Saturday, November 15, 2014


“A child’s smile is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day” – Anonymous

How true the saying is. When we see any kid smiling, it instantly strikes a chord within our hearts and we end up smiling too. If, in case, the muscles in our face are rigid enough to resist a smile, they at least loosen up a bit allowing a calmness flow across our face!

Whatever the tension is that is bothering us, how much ever stress we are in and whatever mood we are dealing with; a quick glance at a child’s innocent face filled with pure joy and sweet smile topped up with those cute twinkling eyes, we feel a hint of heaven touching our souls. We feel happy seeing children happy; no doubt their smiles have the power to defeat our tensions and worries. Even in midst of our worst worries if we go and play or even share a moment or even watch a small kid enjoying his/her game (which will be completely out of our scope) we feel peace within ourselves.
  •     Fully tired in office when we get back and a child comes running into our arms, the stress just vaporizes away!
  •     A bad mood and a terrible headache? One quick glance at a kid’s smile and the mood switches instantly!
  •         Feeling down with the whole world sitting on your head? Spending few minutes and caring for a child and receiving a whole hearted acknowledgement and an incomparable love back we feel the most awesome person alive!
  •       Never smiled or laughed since weeks? Sharing a moment with a kid making him/her happy and watching him/her enjoy the moment we end up smiling childishly.
  •      Mind messed up with all kinds of unsolvable thoughts? One moment spent with a child sharing his/her joy in that silly meaningless game and we feel peace at heart.
  •       Feel like bursting with anger or falling down with sorrow? A mild noise of a child’s giggle acts soothing music to our soul.

May be that is why the Russian philosopher, Fyodor Dostoevsky, quoted – “The soul is healed by being with children!”

It is always said – “Children are human form of God and we can see God in each child”.
And yes it is very much true. In this world filled with hatred, tension, stress, anger, ego and lust that has turned it into a large mint driving it away from humanity towards a less livable place; it is children who are free from all these worthless emotions. With a pure conscience and an uncontaminated soul and a vision that can surpass any wise man they reflect the true form of humanity leaving aside all the ill. They are the purest form of love. They love unconditionally, they hug with utmost care, their eyes know no boundaries and their mind knows no partiality. And this is exactly what God is! They are nothing but God’s constant examples of showing us what we grown up and matured living beings should be!

There is an Irish saying – “Bricks and mortar make a house, but the laughter of children make a home”

How beautifully it is said that children are the most real and most valuable part of every home. What a home is which doesn’t echo with the laughter’s, yells, and cries of children? Their innocent laughter’s, silly games, hungry cries, joyous yells, painful screams, active runs and funs, tired voices, endless requests and many other countless things are the ones that make up the most of our precious memories and give a meaning to a home.

And thus an unknown saying goes – “The most precious jewels you will ever have around your neck are the arms of your children”

Not only this, take a moment and dig deep within your heart and you would agree with me when I say, “How I wish if my childhood was a little longer and if only I could get it back”

It’s true! Childhood is the most beautiful season of our life! And children are the most beautiful creations of God!

Every child is a unique flower and the world is a garden! Let’s nurture it!

This is to Vihaan and Sriharsha and all the cute little children spreading happiness and kindness through their innocent eyes and sweet smiles and true love…

Titter pitter titter pitter
One step there, one step here,
You keep running everywhere
And my heart just follows you, I swear!

Those cute little eyes, bright as Sun
Keep twinkling, full of fun!
But your cries, loud as sirens
Does nothing, but frightens!

A minute silent and a minute violent
You are ever active and vibrant!
Always in a hurry, but that’s no worry
Coz under your naughtiness, my tensions I do bury.

Hehe haha hoho and huhu
Ah your laughter; my stress just flew!
And your lovely smile, a healing touch to my heart,
Keeps spreading happiness with an unknown art!


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Saturday, November 8, 2014

Diya in Deepavali… Her Eyes…!

I was shaken from my confusion by that loud yell and before I could react or even realize the source of that yell, I heard another yell and this time it was clear. Pranav was yelling loudly and calling my name.

