Saturday, January 25, 2014

When it all happened – The Blow!

With top class submachine guns, that could fire bullets faster than we could think, pressed to our backs, hands helplessly held high in the air, uncertain of anything, we walked slowly towards the gate. With few more steps to the gate, we were stopped by the men holding the guns. The rear door of the vehicle opened and a man got down and walked straight to us. His face was as expressionless as any stone but he was determined in what he did and what he needed to do, like a brilliantly preprogrammed robot. Walking with brisk steps, he stood in front of me showing his hugely built personality.

“Turn around” he said.

Without talking anything or looking at his face, I turned around and stood still. I felt his hands check my shoulders, waist, chest, lower back. It was when he pressed his hands to my lower back he felt the pistol I had forced into my belt and covered with my shirt.

“He has it” he shouted mildly and proceeded to legs. Even his voice sounded like a robot that has been programmed to obey each and every instructions of its master perfectly.

Taking out the Colt, he moved to Praveen. After checking him and taking out his Colt too he walked to the car thrust his head inside and handed over the pistols. There was some discussion for a minute and then he moved out, turned and walked back to us and stood in front of me.

Then I saw another man, equally well built, dressed in black trousers, black shining shoes and a maroon shirt tucked in neatly. His shirt looked as though it had been ironed till it turned to a cardboard. Cleanly shaved, hairs combed till they glued to the head, he had the charm of being someone who could lead that big group and handle such a tight network without any glitches. He sure would have, I thought, been impressed by Al Pacino from the Godfather series, as his style and mannerism clearly imitated Al Pacino’s character in the Hollywood series.

He walked with slow steps and stood right in front of me staring into my eyes. His sharp small eyes that were darker than the dark sky of that night stared courageously into my eyes.

Spies have to be in situations where they face each and every type of characters, fears, attacks, interrogations, panics, tortures and all this begins not on the day they are sent into the field but on the day they decide to become spies. They are nothing but the iron passed through every type of fire and hardening and beating until it becomes what it was meant to be. Upon all this, they are well trained to do their own part of thinking in avoiding what is being passed onto them and in parallel keep thinking, without any pause, about the escape route.

As he stared into my eyes, I kept calmly looking into his’. After a complete moment he smiled but his eyes remained the same giving me that intense look. I replied him with my smile and that was when, suddenly, I felt his hard and huge palm hit my left cheek very hard and even before I could realize anything I was on ground feeling the tight slap on my face. He really was as strong as he looked. Turning back at him, getting back the same smile on my face, as I tried to get up, his robot held my shoulder and helped my stand up.

Smiling impatiently, he finally spoke, “So this how we had to meet?”

I just pursed in my lips and nodded raising my shoulders.

“I had thought I would shake your hands when I would meet you, but now I am sure you don’t like shaking hands. Sitting on my nerves since a year, you really deserve this” he said, raising his hands and giving me another tight slap. Thanks to his robot who had held me tight by my shoulders, I dint had to fall to ground this time.

“I had told you clearly. Throw out your weapons. But no, you guys never listen. Always adamant. What the hell did you think? You guys, with your pistols would fight my men holding those machines?” he shouted impatiently pointing at one of his men.

“This is what you brought to fight me?” he snatched my Colt from the pockets his robot’s pants and held it in his hands.

“You thought you would attack me with this?” he said, calming down.

None of his words could change my expression nor could alter my thinking. I kept smiling at him with my eyes cold like iced lake.

Seeing me smile he nodded his head negatively. I was getting luckier the impatient he grew. These are one of the few situations in life when you don’t need attack on your enemy to win. You remain winner until your enemy is impatient, restless and until you are irritating his nerves. The complete situation is under your control till you know you are not going to break and your every smile is going to hit your enemy harder than the slap you are taking. But once you give in, break down, and let him see through your eyes and realize that deep inside your heart you are scared of him and you are not sure of the situation, the whole table turns.  He takes complete control over the situation and makes sure you start suffering and he starts enjoying getting an upper hand with every blow he gives.

