Saturday, September 28, 2013

God Said...

As the man opened his eyes, the first ray of the sun that hit his eyes teased him and the second ray that hit his eyes yelled at him to wake up and start another wonderful day. The other rays just kept echoing that statement.

He smiled at the bright sunny day and thanked God for providing another great chance to set right the wrongs and to mend all the possible ways to avoid any more wrongs. With a wide smile he stepped out of his cozy bed and walked to the restroom rubbing his eyes. It just took a quick couple of minutes for him to get fresh and slid out the curtains on the windows. More sunlight stepped in and lighted the room.

He then walked into the kitchen and prepared a cup of coffee. The first sip that he tasted confirmed him that he just got better at making coffee. It only helped him improve his mood. The caffeine was working right and triggering his nerves and helping him to get ready for that day. He then walked towards the door, holding the cup of coffee and opened the door. Bending down and picking up the news paper as he turned around to get into the house, he saw that gave him a shock of lifetime.

The lock on the door was broken and there were two sharp shots on the edge of the wooden door, from a sharp tool, one just above the lock and another bit above the first one, which clearly explained everything. There was no need to say anything else. The broken lock and the two shots clearly said that there was an uninvited guest at door the last night when he was peacefully sleeping.

As is usual, it took a moment for him to first realize the situation and then a whole of a bunch of minutes to cope up with what had happened. When he had finished realizing the situation and his mind had stabilized, he started checking the door in detail. One thing was confirmed, the door was still standing strong. Only the lock was broken and everything else seemed fine. He had only one thing to be satisfied of now, everything inside the house was safe and the door was still strong. But the smile on his face had faded already, taking the cheerfulness along with it. There was a blank expression on his face and his wide open clueless eyes just helped him look scared. And yes, he was scared.

He now had a bad start to a good day. Walking inside the house with the cup of coffee still in his hand and the news paper in the other hand he sat down quietly on the cushion with a mind that was not able to think of anything. Finally when he shook his head and took decision of getting the lock repaired he felt back to life and started thinking on various other things. As he looked at the coffee, calculating the various ifs and buts, he observed that the coffee had cooled down and the cream was floating on top of the coffee.

It was now the time when he had regained his consciousness and was out of the shock. He started thinking of everything and started yelling at God for everything that had happened. God had caused the robber to select his house, he had helped robber break his lock, and he had helped to break the security. It was all because of God. The coffee had turned cold, he could not read the news paper, his day was spoiled, he now had to be more careful with the security, he had to get the lock repaired, he could not spend the rest of the day as planned, he had a tornado hit his mind and just what not.

The man was now growing angry with every thought passing through his mind. He was now on the edge of yelling loudly at God, the same God whom he had thanked an hour before for a wonderful day. And yes, he was right, as the same God had now ruined his day. He asked every question coming onto his mind and it seemed there was no response from anywhere.

Finally he said, “I always pray. I always believe you, I follow you. I am the one who is always breathing because I think you are the one in air giving life to me and now you are hiding? After doing all this to your follower? Good. Where were you when the robber was trying to break open the door?”

There was no response!

He started his daily activities, getting the lock repaired, setting up more security and all other stuffs that took his whole day. Finally with a heartless meal he decided to skip into sleep earlier than regular. But as he closed, the only thought of the broken lock project in front of his eyes and miraculously he was able to see it with closed eyes, as clear as ever.

Rolling onto every possible side he tried his best to sleep, but the hard he tried the more he lost his sleep.

And at last he lost and opened up his eyes. The first thing he saw was a picture of God placed in front of his bed. He frowned and asked, “Just tell me where were you when all this happened? Don’t you love me?”

And then God said, “I love you very much. That’s the only reason I was in the Door when this all happened. You could afford to lose a broken lock but I could never see you suffering with a broken door and lost things. Good night my son!


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Facebook and the Final-look

As I said a big “NO” and raised my hand to push the empty plate in front of me, Chandu stood up and walked straight towards the corner behind me to get a jug of water.

I looked at all three rascals and none of their faces showed any particular response to my “NO”

I felt proud of myself that I had brought an end to the discussion, successfully. Without again allowing anything to come out of their mouth, I said, “Lets go to class”

“No ways. This is the boring period of this semester. I wont come and sit in that class” Harsha said.

