Saturday, February 22, 2014


“Bullshit” Shouted one of my roomie at the top of his voice.

“Just shut up. It’s all your fault” shouted another.

“What rubbish? You left the catch and it’s my fault?”

“I had told you to spin the ball and you never do it”

“As though you spin the ball and we win the match everytime”

Finally the third one who was in my team that day and batting yelled at them, “Guys, you both loose everytime and keep fighting. Just stop the nonsense and play”

“You just shut your mouth. We know how much you both have won”

“Dude. I have the count. Don’t force me to prove it.” I interrupted

It was 2 PM when we guys stopped our cricket all in sweats and tired to hell. Somehow, I managed to finish off the hot Veg Pulav prepared by my roomie and straightaway headed to my bed. Rolling down on my bed, I took mobile into my hands, unlocked it.

I found nothing new expect few messages in the new chatting apps. Without finding anything really interesting, I opened up the Perry Masson mystery I had left half read the night before. Perry Masson had to wait again as I slid into deep sleep within minutes of opening it. The game and the heavy lunch had done their magic.

Before even I could realize the number of dreams I had seen, I felt a tight punch on my stomach. It pained hell but I was still busy convincing that was happening in one of my dreams. The more I tried convincing myself the more it pained and before I could draw any conclusion, I felt another punch. Within seconds I opened my eyes and looked at my stomach. Placing my hand on it and giving it a light massage I felt the dream was all a myth. It was really paining but who had given that punch? Opening my eyes a bit more as I stared at a figure standing beside my bed, I saw a grin. A foolish one but a bit wicked one.

“Its 5 PM” my roomie said.

“So?” I said followed by a yawn.

“We had made some plans yesterday night. Remember?” he said.

“What plans?”


“But why so early? We will go late. Some 9 PM show” I said and tried closing my eyes again.

“Yes we are going for late night show but we are leaving room early”

“But why?” I asked sleepily

“Just get out of bed you lazy bugger” he yelled, punching me again in my waist.

“Dude. Its hurting me” I said, moving myself to the other side of the bed.

“Then get up and get ready. Quick”

I had no other way to avoid those punches. I was so sleepy I could not even fight back. Giving up, I raised my body from the bed and tried sitting straight. With few more attempts, finally I did get up and sat straight.

Convinced that I would no longer go back into sleep, he walked out of the room. Quickly I slid back into the blanket and slept off.

To be continued…

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Girlfriend(s) yet againnn !!!

Dear readers, I am back to the topic of my first blog – Girlfriend(s)!!!

If you had thought the behavior of girlfriends written in my previous blogs about Girlfirend(s) was intolerable then spare a few minutes on reading this. This will lend some more help for your weak memory to spot out another weirdest behaviors of girls, which is, their irrelevant quarrels!

Links for previous two Girlfriend(s)

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Again, this is just for humor... No hard feelings...

That day, I still remember it was a Tuesday, had turned real unexpected for me. The work load was same, I had had no quarrels with my girlfriend, and there were no twists and turns in my life on that day and thus thought it was a rather unexpected one. I was afraid till I could slip into sleep. That’s only because, a day without problems in my life simply means I have been sleeping the whole day lazy enough to mess up myself into problems. Also, one of my closest friends having his birthday was giving a party in one of the restaurants, specialized in buffet dinner, around the corner. I was back home at the right time, got ready and was out with all my friends with a full in-swing mood planning a list of delicacies that I would be gobbling up in dinner. Right as I sat on the chair I got my girlfriend’s message. Till then she had agreed not to disturb me the whole evening and again she had messaged me. Thinking it to be something really damn urgent I read it to find that she needed some information. I replied back with the details and went ahead to pick up my first round of buffet’s part, the hot Tomato Soup along with few breads. The whole time I was busy emptying my soup, I had managed to do some multitasking that included having a nice chat with my friends on multiple topics (both censored and non-censored) and chatting with my girlfriend on mobile directing her to do some online stuff. And, as I had expected, she was not able to complete it and wanted me to call her. Not talking with anyone and spending the whole of party-time enjoying with ourselves was one of the main rules we had whenever we all friends partied together. I had explained this to her and still she was insisting me to call her again and again. Finally giving in to her pressure and taking permission from my friends after I lied to them by mentioning them the call to be from office I walked out of the restaurant calling her.

“Hey dear! What happened? Why urgency for that? I will do it once I go back home” I said before even yelling a hello at her.

