“Dad! Get me a pen while coming
from office”
And there you get a new pen right
on top your study table.
“Dad! This is not the right book.
I needed the other one. I had told you to check Dad”
And there right in front of you comes
the new book which you wanted, along with it vanishes the frown on your face.
“Dad! Tomorrow is my exam but I
don’t have an eraser”
And there comes the eraser before
you grow tenser. Behind you stands your dad rubbing his wet hair. He is happier
seeing you get ready for exam than worried about himself getting drenched while
bringing the eraser for you.
“Dad! Tomorrow is my first
And there flows words of wisdom
and the best set of advises along with a set of the most beautiful ties he has.
These are just a pinch of salt
from the vast ocean. Yes, that’s right!
A Dad is just like an ocean.
Everything that goes on in his mind always remains hidden deep under. Accepts
anything that comes at him. Always stands afoot in protecting the ones who
belong to him. Always protecting the family.
Our Idol, Our Superhero, Our
Ideal Person, Strongest Man, Most dedicated Employee, The perfect Businessman, The
Mathematician, The Doctor, The Scientist, The Cricketer, Our
ATM Card, Our Bodyguard, Our Remote, Our Driver, Our Adviser, Our Friend, Our
Teacher, and Our Pride!
One Person, Million Roles!
He is the first Idol for any Son
and the strongest person for any Daughter.
Ask any daughter how her dream
boy should be and she would draw an image of her Dad filled with his
characters. Watch any girl stepping down from the stage collecting her award,
her legs would be running towards her Dad just to hug him. Her Dad is her Man
of Steel, he is the most handsome person she has ever known. A word against her
Dad, is an insult to her.
Similarly ask any kid what he
wants to be and his first statement would ‘Just
like my Dad!’ He is every Son’s Pride. Dad’s footprints are the blueprints
of every Son’s growth. Fitting into
his shoes is an ambition of every Son.
It was long back when I was
sitting in a park along with my friends after a wonderful match of cricket. On
a bench just a meter away from us were sitting three little kids. Looking at
them, I guessed their age to be anything between 10 to 12 years. They caught my attention
when I suddenly heard one of the kid shouting “Engineer”
As I turned to them and increased
the reception power of my ears, I heard the kid saying, “I want to be an
Engineer just like my Dad. You know what?”
The other two kids were looking
at him with their eyes wide open.
He continued, “My Dad is the best
Engineer in the world. You know, the size of the machines he designs is bigger
than the size of my room. I just want to be like him. Wake up early morning
daily, wear the neatly pressed shirt and his red tie and just like him will drive the car to my office.”
“Even me too” another kid started
speaking, “will become a Doctor like my Dad. Everyday patients queue in front
of his clinic and he is so busy treating them but he has never ever forgot to
buy me something while driving on his way back home”
They then turned at the third kid
and more than them I was curious in hearing what he had to say.
Before he could speak anything,
my friends got up and I had to leave along with them. As I entered home, I saw
my Dad silently watching the News. As soon as I entered, he turned at me,
smiled and turned back at the News. I wondered how he could notice me while in
middle of a news. I never notice him entering home while I am watching a
Cricket Match.
I had my dinner, finished my
studies, watched TV for half an hour and finally switched off the lights and
closed my eyes just to see the same three kids from park stand in front of me.
They asked in unison, “What do
you want to become when you grow up?”
Before I could think anything,
they questioned again, “Will you become like your Dad?”
I sat up in darkness and started
thinking of the question. The answer could have been simple. Just one nod. One
letter – YES!
But I thought deep in dark. Will
I ever be able to become a Xerox copy of my Dad? He smiles even while he is in
midst of his project delivery. He discusses with me about Cricket Match even if
he is worried about some office crisis. He sits with me till I pick up from
dullness even if his eyes are closing after a daylong work at office. He kicks
his scooter even if it’s raining so that I get what I want. He picks up my call
even if he is in between a crucial calculation. He changes the channel and
plays my Mom’s favorite serial even if he is interested in the Election Results
being aired. He never forgets to check the windows and doors before he goes to
bed. He never forgets my wish list even in between his numerous meetings. He
has spent his only Sunday teaching me ride a bike. He kept on calculating my
growth and my studies and my career all the day while sitting on a couch. He
kept on working hard and saving enough to meet my expenses. He kept himself
busy mending my mistakes, keeping me healthy, selecting the best clothes for
me, walking me over to the best malls, providing me with the money to watch
movies in the best theaters, filling my bike’s tank every week, selecting the
best college for me, staying awake to open door late nights, changing his
favorite restaurant to match my choice, identifying my loneliness, my needs, my
likes, my dislikes, my strengths, my weakness’, pouring advises over me,
helping me understand the toughest math theorem the night before my exam,
demonstrating mannerisms and etiquettes, teaching behaviors and consciousness
and what not! He never allowed me to sense his anger, his office load, his
meetings, his deliveries, his pressures, his likes, his dislikes.
When I came home running, one
day, holding my left hand after falling from bike, he said being strict, “Take
care from next time. You have to ride slowly” and took me to doctor leaving his
files immediately.
His voice gave me a lesson of
caution alerting me. I became more alert since that day. But when I think
deeply today, I still remember him stealing a look at my wound from the corner
of his eye and frown while clinching his fist feeling my pain but never letting
me feel it, instead inspiring me feel stronger.
Can I ever be like him? Can I
ever step into the shoes of my Idol?
I opened my eyes at the three
kids and said, “I can just keep trying and may be one day may reach till his
shoulders. But I am sure, my shoulders will never be stronger than his. My
heart would never be as large as his. My brain would never be faster than his.
I will always be a part of him, will never be him!”
I closed my eyes and felt two
tears flow down my eyes wetting my pillow as I heard all three of them saying, “Whatever he
says, I will be just like my Dad when I grow up”
I bet, we can switch off the TV
and turn at our Dad and ask him, “How Dad? Holding my finger when I walked,
holding a webcam as I ran, Teaching me write my first homework, Helping me
understand my Math’s theorems, Buying me My Bike, Selecting my first Tie, Standing right beside my
shoulder in every step of my life. How can you be so strong? How can you play
all the roles, be my side always, be perfect in your work and yet sit back
peacefully on that couch holding the newspaper without ever saying a word. I
never heard you yelling or complaining. How Dad?”
And he would just smile back silently
without a word and turn back to his Newspaper… Just like the Ocean…
For all the Superheroes out
there, silently reading newspaper but deep inside, worried about a million
things and calculating another million things to keep everyone in the family
I still remember the day
And the advises you gave me on the way
When I had held your hand tight
While crossing the road without any might
I never saw your sleepy eyes
Nor heard your silent praise
While we sat together to learn the math
And while learning the bike on the lonely path
The bundle of your advises
Helped me tackle all the surprises
Watching you over these years
Helped me fight all my fears
Your support has always been the key
To kiss my successes in this journey
Your finger's warmth as you taught me walk
Still helps me gain my strength as I talk
I now know I have to keep walking
Till I reach where you keep dreaming
You are the reason I have never been sad
Thank you for being my lovely Dad
To My Strongest Superhero and My First Idol…
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