“Even me” Kums added.

“Fine then. Lets sit here. I will directly go to the Lab after break.” I said, sliding my ass on the chair and making myself comfortable enough to sit for another hour.

After waiting for a response from Santosh, I turned at him just to notice he was busy playing game in his mobile. That itself gave his answer.

We remained unmoved for a whole of two minutes with utmost silence until Chandu came and placd the jug of water on the table and then all four of us bent forward and tried grabbing the jug.

Harsha was the lucky one drinking the water first when Chandu said, “I knew this. That’s why I drank water and then got the jug.”

“Awesome idea. I always knew you are the most intelligent among us” Santosh said in a sarcastic tone.
Once everyone drank water and emptied the jug, the silence fell again on the table. Each person got busy with either mobile or a short nap. I too decided taking a nap and closed my eyes resting my neck on the edge of the chair support behind me. As soon as I closed my eyes, the same picture came in front of me. The same cute smile and the same bright red top!

I tried closing the screens of my eyes but it seemed her picture was pasted on the inner side of the screen!

“Smile smile. You bugger. Thinking of Kajal right?” I heard Kums voice as I opened my eyes and stared at him.

The unknown smile on my face had not gone unnoticed. I just stared at him and nodded my head and closed my eyes again. No one seemed to react to that, who knew they might have already fell asleep. Closing my eyes, I started thinking of all the possibilities of the friend request I had sent just few hours back and it seemed like a whole long year to me. The wait was just getting longer and my nerves were getting tighter with the tension building up. Hadnt I ever cared so much for my results, I would have atleast grabbed a FCD.

“Anyone wants coffee?” Santosh said as I opened my eyes from a short nap.

“You are my best buddy” Chandu said grinning.

“Hell with your buddy. I will take money from you. Coffee is not free.” Santosh yelled looking at me.

“I need a strong one” I said


“No. Coffee”

“Ok. Wake up that bugger and ask him” Santosh said, walking towards the counter.

Hitting on Harsha’s shoulder I looked at my watch and calculated it was just 10 minutes for the college break. I had slept for half hour. I had never thought anyone could get such a peaceful nap in cafeteria and it would beat the library in peace. But in 10 minutes it would be filled with every student of the college and every annoying noise and every silly gossip and every nonsense chats all of which make the best memorable moments of college life.

As I sipped the hot coffee, though my tongue abused me for burning it, my brain thanked me for waking it.

Before I could finish my coffee, I started hearing all sorts of noises and in a while the shole of cafeteria filled up students. I got up and got two plates of Veg Pulav for us and sat back in the same chair. All five of us started eating from the two plates without talking much. When the plates were empty, we again sat back and relaxed.

It was Santosh who broke the silence on our table, “Look there. Kajal with her friends.”

I suddenly opened my eyes and searched everywhere.

All of them laughed and Santosh said, “And you said NO just an hour back?”

Giving him a stern stare I kept my mouth shut.

“Ok fine. We got to know the truth and being your friends we will help you. Don’t worry” he said

“And that is what I don’t want. Buggers!” I said.

“Look at the table after the counter” he said again

I slid back and sat staright and moved my eyes to the table after the counter and there she was sitting with her group. Though she sitting exactly opposite to me she was either bending her head down or turning towards her friends. I kept on looking at her without caring of any of the bugger sitting with me.

Her soft right hand was holding the spoon which was full of homemade rice as she lifted it until her mouth. The two beautiful lips parted for the rice and she started chewing the rice, turning towards her friend who was sitting to her left and was speaking continuously. As she turned left, her ear ring that was tangling from her right ear shone reflecting the sun ray falling on it towards my heart. She smiled listening to her friend and her cute dimple on her right cheek was clearly visible.

I kept on staring at her dumbly without even blinking my eyes till she finished her lunch and sat back. Her friend was still busy talking about a gossip and Kajal was just smiling. All the 15 minutes I never saw her talk. I enjoyed every moment she made.

I grew restless as her friend stopped talking and Kajal bent down to check her mobile. The one minute that passed seemed a whole long hour until she raised her head again.

Raising her head she looked directly to her front and saw me staring at her without any shame.

I was not sure if she noticed me or not, but she turned towards her friend and then again a small discussion started among them.