Turning towards his gate I saw him standing across the road and calling me while Pooja still stood beside the gate holding another sparkler. He signaled me an invitation to join him with the crackers. A sudden smile flashed across my face thinking of the opportunity of celebrating Deepavali with those kids and their beautiful cousin. My heart was already jumping and dancing at the golden opportunity that I had landed into. Consoling my heart to have some control over itself and pleading it to behave properly in front of a beautiful girl, I walked, decently, towards their gate.

“Please help us in lighting crackers. We got crackers this time but Dad said I can only crack them if either he or you will be around and help me,” Pranav said as soon as I walked to him.

Pulling the sleeve of my shirt, he continued, “Please don’t say no. Dad is already busy with guests. I really want to light crackers this time. Please dada.”

Just then Pooja ran to me and said, “Happy Deepavali dada”

“Happy Deepavali Pooja” I said, smiling at her.

“Come on dada let’s celebrate Deepavali” she said.

“Yes yes come on dada. Let’s light crackers. I can’t wait” Pranav added, still holding my sleeve.

“Yeah yeah I will help you light the crackers but quickly run in and get permission from uncle again”

“Okay. Just wait for two minutes” Pranav said and sprang inside his house.

As my eyes followed him, they quickly caught a glimpse of the most beautiful girl. She was still standing at the same position. I was too careful or too afraid to look directly at her thinking that would only give her wrong impression on me. Instead, I turned to Pooja and asked, “So what did you do today?”

“We had been to temple and I ate lot of sweets today and you know what dada, I lighted sparklers and then…”

Before she could continue Pranav was out on the pathway running towards me and yelled loudly, “I got permission now come on lets light the crackers. First this one,” he said holding a small cracker in his hand.

“Pranav sloooow. Be careful”

That was first time I heard her voice. It was as soft and as melodious as I had expected and for a second my heart forced me to turn at her and steal a look at her.

“Slow Pranav. Don’t run in between the Diyas and the first rule of lighting crackers is you ought to be extra careful” I said.

“Okay dada” he said.

“I will get Agarbatti” Pooja said and walked inside the gate.

Within seconds Pooja was back holding a lighted Agarbatti and she carefully handed it over to me.

Holding that Agarbatti I turned to Pranav and said, “I will light this one. Carefully observe me. Later I will allow you to light one. Okay?”

“Okay. Yippee” he said pumping fiercely in air.

Making sure they were safe near the gate, I took few steps away from the gate and looked for the right place to keep the cracker. Upon finding one, I placed the cracker on the road in front of their gate, a bit far from gate; I lighted it from the Agarbatti and walked back to the gate. Just when I walked to the gate and turned towards the cracker, it exploded with a loud noise and a small sparkle of fire. A cloud of smoke then rose from it and dispersed into the air.

Just after the noise died down, I heard Pranav’s scream of joy. When I turned at him, I could see happiness filled in his eyes. He was smiling, screaming, clapping, and jumping. It seemed one little cracker blew away all the limits of his happiness. And same was the case with Pooja. Her cute smile had widened clearly saying that she was as happy as her brother. For a second I felt awesome at bringing smiles on the faces of two sweet little kids. I wondered if this was the real happiness of celebrating the festival.

Pranav sprang again inside the gate to bring another cracker and this time called his cousin to join us. I turned back and saw him holding her hand and requesting her to join us. Though I could not clearly see her face as she stood facing towards Pranav on the other side I could clearly tell that she was declining his request.

“Come na Diya didi. It’s so much fun” Pooja shouted as she ran towards her cousin and Pranav.

“Wait! Diya? Did she just say Diya? And since evening I was thinking if she is as beautiful as God himself has lighted thousands of Diyas and now her name is really Diya? Or did I hear it wrong?” I asked my heart, which was as clueless as me and had frozen silent.

While I kept thinking blankly about her name, Pranav and Pooja had already persuaded her in joining us in cracking the crackers and I could hear their joyous cries as they ran to me.

Though I had trained my heart and had told it multiple times to behave in such times, as it does, it again slipped out of my control and forced me turn to take a look at Diya and what a splendid scene it was!