Without answering my questions, she put forward her own questions to me. Then started all the in famous talks that happen regularly between two love birds who are angry over each other or say angry birds to keep it simple. Finally getting disgusted I shouted, “Please stop it yaar, it’ one of my best friend’s birthday and almost 20 minutes I have been away from table. We will continue once I reach home.”

“Ok I got it; you don’t even want to speak to me. That’s how much you love me. So bad of you”

“Hey listen I dint say I don’t wanna speak to you. I just said we will talk later. My friends will feel bad. Try to understand sweetie” I just added that extra sweet thinking it would change her mood and would let me go but she had in her mind a big no!

“I know you want to escape from me always. What if they are waiting, I just wanted to speak with you for only 5 minutes and you are behaving like I am spoiling all your party”

Oh God, you know the truth. Her 5 minutes of sense talk always comes after an hour of nonsense talks. When I prayed you for a charming girlfriend I had also meant a girl with heart and brain. After months I have got a quality time to spend with my friends and why do you plan to spoil that?

Finally accepting my defeat I tried to console her and after a whole of 20 more minutes she calmed down when I promised a gift for her. My dear readers, that day my best friend was having his birthday and I had not even cared to give him a damn bloody gift but I had to spend my pocket for her gift which had to be costlier than the gift I had gifted her a month back for her birthday.

The call was asking me something related to the issue she was facing and we had talked about everything, not to forget the gift, other than that issue. The irrelevant topics discussed in our call cost me my 50 minutes of dinner time and leaving a big hole in my already low running balance. Just as I returned back to my chair, I looked at all my friends who were by now had even forgotten I was with them when they walked into the restaurant.

One of them shouted at me, “Oh so you are back. We thought you went back home. Anyways, we have finished our main course and are having the deserts. What do you want to have?”

My stomach was already half filled from my girlfriend’s nonsense and now the other half got filled from my friends’ abuse. Now the only thing I needed was a good sleep to end that frustrating day!

I again wanted to ask the same question to God but I knew how helpless he was…


Saturday, February 8, 2014

When it all happened – Finale!!

“Where are we going?” Al Pacino’s duplicate asked turning back at me as his robot pressed the gun deep into back of my neck.

“You know where” I said without looking at him and I felt the gun digging deeper into my neck.

“Don’t act smart and don’t forget that your stupid sturdiness can cost two lives. Just tell me where the data card is” he said, still looking at me.

“Nothing is more important than that data. Don’t open your mouth” Praveen said, only to receive a punch from the robot.

“I know it is important and that’s what I want” he said turning to Praveen and laughed.

I was still not looking at anyone, not even Praveen or Sonali. I was busy thinking.

Wherever you are, it comes with the job. Sit right, always alert, planning your next move, going over your intelligence, reviewing your knowledge. But when it gets so long as to you see hatred in your enemies’ eyes and fear in your loved ones’ eyes, it’s time to make a move.

“It’s in my home” I said, turning to him.

“I need all the details” he said.

“In my home, I have kept a book, ‘The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes’ in front of the night lamp, on the table just beside my bed. You would feel the book is lying casually but it’s actually a box containing the card which you are looking for. The code of the box is 8899”

“And if any of this is not true?” he asked.

“Then you can shoot me there itself at that very moment” I said looking into his eyes.

“Noooo” I heard Sonali crying.

Without looking back at her, I said, “Don’t worry Sonali, this will end soon. Once he gets his data we all will be free”

That dint convince her and she continued crying. Praveen remained silent.

“We will see if I need to shoot you or her” he said and turned away from me.

Everyone in the car remained silent until he turned back after few minutes and said, “I am repeating. If you act smart or try doing anything, my men will be shooting all three of you”

“What smart move?” I asked.

“I know you very well and I doubt you are taking me into a trap”

“Then go back” I said smiling at him

“Shut your mouth. I am ready for any of your foolish moves. It will only cost you and your friends, not me” he said, grinning back at me.

“Then are you worried?” I asked.

He just turned front and sat silently. No one spoke till the vehicle entered the street in which my home was there. The vehicle stopped at the entrance of the street and the second vehicle was behind it. He dialed a number and suddenly two guys from the second vehicle came running and stood outside his window. He threw his head out of the window and ordered them something to which they quickly ran ahead. They slowed their pace as they neared my home and took a normal walk, carefully studying my home and the security and every detail possible. Behaving normally, they walked till the end of the street and walked back again.