Within seconds she again turned at me and looked at me. I was a little far from her but I was sure she had caught me staring at her; else there was no need of second look. Especially when no one was sitting in between us facing towards her nor there was any table behind me.

My doubt turned into belief when she frowned and her eyes grew smaller as though she was warning me to stop my stare. Quickly, I guess for the first time, I blinked my eyes and bent down. But how far could I control? I raised my head again and looked at her. She was now looking at her friend and was talking to her. But, as soon as she stopped talking she again turned towards me and gave a sudden shocked look noticing me still staring at her.

Watching me stare at her without even blinking she was growing nervous or may be just wanted to escape my stare. I tried looking away from her but her smile, her black eyes, two curved eyebrows and those little pink lips kept my eyes glued to her charming face.

Suddenly she got up and said something to friends. They all got up and within a second it was my turn to grow nervous. Before I could realize my situation, they all turned towards the stairs and started walking towards the stair.

I felt sick of myself for spoiling everything but was still staring at her as she walked and legs crossed each other while her hairs neatly tied behind her swayed everytime she stepped ahead. Just before she stepped down the stairs she turned back and looked at me.

Even though I was an idiot who coudnt make out what that meant or what the best option to do was, my heart did one thing that I can never forget. It typed a command passed the command to my brain. My brain compiled the command within nanosecond and executed it. As soon as the command was executed, the ends of my lips rose slowly and my lips curved to make a smile on my face.

As I smiled, she blinked twice and turned away. She again turned back at me and I could notice the smallest of the smile that was trying hard to carve out on her face in spite of her hiding it. Her eyes were now blushing and I could clearly say they had turned lot friendlier than they were just few seconds back. Her smile grew wider while her cheeks grew brighter with a definite mark of blush as she turned away, again, and stepped down the stairs with one final look at me.

I logged in again after my dinner, with a tensed mind. As soon as I logged in and my Facebook page opened, I saw 3 new notifications. Clicking on the icon brought down the list of new notifications and I saw the top most one saying Kajal accepted your friend request. Without even observing anything else I just clicked on her picture and her Facebook wall opened. There again was profile picture! 

As my heart was now dancing all around the room, I clicked on her profile picture and enlarged it and she was again looking at me with a smile and eyes again gave me that one final sweet look!


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Facebook…Scrolled Down…

My eyes opened up as the bright sun shined high in the sky sending his army of rays towards me from the open window. Lazily, I rolled onto the other side and closed my eyes again. But then again, the thought of college pinched my sleepy brain waking it up.

When I unlocked the mobile to check time, something flashed my mind. I had sent Kajal a friend request. Abruptly I got up and sat biting my fingers. Even forgetting the time, I logged into Facebook. Every passing millisecond took an inch of my finger nails. And then, there opened the page of Facebook on my mobile screen with no new updates!

I thought I would now eat my whole finger but stopped with one good thought. If I sleep at 2 in the night doesn’t mean Kajal should also remain awake till that late time at night. She might have slept before I sent her the request and then its morning, time to run to college. She wouldn’t have had yet checked my friend request.

Like every poor boy does, I too consoled my poor heart with some stupid reason and a nice thought to support it!

Finally with a forced smile on my face I got ready, obviously taking a bath, and kick started my bike. It was 8:50 AM when I entered the college campus. I parked my bike and started walking towards our building when Santosh called my name. I turned back to look where he was. Bugger was still on bike. I waited for him at the corner where main road turns to its right into parking lot and another left road from there leads to the main building of the college. Though I was waiting for him, my eyes were desperately searching for someone. I looked everywhere for her but couldn’t find even a single face as cute as hers. I felt a hard pat on my back while I was engrossed in looking for her.

“Rascal” I shouted, turning back at Santosh.

“I know your name” he said grinning wickedly at me.

Sincerely, we both started walking towards the main building of our college. Once inside the main building, we took the corridor and walked straight towards the dead end and stepped out to the cafeteria.

“Which period are we bunking?” I asked him.

“Some electronics class. Don’t worry I have 90% attendance.”

“Damn you. What about me?” I said jumping two steps at a time climbing the stairs of the cafeteria to reach the first floor, where normally our gang hangs out.