“I neither have time for a chat with you nor any interest. Just hand over the Data card” he said.

“I want to see my girlfriend first” I said, in a quite determined tone.

“I told you, I am the one giving orders here” he said

“But I am the one having what you desperately need. You know how important that is for you” I smiled again.

“Just shut up, ass” he shouted and turning to his robot, he said, “Check him. Look for anything that looks like a Data card”

His robot, happy enough to get orders from his master, pushed me, and then pulled me, trying to shake my calmness as much as possible. Finally making me stand he started checking me in detail. Other than my watch and wallet he couldn’t find anything. Handing over those items to his master, he stepped back to his original position and stood like a pillar.

Not finding anything from my wallet, he asked, looking at me “Where is the Data card?”

“I told you. I want to see my girlfriend”

“You are an ass” he said and then again ordered his robot to get Sonali out of the car.

“Those guys brought bags with them” one of the four guys shouted from near the door.

“Very nice” he said and quickly turning back “don’t let her out of the car” he ordered.

“Get me those bags quickly. Run” he ordered impatiently.

The guy who had impressed his master giving him some information which he liked ran into the house, as I turned back to look at him. He came out within seconds holding two bags from the house and ran to us. He stood in front of us holding the bags.

“What are you waiting for? Check the bags. Quickly!” the don of one of the top rated gangs in the world ordered.

It was obvious he had such obedient brain washed brainless people working under him that easily helped him build such a ruthless empire dealing in all kinds of wrong doings.

The guy searched again and again in detail but couldn’t find anything that looked like a Data card and finally nodded a no with a dull face to his boss.

“Give them to me” his boss said taking over the bags and started looking every corner of the bag, neatly, only to find many of the spy gadgets and items but nothing that helped him.

“Where the hell is the card?” he asked looking into my eyes.

His eyes were burning now with an impatient rage in them. They were now clear of doing anything they wanted to.

“Bring her out” he ordered to his robot and turning back to me he said, “Now you will tell me”

I turned to the car as Sonali stepped out of the car and walked towards me, with weak steps. Her hands were tied back and her face looked pale as though she had been suffering from fever since months. Eyes had wearied off lifelessly. She slowly looked at my face and tried smiling. I could see her eyes getting happier but her face still remained afraid and expressionless.

Holding Sonali by her right arm and pointing my pistol on her head, he said, “It’s either Data card or her. I don’t have time”

“You touch her you lose your data”

“I won’t touch any of you but will kill you all three right here right now” he shouted and signaled his robot to pull Praveen.

His robot quickly went to Praveen and holding him by his neck, he pointed his gun on Praveen’s head.

“Its now one card to two heads. All four of us don’t have much time and you don’t have much option” he said.

“Don’t dare to touch them both”

“I will” he said and turned to his robot who immediately understanding what his master wanted pulled the trigger of his gun and pointed it on Praveen’s head. I looked at Praveen who was still standing in his cool posture, not the slightest moved by the gun as though it was not gun but a comb. He just blinked at me and neither signaled me nor gave out any expression.

“Okay fine. Let them free and I will give you the card”

Without wasting a second he came forward and hit the butt of my Colt to the side of my forehead with all the power he could and the harsh blow sent me down to the ground. With a sudden unbalanced fall I could feel an immediate pain in my head and could feel a wet liquid flowing down the side of my face. All I could see was black and all I could hear was a sigh from him followed by a wild yell from Sonali as she started crying.

It was a real violent blow…

Continued Next Sunday…


Saturday, January 18, 2014

When it all happened – The Ambush Continues!

“Enough of the prize” he said as Sonali was pulled inside and I could see nothing more.

“What do you say now?” he continued.

“What do you want me to say?” I said cooling down my brain and trying the best thing spies do in such moments – buying time.