Within minutes they were standing outside his window and reporting him all that they had studied. He listened to them carefully and sat silently thinking something deeply. He sat silently without saying anything or acting anything. Everyone in both the vehicles turned dead until he thought.

After a long gap, he turned back at me and said, “Get out of the car”

I had no chance to get out as even before I could move, I was pulled out by the robot. Without any option left, I stepped out and stared at him.

“Walk ahead with us. If we get the data and return safely, you three will be free. If anything happens to us, my men will kill your friends” he said looking at me and then turning towards one of his men, he said, “Wait for exactly 30 mins for us to return. If we don’t return safely in 30 mins, shoot these both”

I was pushed ahead as he and his robot and his two men carrying submachines followed me. As I reached the first floor of our building and unlocked the door of my home, they quickly ran inside the home and started checking, while we three waited outside the door.

“The book is here” one of the guys shouted and the boss quickly sprinted towards my bedroom followed by his robot pulling me.

The light was switched on before we entered the room and the boss quickly stepped towards the book and picked it. As soon as he picked it, he knew it was a normal book and not any box. Within seconds, in gust of anger, he threw the book at my face.

“What the hell is this?” he shouted in anger.

“This is my favorite book which I read daily before going to bed” I said grinning wickedly at him.

“Where the hell is my data?” he said taking out his mobile.

“Inside that cupboard” I said.

He quickly walked towards the cupboard and opened it and within seconds, suddenly, he fell back and two men walked out of it pointing their submachines. Within next few moments, all I could see was few bullets flying across my bedroom followed by two dead bodies. The robot tried pulling the trigger of his gun into my neck but the bullet from one of those guns hit his leg and saved my life, as he fell down yelling about the pain. Taking a quick chance, I ran towards the boss lying in shock and snatched back my Colt.

Hitting his head as hard as I could with the butt of my Colt, I stood by his side smiling. More men ran inside my bedroom, all dressed in black and carrying the same submachine ready for a mini war.

Though my heart was still not at peace, thinking about the condition on the street and the safety of my two dear friends, I was still standing victoriously over a major threat to the country and it was my turn to relish the victory. But it was not the right time to dance; it was time to wrap things up quickly and safely. Handing over the scene to one of the men, who was quick enough in arresting the person who were alive, I ran out of the building and out into the street.

I saw Chief standing along with Praveen and right beside them was a chair placed on which Sonali was sobbing. I ran towards them as Chief noticed me.

“Cool down Sam. All is well” he smiled.

“Thank God you got my message and all went as planned” I said sighing.

“But when did you message?” Praveen asked looking at me.

“When you grew suspicious over the conversation between one of those men in that building and their boss, I quickly messaged Chief from your cell saying, by any means I will get these guys to my home and they should be ready for attacking a strength of three vehicles with the most sophisticated guns”

“Awesome. But who the hell could guess these guys had submachine’s, that too the ones which still we haven’t yet got a hold on” Praveen said.

“Yes. Even that was a shock for me. A real shock. I had guessed what Sam wanted me to do and had placed men beside his home, inside his home, outside on these streets, but I was never ready for these weapons” Chief said turning at me and pointing his hand slowly towards Sonali.

“I have two important tasks to do and Chief, I am requesting you two more favors today”

“Go ahead. Anything for that Data and capturing this whole group” Chief smiled and his eyes twinkled peacefully, as ever.

“One, assign this rascal with me in all my assignments or assign me with him. Two, I have made new friends, two auto drivers, who helped me a lot in this whole chase. I request you to identify their contribution in capturing this group and give them the proper appreciation.”

“Accepted Sam” Chief smiled and I saw Praveen smiling too.

Turning towards Praveen, I stepped ahead and hugged him tightly and said, “Thanks dude”

“Shut up and talk to her” Praveen said, without even looking at me.

I walked slowly towards Sonali and placed my right hand on her left shoulder. She raised her head from between her hands and looked at me. I looked into her eyes, smiling. Slowly I moved my hand and wiped out the tears from her eyes and then the tears that were rolling down her cheeks. Holding her shoulder I pulled her up. As she stood silently in front of me, blankly, I hugged her tightly. I could listen her sobbing for a minute and could sense a drop of her tear wetting my shirt.

“Enough Sona. It’s all finished. Bad guys have been caught. No more worries and no more crying. Never Ever!” I said.

