Dekh was another serial a comic series depicting the life of the three generations of the Diwan Family and the daily fun that goes on inside their Bungalow. I feel this is one serial that brought in a whole package of Joint Family with all different characters living together loving each other.

Besides these, there have been many top serials in Doordarshan that have been having the highest TRP during those times. While the serials like Chanakya, The Sword of Tipu Sultan gave a fine historical education to the people; Gul Gushan Gulfaam, Shanti, Swabhimaan and many others entertained people with the drama; the ones like Vikram Aur Betaal, Sindabad the Sailor, Chandrakanta, Captain Vyom, Disney Hour (with Dusktales, TaleSpin, Aladdin, Quack Pack etc etc etc) kept the children glued to TVs until they got scoldings to finish off the boring homeworks!

How about the comedy serials like Mungerilaal Ke Haseen Sapne, Wagle Ki Duniya, Tu Tu Main Main, Nukkad and many others including Jaspal Bhatti’s Flop Show.  All these showed a neat meaningful comedy and a perfect hint of humor and made us laugh out of our troubles and tensions. We adapted to this humor and became obsessed with the way these great guys made us forget our tensions, brought out the laughter in us. Tenali Rama was so talented and taught us a completely different and humorous way of looking at problems and issues.

There have even been many detectives who walked on the television screen beside Byomkesh Bakshi, like Vijay Anand in Tehkikat along with Saurabh Shukla as Gopichand adding a humorous touch to the show. How many of you, as kids, taught eating carrot would help in solving the mysterious cases just like Karamchand? If these guys were the greatest detectives of Doordarshan, kids also matched up with these guys in the series, Ek Do Teen Char! Chaaro milke saath chale toh karde chamatkar!

The romantic hero of Bollywood, who now rules the Silver Screen, Shahrukh Khan, was once the cutest face of the TV playing his part as Abhimanyu Rai in Fauji and Raghavan in Circus, both serials being very fine entertainers.

All in all, Doordarshan not only was just a channel, it was a part of our life. It covered every section of the society and brought in a program for every age. It was always educational and always worked on entertaining people with neat and pure work. While it showcased the Indian culture one day, it entertained the kids other day, if it kept the people busy with its drama; it sent them on a chase along with its mysteries. If people cried with a show, they laughed their stomachs out from the fun on the screen. It was an era of real television, a time when ads were aired between the serials and not vice versa as of today’s age. I do agree time changes, competition come in, we have to keep running along with the changing time but once a gold always a gold! It Never Rusts!

The same Doordarshan taught us many nice things. This channel has been so down to earth that it even brought in the famous serial Krishi Darshan for spreading a lot of useful information to the farmers! To add upon all these, the most famous, Mile Surr Mera Tumhara, sung by prominent figures of India including Pandit Bhimsen Joshi was promoted by Doordarshan! It always portrayed the true India and the real Indian lives. It still is thriving hard to make a stand among the other wealthy channel that have zoomed high above it.

Life moves on, time flows on, changes come in, pages turn over, we switch on the channels from our remote but memories never change nor even fade away. The Doordarshan logo will still be first thing I can recover from my mind when I search for ‘logos of Indian channels’ in my memory!

Leaving you all into your Nostalgia…

As I Promised –
  1.      List of Doordarshan Serials (because I am sure I have not recapped all the serials of Doordarshan and may even have missed few of your favourites but the fault is of my limited memory)

    2.     Doordarshan’s Signature Tune

    3.     Malgudi Days ( my favorite )

    4.     The Jungle Book

    5.     Ramayan

    6.     Amul Surabhi

    7.     Mahabharath

    8.     Mile Surr Mera Tumhara

    9.     Dekh Bhai Dekh

    10.  Gul Gulshan Gulfaam

    11.  Vikram Aur Betaal

    12.  Ducktales