“Ha ha ha. Are you joking? You are surrounded from everywhere. You have thrown out your gun. You are standing in a home in one of the safest areas of Bangalore where no one can guess you are. Your girlfriend is sitting beside me with my gun pointed behind her ear. And still you are asking me?” he said and after a small gap, he continued, to Sonali, “your boyfriend is crazy. He doesn’t care for anyone not even you” and laughed a bit.

I could hear a mild cry as he moved his mobile near her and asked her to talk to me.

Amidst lots of crying and sobbing, she spoke, while she was still trying to hold onto her nerves, “Vish… Are you fine? What is all this? Why have they kidnapped us? You will save me na” She kept on crying as her confused questions kept on pouring in my ears.

I knew what he was trying to do. He was making sure to drain me of all my strengths by poking in on my weaknesses. He was making sure to hit my nerves with lot of Sonali’s crying and her fears. That was the only way now, with which he could tap down my courage, trap down my think tank. This had been and still is the most followed and the most useful blackmails or tortures until date. Hitting right in the middle of anybody’s emotional sentiments makes sure they start thinking from their heart making sure they get weaker sooner.

The more I tried to ignore her questions the more I could hear her crying. The more I tried to ignore her crying the more my heart cried. Closing my eyes for a second, I swallowed my feelings and stopped thinking about anything. The next thing I did was lowering the volume of my heart beat. But it’s never easy; believe me, to win over your heart. At some point you will have to bend to it else it turns you insane.

I was standing in a position where I was not sure what was threatening me more and what was I afraid of, her situation and her cries or the heavily loaded guns that were pointing to us from everywhere. I had to think fast; I couldn’t keep myself confused and keep him enjoying this.

Turning back I looked at Praveen who was still standing in the same place unmoved, but his eyes were sticking on me. He neatly blinked his eyes, slowly, consoling me in every possible way he could, saying, calmly, he supported me in whatever I decided, as I looked into his eyes. I turned back towards the car, still hearing the sobbing of my girl. Her questions had stopped now but I knew how much pain she was in.

“Sonali” I said finally a complete minute after she had stopped her questions.

“Vish… Tell me are you fine? What is all this?” she asked suddenly.

“Sonali… You know how much I hate you being sad and how much weak I grow when you cry. You are scared to death, confused, tensed to your nerves. I can’t promise to share your pain but be with me and be brave and I promise this will all be over soon. Your happiness is my strength Sona.” I said as quickly and as calmly I could.

“I love you Vish” she said.

“I love you too. Don’t worry, I am with you now” I said.

“Enough of romance” I heard him yell as he took moved back the mobile to his mouth.

“Now what do you say?” he asked. “I don’t have much time” he added after a second.

“Let her free. Come in and take what you want” I said, at last thinking something.

“So you really are crazy? Or do you think I am crazy? That I will say what you tell me to do” he said.

“I have the data with me. You have me. You get the data. Why the hell you want to bring her in between all this? At least when you have your gun pointed on my forehead, let her free”

“No no no. The man with the gun and bullets will do the talking and the man facing them will do the obeying”

“What do you want?” I asked.

“Where is the data?” he asked

“It’s with me” I said

“Right now?”

“Yes. Right now”

“In what format?”

“It’s in a Data card. I have it now” I said.

“Good. Now listen carefully. You and your friend will walk in right out of that door. One of my guys will be holding his gun behind your heads. You will walk to the car and give me the Data card. I will then verify the information right now. If everything is fine, your girl will be free but you both will be with us till we leave this country. Else, you know what will happen. And yes, Mr.Bollywood, the first bullet will has her name and the next has your friend’s name. The last one has your name, but the date is after a week. Is that clear? Or shall I start some demos?” He sounded as clear as crystal and as determined as a hungry lion ready to kill anything it wanted.

“Yes that is clear. But…”

“No but. Dint you listen what I said? Do you think you are smart?” he shouted angrily cutting short my sentence.