Her arms around my back tightened their grip. But within few minutes she stopped crying and looked up into my eyes and continued looking into my eyes. After a silent pause of few more minutes she placed her head on my shoulder again and tightened her grip.

Will be back with another series… Comments Welcome…


Saturday, February 1, 2014

When it all happened – Second Blow!

Opening my eyes with great difficulty and recollecting my nerves I looked up. My eyes fell first on the face of the person who had hit me with my own gun who was standing impatiently but they were desperately looking for something else. Trying my best to stand up, ignoring the pain by his blow, I tried, again, looking behind him. There she stood still crying. The tears flowing down her cheeks were glowing but in no way it looked attractive. Then I turned to my left and looked at Praveen. He still stood brave but as the clock clicked and the gun pressed tighter on his body, his eyes started growing blank. Every tears flowing down from Sonali’s eyes and the silence that reflected in Praveen’s eyes clearly started showing my defeat.

“Do you still want to know who the boss here is?” he said holding the collar of my T-shirt.

I looked into his eyes, cold but impatient. He was definitely losing his patience but by now he had the situation under his control and he knew that. He had two lives, the lives which I cared for and the lives which couldn’t be lost at any reason, at his gun point and was now waiting for me to finally accept my defeat.

“I don’t have much time” he yelled in my ears.

“Let them go” I said, but my voice was not as determined as it had to be.

Leaving the collar he pushed me back, violently, which almost sent me falling aback but I managed balancing myself with three steps. Stepping to me, he yelled, “Dint you hear what I said? I am the boss here. I am the one with guns. I need my data now”

“I told you, let us have a deal. I will give you data, you let them walk free” I said

Within seconds I felt another tight slap on my left cheek. It was not as hard as the previous blow from the gun but was powerful enough to hurt me. Turning my face back to him as I opened my eyes, he said, “No more deals and no more talking. Just shut your mouth and hand over the data to me. I will give you 5 minutes to think and decide. Then one among these two will be shot”

The life of spy is full such situations wherein they need to accept defeat, but only to the situation and not to the actual fight. Smaller defeats help in bigger wins, rarely, but definitely, if those defeats are used rightly. Spies never get many options and few times never get any options. But this doesn’t mean they are left with nothing. Even choosing the option they don’t want they have the capability to do what they want and turn the battle in their fight. This is what exactly Spies do.

“Fine, I will give you the data” I said, looking in his eyes.

“Ha ha. Very nice. Now tell me where it is?” he said with a smile.

“We will have to go there”


“I can’t tell you the details. I will come with you”

“You are still trying to behave you are the boss. Don’t try my patience and lose your friends” he said in his never care style and cold tone.

“Listen. I am not trying to be the boss. But I can’t tell you the details”

“I told you not to try my patience. Tell me the details”

“I will take you there”

“Of course you will have to be there in front of my eyes until I verify that data. And now don’t ask me to let your friends walk free. They too will be in front of my eyes until I have my data. Only then you three will be free”

“I am not dumb. Why the hell will you leave us free once you have what you need? Let them free and I will be with you”

“Stop talking and buying my time you ass” he shouted with all the anger in his eyes.

“I am not buying time. Just let them go, you will get your data”

“What guarantee do you give about the data if I let them go?”

“I will be with you”

“You? Are you mad? When did you guys started caring about your lives? Don’t fool me” he said laughing mildly.

“Okay. I will take you there and show you the data from that Card. Then you will let them go and only after I feel they are safe I will hand over the Card” I said even though I knew once we reached that place, I had nothing which I could do to make him obey my orders.

“Fine. Done. I am fed up of your talking. Let’s go fast” he said turning towards his robot.

His robot quickly pushed Praveen towards the vehicle and made him sit inside the vehicle. He then pushed Sonali into the vehicle. Then he pushed me towards the vehicle but before I could step in his boss stopped him. I turned towards him as he said, “No more stunts and no more foolishness and no more talking’s and no more deals. Take me to my data and walk free”

I silently nodded and stepping inside the vehicle. Within seconds he and his robot were inside the vehicle and it started. The driver started driving the vehicle to my directions as the gun in robot’s hand pressed my neck. In the corner of my eyes, I could see another of their vehicle following us.

I had all the time in the world to think, but it’s really tough to think when you are sitting a vehicle as a prisoner with a gun pointing at your neck. But that’s what the job of a Spy is…

To be continued…
