“A child’s smile is like a ray of
sunshine on a cloudy day” – Anonymous
How true the saying is. When we
see any kid smiling, it instantly strikes a chord within our hearts and we end
up smiling too. If, in case, the muscles in our face are rigid enough to resist
a smile, they at least loosen up a bit allowing a calmness flow across our face!
Whatever the tension is that is
bothering us, how much ever stress we are in and whatever mood we are dealing
with; a quick glance at a child’s innocent face filled with pure joy and sweet
smile topped up with those cute twinkling eyes, we feel a hint of heaven
touching our souls. We feel happy seeing children happy; no doubt their
smiles have the power to defeat our tensions and worries. Even in midst of our
worst worries if we go and play or even share a moment or even watch a small
kid enjoying his/her game (which will be completely out of our scope) we feel
peace within ourselves.
- Fully tired in office when we get back and a child comes running into our arms, the stress just vaporizes away!
- A bad mood and a terrible headache? One quick glance at a kid’s smile and the mood switches instantly!
- Feeling down with the whole world sitting on your head? Spending few minutes and caring for a child and receiving a whole hearted acknowledgement and an incomparable love back we feel the most awesome person alive!
- Never smiled or laughed since weeks? Sharing a moment with a kid making him/her happy and watching him/her enjoy the moment we end up smiling childishly.
- Mind messed up with all kinds of unsolvable thoughts? One moment spent with a child sharing his/her joy in that silly meaningless game and we feel peace at heart.
- Feel like bursting with anger or falling down with sorrow? A mild noise of a child’s giggle acts soothing music to our soul.
May be that is why the Russian
philosopher, Fyodor Dostoevsky, quoted – “The soul is healed by being with children!”
It is always said – “Children are
human form of God and we can see God in each child”.
And yes it is very much true. In
this world filled with hatred, tension, stress, anger, ego and lust that has
turned it into a large mint driving it away from humanity towards a less
livable place; it is children who are free from all these worthless emotions. With
a pure conscience and an uncontaminated soul and a vision that can surpass any
wise man they reflect the true form of humanity leaving aside all the ill. They
are the purest form of love. They love unconditionally, they hug with utmost
care, their eyes know no boundaries and their mind knows no partiality. And
this is exactly what God is! They are nothing but God’s constant examples of
showing us what we grown up and matured living beings should be!
There is an Irish saying – “Bricks
and mortar make a house, but the laughter of children make a home”
How beautifully it is said that
children are the most real and most valuable part of every home. What a home is
which doesn’t echo with the laughter’s, yells, and cries of children? Their innocent
laughter’s, silly games, hungry cries, joyous yells, painful screams, active runs
and funs, tired voices, endless requests and many other countless things are
the ones that make up the most of our precious memories and give a meaning to a
And thus an unknown saying goes –
“The most precious jewels you will ever have around your neck are the arms of
your children”
Not only this, take a moment and
dig deep within your heart and you would agree with me when I say, “How I wish
if my childhood was a little longer and if only I could get it back”
It’s true! Childhood is the most
beautiful season of our life! And children are the most beautiful creations of
Every child is a unique flower
and the world is a garden! Let’s nurture it!
This is to Vihaan and
Sriharsha and all the cute little children spreading happiness and kindness
through their innocent eyes and sweet smiles and true love…
pitter titter pitter
step there, one step here,
keep running everywhere
my heart just follows you, I swear!
cute little eyes, bright as Sun
twinkling, full of fun!
your cries, loud as sirens
nothing, but frightens!
minute silent and a minute violent
are ever active and vibrant!
in a hurry, but that’s no worry
under your naughtiness, my tensions I do bury.
haha hoho and huhu
your laughter; my stress just flew!
your lovely smile, a healing touch to my heart,
spreading happiness with an unknown art!
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