“Thor that mobile out of the window, open the door and both of you step out at the same time, hands up in the air. Don’t act smart. You both may be smart enough to tackle anything but you cannot be quicker than the submachine guns my boys are pointing at you both”

“Fine” I said

“Come out now rascals. You have been stepping on my nerve since a year now. Hold your hands in air and step out right now” he shouted again. He clearly meant he was in charge of the situation.

“And beware, no bullshit of any smart moves. I don’t care how many bullets go into how many bodies today. Now through that mobile out” he yelled again.

I turned back to Praveen and signaled him to follow me after throwing the mobile out of the window.

“He wants us to walk to the car and hand him the Data card. His boys are carrying submachine.” I said as he stepped closer to me.

Opening the door as we stepped out with our hands high in air, three men from side of the house came right behind us and pressed their guns to our backs.

Continued Next Sunday…

This is the 10th episode of this Series… I have been enjoying writing this Spy Series… But more important for me is to know if my readers are really enjoying this series or not…
Please let me know, by your comments, what you have been feeling about this series…
Do let me know you want this series to continue or to stop…

Counting on your comments and feedbacks…

Saturday, January 11, 2014

When it all happened – The Ambush!!

“You are gonna say that everything is clear” Praveen repeated his words again, quickly.

The guy just stared at him blankly and smiled wickedly. It looked like all of them were as very well trained as they were dedicated to their boss or the group or the belief with which they would have joined the group and were ready to do anything blindly.

It is lot easier to talk and think about all these things but equally difficult when you land in a position facing it. You cannot even get them to talk to you leave alone understand you or be afraid of you or whatever. You are so determined and talented and well equipped yet everything in front of you seems a road block. The whole world stops rotating and the grip of your hand starts loosening. The whole situation even though being in your hands, at times, seems like being completely out of control.

The situation may be similar to what software engineers face during their project deadlines but yes in many ways it has a complete different picture.

As soon as Praveen pushed the green button, he turned the phone on speaker and bent behind the guy, holding the phone in his left hand and holding the guys left thumb in his right hand.

“Everything fine?” a coarse voice yelled from the other end of the phone.

“Yes” the guy replied.

I could hear voices of honks and motors. He was definitely in a vehicle which was right in the middle of heavy traffic. By then I quickly sent a message to the Chief to track the number that had flashed and reply back with its present location and where the vehicle was headed.

“Why is the phone on speaker?”

“Everyone wanted to hear you.”

“Why? What do they want?”

“I don’t know”

“Who all wants to hear me? Let them hear me when I come there. Now just put the phone back and listen carefully” he yelled as loudly as he could.

The guy looked at me and turned at Praveen. Praveen removed the phone from speaker and kept the mobile near his ears and he too bent a little getting his ears as close to the mobile as possible.

I could hear a yes and one no and then three yes from the guy but nothing else.

By the look on Praveen’s face it was clear that he too could not hear each and every word but he doubted something was wrong.

“What did he ask you?” he said coming forward and standing in front of the guy.

“He asked if we needed dinner. I said yes”

Praveen slapped him loudly sending the guy to the ground.

As the guy tried getting up, staring at Praveen, he received another slap and fell down again.

“Do you think I am an ass?” Praveen yelled pulling the guy up holding his collar.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Something is fishy” Praveen said turning at me.

Quickly I held the guy bleeding badly and pulled him slowly near the other guys and made him sit beside his fellow group members.

“What?” I then asked Praveen

“I too don’t know. But everything the guy on the phone asked looked wrong to me”

“But what did he ask?”

“He first asked dinner. Then he asked if it’s warm inside home. Then he asked if there was enough fuel in Qualis. The last question was if there were any mosquitoes inside home”

Working as a spy and spending most of your years in this field and dealing with a hell lot of persons of all the characters and places, you end up as that one person whose first instinct would always be to think of a hidden destructive meaning in anything that falls on your ears or eyes. To suspect everyone and to doubt on everything and to be on alert 24/7 becomes a part of your character.

