Saturday, January 4, 2014

When it all happened – The Attack!!

“No need of any backup. We will manage” I spoke to the Chief as Praveen took a rash left turn at some point of the road which I wasn’t even concentrating.

“But how do you know how much armed they are?” Chief replied.

“We do not know. But we cannot wait for any backup. With no news from this Qualis batch, they will be thinking of other options already. It’s been over 40 minutes since we had the Qualis down”

“Still Sam you cannot take it in your hands alone”

“But Chief there isn’t any damn time left. Moreover we cannot alert them with a huge army. Who knows where they have held Sonali?”

“Sam. I understand that. But I cannot allow this two men attack”

“Chief! You have given this case in my hands.”

“Yes, I do remember, but I dint mean you both go on your crazy ride. At least wait till we have some data collected on that house.” Chief snapped at me suddenly.

“Sure Chief” I said quickly disconnecting the call.

“What did he say?” Praveen asked driving crazily amid other vehicles, scaring every other driver on the road.

“He gave his nod for the attack” I said checking the time in my watch.

“Strange. This is the first time he has agreed” Praveen said, his eyes still fixed on the road.

“Are you ready?” he said again after a small gap.

“I am ready as never before” I said, checking the magazine of my pistol.

In few minutes that clicked on real slow, Praveen parked his car a road before the house we wanted to attack on. Gearing up with few more arms and ammunitions, we both got down from the car and took a careful look all around. It was silent, no one was around.

“What’s the plan?” Praveen asked

“Go near. Study their strength and then bang in” I said turning towards the road.

“Let’s walk then” he said, hanging his bag behind his back.

Volcano erupting now! – I sent a message to Chief and threw the mobile to Praveen.

“Let me just take a walk across the house and know what’s actually in there” Praveen said walking towards the road.

“I am thinking of coming in from behind. But there is no way to communicate” I said looking around for another time.

“I will walk across the house and lock my car again. That will be your signal to come. Ok?” he said

“Once you lock the car, I will be attacking in from behind in exactly 1 minute from the time I hear the sound. No looking back. If I hear no sound from your car in another 10 minutes, I will walk back. Fine with you?” I asked

“Deal” he said and quickly started walking towards the road while I took the road to the left which leaded to the back entry of the house.

As I reached the back side of the house, I dint notice anything except a dull bulb glowing in one of the rooms in the right wing of the first floor. My heart had started beating and the dark silence covering that area had assured that every beat echoed in my own ears.

Exactly in the beginning seconds of the sixth minute, I heard the sound of Praveen’s car lock. Without wasting another second, I jumped over the compound wall of the house and landed inside the compound. It looked like the house had been empty since months. There was dust everywhere, nothing was cleaned, the garage to my right was locked and the lock looked rusted. The entry to the backdoor was not easy with the door locked and completely covered by iron grills. Walking to the right side of the house, I saw only one window had light lit on. All the other windows were dark. Taking a look into one of the window helped only to breath in some dust that had accumulated over the window pane.

Moving ahead, I noticed another Qualis parked in front of the gate. Taking cautious steps, I moved ahead until I reached the window that was throwing some white light out of it. Taking out a small mirror from the bag I stood beside the window with my back to the wall and held the mirror carefully in front the window. Slowly and steadily moving it, making sure it doesn’t reflects back any light inside the window I moved it across to get anything that helped me. As soon as I saw three heads but no faces, I turned around and moving further took a clear look into the window. Three guys were sitting without talking to each other but seemed alert by the looks of their posture. Another guy was standing just beside the front door making sure of noticing all the activities that took place in front of the gate.

A small breath escaped my mouth as I saw no signs of Sonali. But this was a good beginning.

The front door attack was ruled out. The back door was sealed. The windows make hell of a noise. The only way now was the terrace, I thought. Walking quickly towards the back door, I looked up and got a small jolt as I saw a face staring at me from the terrace. Blinking my eyes thrice as I stood still without any moment, I tried to focus on the face. Though I could make out that it was a face, there was no way in which I could assure myself. The darkness had thickened to a level where my eyes had stepped back to give me any guarantee of what it was until I saw white teeth. The grinning face now moved and I saw a hand singling me to walk towards the left side of the home. By the shape of the teeth that twinkled, I said to myself that it was Praveen’s stupid grin.

As I walked to the left side of the house, his hands pointed to a pipe. Quickly taking the pipe, I climbed onto the terrace.

“Dude, can’t you move? What were you looking down at?” I whispered

“How can I be sure that it was you” he put a valid question.

“Ok. Now what did you find out?” I asked.

“Only one vehicle out; no signs of heavy arms; no signs of any guards. No rooms on the left even show they had life in them for months. Sad to say but I seriously don’t think anything is here. What about the right wing?”

