Saturday, March 1, 2014

Weekend… Part 2

Dear Readers… Welcome to the 50th post of my blog – Sunday Readers!!

Thanks for your encouragement in this gratifying journey!

It took another hard punch on my waist from my roomie to wake me up and this time, yes I woke up. Within the limited time that was given to me, I quickly got into my jeans and some unwashed shirt and was riding my bike towards the new mall built on the Outer Ring Road.

Passing the numerous pot holes and speed breakers that kept on growing day by day, we finally reached the Bangalore Central on the Ring Road. Before even I could park my bike, Sahil jumped from the back seat and ran into the mall saying he would buy the tickets. I couldn’t even see him, leave alone tell him that I needed something to eat and drink. Without hurrying, I walked towards the mall entrance checking the new messages in my cell and stepped into the lift.

Dude.. whru??

I saw the message from Pavan, my college friend.

I replied back to him giving him my exact location along with the latitude and longitude details and asked if he was interested in joining us for the movie. I got a sweet reply from him abusing me for asking him 10 minutes before the show. Getting busy in replying to him I got immersed in my cell. My head was bent and my face got glued to my mobile as I stood unaware of the whole world, as it happens with the young generation busy in chatting, in the lift. I was so immersed in chatting with him that I dint even bother to check who my fellow passengers in lift were and to which floor the lift was headed.

I was still busy in chatting when I felt something roll and hit my shoes startling me. Locking my cell and moving my eyes from that screen towards my shoes, I saw lip gloss lying beside my shoes. It was then that I realized I was standing in a public place and shared my location with many others. The first thing that I did was to raise my head and take a look around me. What I saw startled me more. The lift had only two passengers, me and another girl, beautiful girl. She was looking at me in half surprised and half confused look. Her small eyes were looking at me fully confused. I could clearly deduce, within seconds, that it was her lip gloss and she was either confused as to how to pick it or how to ask me to pick it up for her. Before the stare between our eyes could continue into an eye lock or before the expression on her face could turn more confused or bewildered, I bent down, picked up the lip gloss from my right hand and extended my hand towards her holding it in my palm. She picked it up and quickly pushed it inside her purse that hung to her left side and giving one small smile, still confused, turned to the other side.

Within seconds, I heard two beeps and the door of the lift opened and she walked out quickly. Checking the floor and finding it was the floor on which the Cinemas were there, I followed her.

To be continued…



  1. Congratulations for the journey,so far. I am sure you will travel many more miles. I wish you all the best


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