And yes, this was one situation where in the brain cells are on high alert of taking in every word and decoding them in every possible way trying to figure out all the danger that lay ahead.

“What did he ask?” Praveen shouted again.

“You heard what he asked. You heard what I replied. What more do you want?”

“Tell me the meaning of all that” he hit the guy on his head with the butt of his pistol.

“I don’t know. I just replied to what he asked” he said with the same attitude.

Quickly walking behind him I put my right arm over his neck and pulled him as tight as possible. I tightened the grip of my arm until he chocked and coughed few times.

“Tell now what that all meant. Quick” I shouted.

“I don’t know. Go ahead and kill me if you want” he yelled back, still choking to death.

“That would be lot easier” I said removing my arm and moving back, I shot a bullet into his right arm.

He fell ahead shouting loudly and giving out a small cry he shouted, “Kill me. You wont get anything. Go ahead kill me”

I shot again in his left arm.

The pain doubled as the blood started flowing down.

“Yes I will kill you. I don’t need any answer from you” I said keeping my pistol at the back of his head.

His attitude seemed to dissolve as the blood started decreasing in his body. He neither moved nor spoke anything for few minutes.

Moving to the person beside him who was looking at him with a horrifying look in his eyes, I asked him “You will tell me what those questions meant or you will get a bullet. Not in arms this time. I am fed up of decorating bullets at places where they create beautiful designs but don’t give any results”

As soon as I placed my pistol to the back of his head, he started blabbering, “Don’t kill me. Please don’t kill me. I don’t know anything”

With a loud bang on his from the butt of my pistol which sent him down, he continued, “It was all coded. Only he knows the meaning. Our boss talks to him only. They always talk in coded language”

“Do you think we don’t know anything? There isn’t any mosquito in this building and you said yes. I doubt the answer would have been two if your foolish boss had asked how many mosquitoes.” I said turning to the guy who was lying on the ground bleeding badly.

“When you know why do you ask? You both are gone. You will be killed” he said trying to pick up his attitude which cost him another hit from Praveen.

“Nothing will happen to me. But if anyone of us is dead, that girl will die” he said and started laughing.

Something sparkled the fume in me and I suddenly pointed my pistol at his head and was about to shoot when Praveen stopped me and pushed me a little back.

“Are you mad? At least think before you act” he said

“There is nothing more to think” I replied.

“Don’t lose your calm” he said.

Moving back my pistol, I opened the mobile to check the reply from Chief.

“Whats that?” Praveen asked.

“Chief messaged saying…” I was saying when the mobile of that guy rang again flashing the same number.

“We are not picking it” Praveen said to me.

“Yes let it ring. Let him come here” I said.

“That is for you. He is here. You are gone” the guy said, still bleeding.

The ringing died but soon the ringing started again.

“What do you want to do?” Praveen asked.

“Lets speak to the one who has planned all this and is dying to see me dead” I said taking the mobile form him.

“Hello” I said calmly.

“So you really are smart. I enjoyed playing with you” he said laughing wickedly.

“How is Sonali?” I asked.

“She is alive. But till when I don’t know” he laughed again.

“What do you want?”

“You know that better. Or are you acting?” he shouted.

“Leave her. I am standing right in the middle of the home which you are using for all your illegal activities. Come and talk to me like a guy”

“Ha ha ha. I used to see Bollywood movies and now you are sounding like a Bollywood hero”

“Stop your nonsense. Come and talk to me face to face. Enough of your hiding.”

“You shut up. I don’t like your voice. I am not interested in your face. Give me my data and take your girlfriend. Else you know what I am capable of”

“I will make sure you bleed till your last breath if you touch her” I yelled furiously.

“Is it? Hear to her”

“Vish please save me. I am in a car” I heard Sonali crying as he took back the mobile and continued, “Did you hear your girlfriend?”

