With top class submachine guns,
that could fire bullets faster than we could think, pressed to our backs, hands
helplessly held high in the air, uncertain of anything, we walked slowly
towards the gate. With few more steps to the gate, we were stopped by the men
holding the guns. The rear door of the vehicle opened and a man got down and
walked straight to us. His face was as expressionless as any stone but he was
determined in what he did and what he needed to do, like a brilliantly
preprogrammed robot. Walking with brisk steps, he stood in front of me showing
his hugely built personality.
“Turn around” he said.
Without talking anything or
looking at his face, I turned around and stood still. I felt his hands check my
shoulders, waist, chest, lower back. It was when he pressed his hands to my lower
back he felt the pistol I had forced into my belt and covered with my shirt.
“He has it” he shouted mildly and
proceeded to legs. Even his voice sounded like a robot that has been programmed
to obey each and every instructions of its master perfectly.
Taking out the Colt, he moved to
Praveen. After checking him and taking out his Colt too he walked to the car
thrust his head inside and handed over the pistols. There was some discussion
for a minute and then he moved out, turned and walked back to us and stood in
front of me.
Then I saw another man, equally
well built, dressed in black trousers, black shining shoes and a maroon shirt
tucked in neatly. His shirt looked as though it had been ironed till it turned
to a cardboard. Cleanly shaved, hairs combed till they glued to the head, he had
the charm of being someone who could lead that big group and handle such a
tight network without any glitches. He sure would have, I thought, been impressed
by Al Pacino from the Godfather series, as his style and mannerism clearly
imitated Al Pacino’s character in the Hollywood series.
He walked with slow steps and
stood right in front of me staring into my eyes. His sharp small eyes that were
darker than the dark sky of that night stared courageously into my eyes.
Spies have to be in situations
where they face each and every type of characters, fears, attacks,
interrogations, panics, tortures and all this begins not on the day they are
sent into the field but on the day they decide to become spies. They are
nothing but the iron passed through every type of fire and hardening and
beating until it becomes what it was meant to be. Upon all this, they are well
trained to do their own part of thinking in avoiding what is being passed onto
them and in parallel keep thinking, without any pause, about the escape route.
As he stared into my eyes, I kept
calmly looking into his’. After a complete moment he smiled but his eyes
remained the same giving me that intense look. I replied him with my smile and
that was when, suddenly, I felt his hard and huge palm hit my left cheek very
hard and even before I could realize anything I was on ground feeling the tight
slap on my face. He really was as strong as he looked. Turning back at him,
getting back the same smile on my face, as I tried to get up, his robot held my
shoulder and helped my stand up.
Smiling impatiently, he finally
spoke, “So this how we had to meet?”
I just pursed in my lips and
nodded raising my shoulders.
“I had thought I would shake your
hands when I would meet you, but now I am sure you don’t like shaking hands. Sitting
on my nerves since a year, you really deserve this” he said, raising his hands
and giving me another tight slap. Thanks to his robot who had held me tight by
my shoulders, I dint had to fall to ground this time.
“I had told you clearly. Throw
out your weapons. But no, you guys never listen. Always adamant. What the hell
did you think? You guys, with your pistols would fight my men holding those
machines?” he shouted impatiently pointing at one of his men.
“This is what you brought to
fight me?” he snatched my Colt from the pockets his robot’s pants and held it
in his hands.
“You thought you would attack me
with this?” he said, calming down.
None of his words could change my
expression nor could alter my thinking. I kept smiling at him with my eyes cold
like iced lake.
Seeing me smile he nodded his
head negatively. I was getting luckier the impatient he grew. These are one of
the few situations in life when you don’t need attack on your enemy to win. You
remain winner until your enemy is impatient, restless and until you are
irritating his nerves. The complete situation is under your control till you
know you are not going to break and your every smile is going to hit your enemy
harder than the slap you are taking. But once you give in, break down, and let
him see through your eyes and realize that deep inside your heart you are
scared of him and you are not sure of the situation, the whole table turns. He takes complete control over the situation
and makes sure you start suffering and he starts enjoying getting an upper hand
with every blow he gives.
“I neither have time for a chat
with you nor any interest. Just hand over the Data card” he said.
“I want to see my girlfriend
first” I said, in a quite determined tone.
“I told you, I am the one giving
orders here” he said
“But I am the one having what you
desperately need. You know how important that is for you” I smiled again.
“Just shut up, ass” he shouted
and turning to his robot, he said, “Check him. Look for anything that looks
like a Data card”
His robot, happy enough to get
orders from his master, pushed me, and then pulled me, trying to shake my
calmness as much as possible. Finally making me stand he started checking me in
detail. Other than my watch and wallet he couldn’t find anything. Handing over
those items to his master, he stepped back to his original position and stood
like a pillar.
Not finding anything from my
wallet, he asked, looking at me “Where is the Data card?”
“I told you. I want to see my
“You are an ass” he said and then
again ordered his robot to get Sonali out of the car.
“Those guys brought bags with
them” one of the four guys shouted from near the door.
“Very nice” he said and quickly
turning back “don’t let her out of the car” he ordered.
“Get me those bags quickly. Run”
he ordered impatiently.
The guy who had impressed his
master giving him some information which he liked ran into the house, as I
turned back to look at him. He came out within seconds holding two bags from
the house and ran to us. He stood in front of us holding the bags.
“What are you waiting for? Check
the bags. Quickly!” the don of one of the top rated gangs in the world ordered.
It was obvious he had such
obedient brain washed brainless people working under him that easily helped him
build such a ruthless empire dealing in all kinds of wrong doings.
The guy searched again and again
in detail but couldn’t find anything that looked like a Data card and finally
nodded a no with a dull face to his boss.
“Give them to me” his boss said
taking over the bags and started looking every corner of the bag, neatly, only
to find many of the spy gadgets and items but nothing that helped him.
“Where the hell is the card?” he
asked looking into my eyes.
His eyes were burning now with an
impatient rage in them. They were now clear of doing anything they wanted to.
“Bring her out” he ordered to his
robot and turning back to me he said, “Now you will tell me”
I turned to the car as Sonali
stepped out of the car and walked towards me, with weak steps. Her hands were
tied back and her face looked pale as though she had been suffering from fever
since months. Eyes had wearied off lifelessly. She slowly looked at my face and
tried smiling. I could see her eyes getting happier but her face still remained
afraid and expressionless.
Holding Sonali by her right arm
and pointing my pistol on her head, he said, “It’s either Data card or her. I
don’t have time”
“You touch her you lose your
“I won’t touch any of you but
will kill you all three right here right now” he shouted and signaled his robot
to pull Praveen.
His robot quickly went to Praveen
and holding him by his neck, he pointed his gun on Praveen’s head.
“Its now one card to two heads.
All four of us don’t have much time and you don’t have much option” he said.
“Don’t dare to touch them both”
“I will” he said and turned to
his robot who immediately understanding what his master wanted pulled the
trigger of his gun and pointed it on Praveen’s head. I looked at Praveen who
was still standing in his cool posture, not the slightest moved by the gun as
though it was not gun but a comb. He just blinked at me and neither signaled me
nor gave out any expression.
“Okay fine. Let them free and I
will give you the card”
Without wasting a second he came
forward and hit the butt of my Colt to the side of my forehead with all the
power he could and the harsh blow sent me down to the ground. With a sudden
unbalanced fall I could feel an immediate pain in my head and could feel a wet
liquid flowing down the side of my face. All I could see was black and all I could
hear was a sigh from him followed by a wild yell from Sonali as she started
It was a real violent blow…
Continued Next Sunday…