“One room lit with a normal household light. Three guys sitting and fourth one guarding the door. All four are on alert. I guess they are armed and ready to shoot at sight by looking at their alertness.”

“Let’s get in” he said pointing at the door that allowed an entry inside the house.

“Yep” I said walking towards the door and trying a hand at unlocking it.

“Move” he said pushing me and quickly took out his credit card and moved it all along the door. He then pointed to the top side of the door and said, “On three”

One; two; three; Bang! Thud! The door was open!

Both of us quickly ran below the stairs and reached the first floor of the house. He moved towards the stairs of the ground floor, while I walked towards the right wing taking out my pistol making sure I shot before I got shot. Moving to the last room on the right side of that floor I peeked inside the key hole. The room was empty. Opening it as lightly as possible, I stepped in only to find it empty, but it looked like it had been occupied and used every day.

Closing the door again, I followed the steps of Praveen and reached the step where he was waiting for me.

“Just attack?” he asked in a low whisper

“Yes and let them know who we are” I whispered back.

What makes a great team is knowing each other working in the team and making sure your every move and every act are like notes in a musical. A stand alone note often ruins the music but the notes picked up keeping the whole musical in mind makes a master piece. Team work is nothing different. Every act of every member working for the team keeps building the work and one wrong or bad act spoils everything. This was the best part of working with Praveen since years. We both knew how our minds thought and how we both reacted to a certain action. There was no time wasted in explaining each other or discussing any points.

Stepping down the last step, I shot into the left leg of the person standing beside the front door. The gun he was holding fell as he shouted in surprise and sat down slowly against the door. The other three guys stood up at once, but being taken in surprise, before they could actually deduce what had happened, Praveen shot three quick bullets sending them in more confusion.

“Sit down with hands up. Else you will be shot” I shouted at the top of my voice.

While Praveen quickly moved towards them, I covered them from back running towards the dropped gun. The three guys, now realizing what had happened, were trying to sit down slowly.

“Sit down. Raise your hands” Praveen yelled taking another shot just beside the feet of one guy. It immediately sent him down on his knees with his hands raised up.

Picking up the fallen gun and pushing it inside my belt, I pointed my gun at the three guys again and walked towards the fallen guy.

“Why the hell don’t you obey? Are you deaf?” shouted Praveen as he hit on the head of the third guy with the butt of his pistol. As the three guys kneeled down, Praveen quickly ran behind them and tied their hands at the back checking them. He pulled out a gun from each person and threw them in his bag.

“Who the hell are you?” the guy who was shot in leg asked as I turned towards him pointing my pistol on his head.

“I am the rascal who made sure you eat a bullet in your leg and who will make sure eat another one in your head” I said staring into his eyes.

“You won’t get anything” he said looking down

“I don’t want anything you ass” I said, hitting his forehead with my pistol. His don’t care attitude fumed me up and I was forced to step on his bullet wound that helped some of his attitude shit out as a loud cry.

“He is right. Do whatever you want. You won’t get anything” said another person among the other three.

“Even he is right. We don’t want anything” Praveen said kicking in the stomach of the person, who fell back but was pulled back from his hairs by Praveen.

After making sure some good amount of blood wasted out of his leg, I aimed the pistol to his head and said, 
“What do you know about a girl kidnapped?”

“I do not know anything” he said, taking another blow form me

“Why the hell are you armed?”

“I won’t tell anything. You can kill me” he said bending down again, getting ready for another blow.

These guys were well trained; I thought and nodded to Praveen. He searched again and pulled out a mobile from one of the pockets.

“Same number. Only incoming” he said.

“What is that number? Who calls you?” I slapped the person making him fall to his right.

“We won’t tell anything” said one of the guys kneeling.

“You poke your nose where it’s not needed and your head will end up where it’s not needed” I shouted shooting him in his leg.

Again, there was a cry and yell and some confusion and some shouting until Praveen slapped him and then looked at me with a huge question mark in his eyes. I could have spared the bullet but it was needed to bring down the nerves of those freaking rascals. 

We knew the only way now was to wait a call from that number. Anything else would alert the others and it meant putting Sonali in danger. The only thing to do now was to keep interrogating and terrifying the prisoners and deep inside heart keep waiting for the call or any movement from their end.

A complete hour passed with no results. All the four guys were trained to be interrogated. We couldn’t get any information about the main person except for few hints that came out along with spits of their anger and rejection.

My mind was still thinking of every possible way to gather more information from them as the mobile phone vibrated and that unknown unsaved number flashed on the screen…

Action continues next week…

This is the Eighth Episode of this Spy Series - When it all happened!
Come on guys, do drop some comments and give me some feedback…


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