“Come and talk to me” I said, pressuring my nerves to calm down and controlling my actions badly.

“I am there. I came to meet you only”


“I am right in front the gate. Listen to me now” he said

“I am coming out”

“Just wait there and listen to me carefully. I know you are two. You have my four people hostage inside. I don’t care for them neither need them. You can shoot them and save my four bullets. So don’t offer me any stupid deal. I just need my data and take your girlfriend. I am not bothered about you or this girl who has been crying crazily. I assure you that it would be a fair exchange. I am in no way interested in attacking you or hurting you three. But yes, if you act anything smart you three will be dead. And listen Mr.Bollywood Hero, you are surrounded by men from all sides. You can turn to your left and see the window.”

I turned to the window and saw a man pointing his machine gun directly towards us.

“Now check the window on your right”

Again there was another guy holding the same gun.

“I have a person holding a gun ready to shoot you guys at one word. No one will ever get to know you both were here. Stop acting smart and without thinking do as I say”

I looked at Praveen, who was following my every action carefully and had noticed the men standing out of the window. He just nodded his head signaling yes.

“Tell me” I said over the call

“Walk to the front window and throw all the arms and mobiles you have got out of it”

“Okay” I said.


“I am doing it. No need to hurry” I shouted back

Collecting both the mobiles and all the six guns I walked to the front window and opened it. I threw the six guns saying, “These are the guns. Ones we had and the ones your guys had. This is the mobile my friend had” I threw out Praveen’s mobile.

“Good. As a prize for your good job, peek in from the window and look at the car parked to the left of the gate”

I put my head out of the window a little and turned to my left. I was horrified at what I saw. My legs shook a little and a light hint of tremble slid through my spine.

The back window of the vehicle was open and I could see Sonali with a plaster applied on her mouth. She was weeping badly and was looking at me. I could see all the pain in her eyes and felt worse when I tried sensing her pain. Her hairs were scattered a bit and her face had turned the palest I had ever seen. Her eyes looked lifeless and her face looked as unhealthy as possible. She had never looked as dull, not even when she was ill. She looked like she had lost all the hope, but a slight hint of life cheered her eyes as she looked at me signalling a wide no. I could see her eyes getting a bit happier and her cry lessening but still everything was worse and my heart was still beating mercilessly while my brain tried hard to think…

Continued Next Sunday…
Comments Welcome…

Saturday, January 4, 2014

When it all happened – The Attack!!

“No need of any backup. We will manage” I spoke to the Chief as Praveen took a rash left turn at some point of the road which I wasn’t even concentrating.

“But how do you know how much armed they are?” Chief replied.

“We do not know. But we cannot wait for any backup. With no news from this Qualis batch, they will be thinking of other options already. It’s been over 40 minutes since we had the Qualis down”

“Still Sam you cannot take it in your hands alone”

“But Chief there isn’t any damn time left. Moreover we cannot alert them with a huge army. Who knows where they have held Sonali?”

“Sam. I understand that. But I cannot allow this two men attack”

“Chief! You have given this case in my hands.”

“Yes, I do remember, but I dint mean you both go on your crazy ride. At least wait till we have some data collected on that house.” Chief snapped at me suddenly.

“Sure Chief” I said quickly disconnecting the call.

“What did he say?” Praveen asked driving crazily amid other vehicles, scaring every other driver on the road.

“He gave his nod for the attack” I said checking the time in my watch.

“Strange. This is the first time he has agreed” Praveen said, his eyes still fixed on the road.

“Are you ready?” he said again after a small gap.

“I am ready as never before” I said, checking the magazine of my pistol.

In few minutes that clicked on real slow, Praveen parked his car a road before the house we wanted to attack on. Gearing up with few more arms and ammunitions, we both got down from the car and took a careful look all around. It was silent, no one was around.

“What’s the plan?” Praveen asked

“Go near. Study their strength and then bang in” I said turning towards the road.

“Let’s walk then” he said, hanging his bag behind his back.