There were Diyas lit on both the sides of the pathway from the porch to the gate and amidst those Diyas, Diya herself, carrying multiple Diyas on her saree, walked slowly towards me. With small and silent steps as she approached the gate, it felt like some angel was walking down the earth towards me. What an elegant and majestic walk it was!

As she walked closer, I could see her face and I bet it was the prettiest face I had ever seen. A moment before my heart had frozen and now it seemed that it had seized to exist. Her cute round face with small pink lips between chubby cheeks was gracefully decorated by a small nose on it. To add to that beauty, she had left her hair loose that were flowing freely in the air celebrating their own Deepavali.

And then something twinkled. Two Diyas twinkled amidst hundreds of other Diyas and what powerful they were! A voltage ran through my body as I looked at those two Diyas… her eyes!

Her eyes twinkled brightly overpowering all the other Diyas lighted in my vision as she had neared me and stood right in front of me and smiled. I was being bowled over by the glow in her eyes when her smile joined the attack. Two cute pink lips widening slightly, creating small dimples on either side in between the chubby cheeks.

Wow! She had the perfect smile that crowned her beauty!

“Now this one” Pranav pulled my arm.

He not only pulled my arm but pulled me out of my dream in which I had lost my heart to that angel! Diya! What an adorable Diya she was! Diya in Deepavali!

With all sorts of romantic thoughts circling my mind, I blurted an okay and took the cracker from him and walked away.

As I placed the cracker and bent down to light it, I tried to be extra careful with my sixth sense sweating at the thought of two twinkling eyes of the prettiest girl I had ever seen, watching my actions. As I lighted the cracker I quickly walked back near the gate where the three of them were standing and staring at the cracker.

There was a still a moment left for the cracker to burst and I took that moment to turn and look at Diya.  She was standing at the farthest end with Pranav and Pooja between us and was staring at the cracker with her eyes blinking randomly and twinkling in between the blinks. She had put her hand over her ears trying to cover them and tried to close her eyes too. The way she behaved made her look cuter and her fear of the cracker brought out the childishness in her. I could see her eyes finally close and her face frown a bit as I heard a loud burst of the cracker.

When, after a moment, the noise of the cracker had died down and Pranav and Pooja were yelling at the top of their voices, I turned back at them and slowly at her. She had brought down her hands and had just opened her eyes and was looking at me. As soon as I looked at her, she blinked once and then blushed and quickly looked down and then turned towards Pooja.

I was damn sure that she had smiled just before she looked down and her eyes twinkled before they blinked!

“We will light the big cracker now” Pranav said.

“No lets light that parachute one” Pooja said.

As the kids argued on the next cracker to be lighted, I again looked at Diya and she too turned at me.

Our eyes met! And our sights got locked! And we both smiled!

No matter what cracker the kids had decided to light next but there were already a number of random crackers cracking, sparkling, and bursting in my heart!

What a lovely Deepavali it was and what a beautiful Diya was glowing in that Deepavali!

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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Diya in Deepavali… Two, Ten, Twenty, Fifty, and Hundreds…!

I then turned back to take a look at the Tulsi plant when something else caught my eyes.

I saw the neighbors in the opposite house placing the Diyas on their porch and the walkway to their door and among them was one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen in my life! She was as beautiful as a freshly bloomed rose and had caught my eyes just like a rose does in a garden. In her red saree with a golden border and designs of small golden Diyas spread all over her saree she was looking gorgeous. Each of the golden Diya neatly designed on her red saree was sparkling as brightly as the Diyas she was holding in her hands and walking, slowly and carefully, towards their gate. She placed a Diya on the farther end of the gate and then turned towards our end and it was then that she smiled widely looking at the Diya she was about to place on the gate pole.

I felt an electric shock run through my body when I realized that it was her smile that mesmerized me and not hundreds of Diyas lit! I guess my heart had even skipped a heartbeat as it too stood still shocked by that magical smile.

“What happened?” Mom said, while I was still lost in her smile.

“Nothing Mom” I blurted.

“Then come, let’s keep the other Diyas. We have to go the temple” Mom said.

