Saturday, February 22, 2014


“Bullshit” Shouted one of my roomie at the top of his voice.

“Just shut up. It’s all your fault” shouted another.

“What rubbish? You left the catch and it’s my fault?”

“I had told you to spin the ball and you never do it”

“As though you spin the ball and we win the match everytime”

Finally the third one who was in my team that day and batting yelled at them, “Guys, you both loose everytime and keep fighting. Just stop the nonsense and play”

“You just shut your mouth. We know how much you both have won”

“Dude. I have the count. Don’t force me to prove it.” I interrupted

It was 2 PM when we guys stopped our cricket all in sweats and tired to hell. Somehow, I managed to finish off the hot Veg Pulav prepared by my roomie and straightaway headed to my bed. Rolling down on my bed, I took mobile into my hands, unlocked it.

I found nothing new expect few messages in the new chatting apps. Without finding anything really interesting, I opened up the Perry Masson mystery I had left half read the night before. Perry Masson had to wait again as I slid into deep sleep within minutes of opening it. The game and the heavy lunch had done their magic.

Before even I could realize the number of dreams I had seen, I felt a tight punch on my stomach. It pained hell but I was still busy convincing that was happening in one of my dreams. The more I tried convincing myself the more it pained and before I could draw any conclusion, I felt another punch. Within seconds I opened my eyes and looked at my stomach. Placing my hand on it and giving it a light massage I felt the dream was all a myth. It was really paining but who had given that punch? Opening my eyes a bit more as I stared at a figure standing beside my bed, I saw a grin. A foolish one but a bit wicked one.

“Its 5 PM” my roomie said.

“So?” I said followed by a yawn.

“We had made some plans yesterday night. Remember?” he said.

“What plans?”


“But why so early? We will go late. Some 9 PM show” I said and tried closing my eyes again.

“Yes we are going for late night show but we are leaving room early”

“But why?” I asked sleepily

“Just get out of bed you lazy bugger” he yelled, punching me again in my waist.

“Dude. Its hurting me” I said, moving myself to the other side of the bed.

“Then get up and get ready. Quick”

I had no other way to avoid those punches. I was so sleepy I could not even fight back. Giving up, I raised my body from the bed and tried sitting straight. With few more attempts, finally I did get up and sat straight.

Convinced that I would no longer go back into sleep, he walked out of the room. Quickly I slid back into the blanket and slept off.

To be continued…

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