He dint reply and I dint care for his reply. As we reached the first floor and walked towards the corner of cafeteria, I saw Harsha and Chandu gobbling up the Dosas. I walked straight towards them and took a chair beside Harsha.

“Do you also want one?” Santosh yelled from the counter.

“Yep” I replied back and winked at Chandu.

He was busy eating and dint even thought of spending time to wish me back. It was the same case with me after 5 minutes when Santosh walked with two plates of hot Masala Dosas and I started eating.

While I was still busy gobbling the Dosa, Kums walked in.

Sitting exactly in front of me he asked, “So Vish, why so early today?”

Making a ‘just shut your mouth’ look I took in the last piece of Dosa in my mouth.

“What do you mean?” Harsha asked

“Ask him” Kums said again with his widest smile.

Sensing something spicy, all three of them sat straight turning at me.

Taking a look at each of them, I raised my eyebrows and my shoulders asking them, “What?”

“Why did you come early?” they asked together.

“This is the time I come daily” I said

“No there is something special. Tell me Kums” Santosh said.

“Do you guys know Kajal”

“Our junior. That silent girl with a cute smile, who always sits in the first row of the class and always attends the college forum. Red scooty. Always in group of those two other girls. Thos two girls keep roaming the city everyday in evening between 5 PM till 6 PM.” Harsha exclaimed just like being an encyclopedia of college girls.

“How the hell do know about that?” Chandu raised his voice.

“This is called general knowledge” Harsha replied winking at him.

“Heights man! You and your nonsense business” Chandu said, although it seemed at sometime he would want some information from Harsha.

“Stop it guys. Kums tell what happened to Kajal?” Santosh said.

Looking at him I guessed he was happy with his decision of bunking the class and sitting here listening to some spicy discussion.

“This guy, our poor Vish, called me yesterday evening after seeing my Like on her profile picture and asked me if I knew Kajal.”

“But how do you know her?” asked all three in unison.

I was dumbstruck! Typical boys’ behavior!

The most important thing for them is girls! Always!

“Why the hell should I tell you?” he asked with an arrogant look.

As I was sheepishly looking at him, Santosh slapped him at the back of his head and said, “Now just shut your hell and tell us.”

“Ok. Ok. It was to be Vish’s session. Not mine.” Kums said, scratching the back of his head.

Now I got why everyone had bunked the class! They all had discussed this yesterday itself and were all well prepared to take my session today.

“I know her because one of my cousins is her close friend. That’s it” he said, “now back to Vish”

“Now tell us, did you send her a friend request yesterday?” Kums asked.

“No” with such a dare that even the lie detector would have failed to catch me.

“Then why did you want details of her?”

“I never asked any details. I just asked how you knew her. Just the same way these buggers asked you now.”

“Why did you say yes when I asked if you had a crush on her?”

“Just to get the details which I wanted”

“Don’t lie” Harsha said.

“Why the hell will I lie? I just saw this bugger liking her picture and I grew curious to know how this useless crap got to know that silent girl”

“Awesome! You guys got all the detail from me and now I am a crap?” Kums said dropping his shoulders and sliding back into the chair.

“You are one big useless crap, that part is true. No need to over react on that” Chandu said.

I thought finally I was spared and they would leave me now when suddenly Harsha asked, “But you never asked anyone about any girl. Why only Kajal?”

“That’s right. Ask him that.” Kums said raising back in his chair, now.

“Yes. Why did you call him to ask about a girl? What’s the secret behind asking only about her?” Santosh asked.

I looked at all of them and none of their eyes were ready to spare me.

“I felt strange about this crap being her friend and called him. What’s so strange in that?”

“Something is wrong” Chandu said

“Ofcourse! That too you called on Sunday night.” Harsha said.

“What’s so special in Sunday night?” Chandu and Santosh asked him curiously.

“Who the hell knows? Yesterday was Sunday and so I said Sunday night.” Harsha replied raising his shoulders and spreading his arms, slowly moving them back to support his head.

“Don’t crack PJs now” Santosh said and turned towards me.

“Guys. Enough of it all. I was just curious and had nothing to do. Just called up this guy and asked him. What’s the big deal?” I asked raising my voice.

“Do you have a crush on Kajal? Yes or No? Just tell us that” Chandu asked, finally.

“No” I said smiling calmly at all of them.

To be continued…