“Ah yes Mom. Yes,” I said and turned to look at Mom. When I saw she had got a hint of what I was up to, I added, “I was just checking if we also need to place more Diyas and decorate the gate and pathway just like they have done”

“If you want clean up more Diyas and do all the work. But first lets go to the temple,” Mom said as she walked into the house.

I could not control myself and quickly turned back and I saw her hair neatly flow out freely in the air as she walked back towards the house while the golden Diyas designed on her red saree shined with the same beauty.

“Wow! Was it truly her smile or had God lighted hundreds of Diyas together?” I said to myself.

“What has happened to you? Quickly help me or at least move out of the way,” Mom said again as she walked out of the door holding two Diyas.

“Nothing Mom,” I said and stepped into the house. When I came back out I saw Mom taking a look at the opposite house making me realize that she had smelled the smoke and I was under scrutiny now!

I have always felt that Moms are better than our ACP Pradyuman when it comes to such cases of their sons and daughters! They can smell what’s cooking with the faintest clue and can follow the clue without any hurdles to unearth the secret. And I bet they won’t sleep until they dig out the secret, once they smell it.

I remained cautious and controlled my heart as I helped place the remaining Diyas and even kept telling my heart not to allow me to turn around at the opposite house. It was difficult but at the end I achieved it. Then I got freshened up and walked into my room drying up my face with a napkin. As I stood in front of my closet, taking a look at the neatly piled shirts, I thought again about the girl who had just stolen my heart.

“Are there any prisons for the beautiful thieves who steal our heart?” I asked myself.

I then selected the best shirt I had in my closet because it was Deepavali. And yes I accept, to be true, deep in the corner of my heart I thought of going in front of her and wanted to look my best. Getting into my clothes and spraying an extra shot of deo, I was ready just when she flashed again across my mind.

 “Dear God, is it the best smile that you have carved until now? Was that even a smile or hundreds of Diyas lit together?” I asked, turning towards the God’s photo placed on my table.

“Don’t be late to the temple,” I heard a voice suddenly that shook me off my dreams.

“What?” I asked, looking at the photo, surprised if God had spoken himself.

“Why are you taking so much time? We are starting now. Don’t be late to the temple,” I heard Dad saying.

“Oh how silly of me. It was Dad’s voice” I said to myself and shouted back, “Coming Dad”

It was after an hour when we returned back from the temple that I had to slow down as the kids from the opposite house were playing with sparklers in front of their gate. As I slowed down, happily, looking at them enjoy the sparkles coming out from the sparklers they were holding with a buzzing sound of “sur surrr sur” while they moved their hand randomly drawing an imaginary shape in the dark. Both, Pranav and Pooja were jumping with delight as they held the sparklers.

When the sparklers finished, they ran into the gate and I rode ahead and entered our gate, crossing them. Parking my bike, as I walked back towards our door I quickly stole a moment to look at their house again to see if I could get a glimpse of her again and yes, I was blessed. She stood right beside the porch where the kids were getting ready to light up another set of sparklers. She stood beside them, helping them with lighting those sparklers. Once the sparklers were lit, she carefully handed it over to Pooja with her magical smile. As Pooja ran towards the gate holding the sparklers in her hands, Pranav waited for his turn. She then lit two more sparklers, all the while smiling, and handed them carefully to him. Thrilled with the sparkles, Pranav punched into air and took those sparklers from her hand and turned back to run towards the gate.

As Pranav ran towards the gate, she too turned towards the gate to look at them and folded her hands, smiling at them. For a second I was confused if I need to look at those beguiled kids enjoying the Deepavali sparklers or to look at her splendid beauty. 

Two Diyas on their gate, ten on the pathway, twenty on the porch, fifty on her magnificent saree, and wait… hundreds of Diyas in her smile! Those sparklers were no match to her and her smile!

Another step and I would be in front of our door and then I had to walk inside and miss that mesmerizing scene. And again how embarrassing it would be to keep staring at a neighboring girl while standing right at your door to be caught, again, by Mom, anytime.

I was in deep confusion just when I heard a loud yell…

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To be Contd…