Volcano erupting now! – I sent a message to Chief and threw the mobile to Praveen.

“Let me just take a walk across the house and know what’s actually in there” Praveen said walking towards the road.

“I am thinking of coming in from behind. But there is no way to communicate” I said looking around for another time.

“I will walk across the house and lock my car again. That will be your signal to come. Ok?” he said

“Once you lock the car, I will be attacking in from behind in exactly 1 minute from the time I hear the sound. No looking back. If I hear no sound from your car in another 10 minutes, I will walk back. Fine with you?” I asked

“Deal” he said and quickly started walking towards the road while I took the road to the left which leaded to the back entry of the house.

As I reached the back side of the house, I dint notice anything except a dull bulb glowing in one of the rooms in the right wing of the first floor. My heart had started beating and the dark silence covering that area had assured that every beat echoed in my own ears.

Exactly in the beginning seconds of the sixth minute, I heard the sound of Praveen’s car lock. Without wasting another second, I jumped over the compound wall of the house and landed inside the compound. It looked like the house had been empty since months. There was dust everywhere, nothing was cleaned, the garage to my right was locked and the lock looked rusted. The entry to the backdoor was not easy with the door locked and completely covered by iron grills. Walking to the right side of the house, I saw only one window had light lit on. All the other windows were dark. Taking a look into one of the window helped only to breath in some dust that had accumulated over the window pane.

Moving ahead, I noticed another Qualis parked in front of the gate. Taking cautious steps, I moved ahead until I reached the window that was throwing some white light out of it. Taking out a small mirror from the bag I stood beside the window with my back to the wall and held the mirror carefully in front the window. Slowly and steadily moving it, making sure it doesn’t reflects back any light inside the window I moved it across to get anything that helped me. As soon as I saw three heads but no faces, I turned around and moving further took a clear look into the window. Three guys were sitting without talking to each other but seemed alert by the looks of their posture. Another guy was standing just beside the front door making sure of noticing all the activities that took place in front of the gate.

A small breath escaped my mouth as I saw no signs of Sonali. But this was a good beginning.

The front door attack was ruled out. The back door was sealed. The windows make hell of a noise. The only way now was the terrace, I thought. Walking quickly towards the back door, I looked up and got a small jolt as I saw a face staring at me from the terrace. Blinking my eyes thrice as I stood still without any moment, I tried to focus on the face. Though I could make out that it was a face, there was no way in which I could assure myself. The darkness had thickened to a level where my eyes had stepped back to give me any guarantee of what it was until I saw white teeth. The grinning face now moved and I saw a hand singling me to walk towards the left side of the home. By the shape of the teeth that twinkled, I said to myself that it was Praveen’s stupid grin.

As I walked to the left side of the house, his hands pointed to a pipe. Quickly taking the pipe, I climbed onto the terrace.

“Dude, can’t you move? What were you looking down at?” I whispered

“How can I be sure that it was you” he put a valid question.

“Ok. Now what did you find out?” I asked.

“Only one vehicle out; no signs of heavy arms; no signs of any guards. No rooms on the left even show they had life in them for months. Sad to say but I seriously don’t think anything is here. What about the right wing?”

“One room lit with a normal household light. Three guys sitting and fourth one guarding the door. All four are on alert. I guess they are armed and ready to shoot at sight by looking at their alertness.”

“Let’s get in” he said pointing at the door that allowed an entry inside the house.

“Yep” I said walking towards the door and trying a hand at unlocking it.

“Move” he said pushing me and quickly took out his credit card and moved it all along the door. He then pointed to the top side of the door and said, “On three”

One; two; three; Bang! Thud! The door was open!

Both of us quickly ran below the stairs and reached the first floor of the house. He moved towards the stairs of the ground floor, while I walked towards the right wing taking out my pistol making sure I shot before I got shot. Moving to the last room on the right side of that floor I peeked inside the key hole. The room was empty. Opening it as lightly as possible, I stepped in only to find it empty, but it looked like it had been occupied and used every day.

Closing the door again, I followed the steps of Praveen and reached the step where he was waiting for me.

“Just attack?” he asked in a low whisper

“Yes and let them know who we are” I whispered back.

What makes a great team is knowing each other working in the team and making sure your every move and every act are like notes in a musical. A stand alone note often ruins the music but the notes picked up keeping the whole musical in mind makes a master piece. Team work is nothing different. Every act of every member working for the team keeps building the work and one wrong or bad act spoils everything. This was the best part of working with Praveen since years. We both knew how our minds thought and how we both reacted to a certain action. There was no time wasted in explaining each other or discussing any points.

Stepping down the last step, I shot into the left leg of the person standing beside the front door. The gun he was holding fell as he shouted in surprise and sat down slowly against the door. The other three guys stood up at once, but being taken in surprise, before they could actually deduce what had happened, Praveen shot three quick bullets sending them in more confusion.

“Sit down with hands up. Else you will be shot” I shouted at the top of my voice.

While Praveen quickly moved towards them, I covered them from back running towards the dropped gun. The three guys, now realizing what had happened, were trying to sit down slowly.

“Sit down. Raise your hands” Praveen yelled taking another shot just beside the feet of one guy. It immediately sent him down on his knees with his hands raised up.

Picking up the fallen gun and pushing it inside my belt, I pointed my gun at the three guys again and walked towards the fallen guy.

“Why the hell don’t you obey? Are you deaf?” shouted Praveen as he hit on the head of the third guy with the butt of his pistol. As the three guys kneeled down, Praveen quickly ran behind them and tied their hands at the back checking them. He pulled out a gun from each person and threw them in his bag.

“Who the hell are you?” the guy who was shot in leg asked as I turned towards him pointing my pistol on his head.

“I am the rascal who made sure you eat a bullet in your leg and who will make sure eat another one in your head” I said staring into his eyes.

“You won’t get anything” he said looking down

“I don’t want anything you ass” I said, hitting his forehead with my pistol. His don’t care attitude fumed me up and I was forced to step on his bullet wound that helped some of his attitude shit out as a loud cry.

“He is right. Do whatever you want. You won’t get anything” said another person among the other three.

“Even he is right. We don’t want anything” Praveen said kicking in the stomach of the person, who fell back but was pulled back from his hairs by Praveen.

After making sure some good amount of blood wasted out of his leg, I aimed the pistol to his head and said, 
“What do you know about a girl kidnapped?”

“I do not know anything” he said, taking another blow form me

“Why the hell are you armed?”

“I won’t tell anything. You can kill me” he said bending down again, getting ready for another blow.

These guys were well trained; I thought and nodded to Praveen. He searched again and pulled out a mobile from one of the pockets.

“Same number. Only incoming” he said.

“What is that number? Who calls you?” I slapped the person making him fall to his right.

“We won’t tell anything” said one of the guys kneeling.

“You poke your nose where it’s not needed and your head will end up where it’s not needed” I shouted shooting him in his leg.

Again, there was a cry and yell and some confusion and some shouting until Praveen slapped him and then looked at me with a huge question mark in his eyes. I could have spared the bullet but it was needed to bring down the nerves of those freaking rascals. 

We knew the only way now was to wait a call from that number. Anything else would alert the others and it meant putting Sonali in danger. The only thing to do now was to keep interrogating and terrifying the prisoners and deep inside heart keep waiting for the call or any movement from their end.

A complete hour passed with no results. All the four guys were trained to be interrogated. We couldn’t get any information about the main person except for few hints that came out along with spits of their anger and rejection.

My mind was still thinking of every possible way to gather more information from them as the mobile phone vibrated and that unknown unsaved number flashed on the screen…

Action continues next week…

This is the Eighth Episode of this Spy Series - When it all happened!
Come on guys, do drop some comments and give me some feedback…
