Saturday, April 26, 2014

It’s a long long day – Day Begins

My mobile displayed 3:00 AM as I stopped the alarm and unlocked it, opening my eyes and rubbing them. There was no more time to be wasted on bed. I got up and sat straight even though my body struggled with me to get it some more rest. With great effort, I pulled myself together and finally found myself in bathroom with a brush in my hand.

Within no time I was out fresh and took no more time in dressing up myself. In fact it dint even took me more than few minutes to put on a grey round neck T-Shirt and pull on a jeans. The days being the starting days of summer, it was really useless wasting time thinking about dressing options. Anything more than a T-Shirt would make sure the body would sweat till you get soaked completely in sweat. The Sun and his ever triumphant rays were in real form and would leave no stone unturned to make sure any amount of deodorant sprayed would go waste within hours.

I remembered what had happened to me just a few days back while stuck in a traffic jam on the Outer Ring Road of Bangalore near Silk Board. I had made the greatest mistake of my life that day wearing full sleeve dark colored shirt. By the time I reached my office, the summer effect had taken its toll and almost every person in the office looked at me twice just to make sure I hadn’t drenched myself wet in some rain. And when their doubt cleared, that it was sweat not the rain or water from some unattended damaged pipeline on the way, they slightly stepped back making faces and trying to stop smelling from their noses.

Imagining that, I sprayed another round of deodorant all over my body and placed it in my bag. With the bag still opened, I checked again if I had taken everything I needed for the day. Satisfied with my small Inspection I closed the zip of the bag and walked out of my bedroom into the hall. Just as I sat on the chair pulling my shoes, my mobile rang.

Taking it out, I saw the display, ‘Praveen calling’

“Hello Praveen” I said

“I am waiting in car. Come out soon” he said and disconnected the call without even waiting for my response.

Putting on my shoes, I picked the bag, quickly checked the rooms, windows, and lights and stepped out of the door, locked it, verified the lock once, and walked out onto the road. He was at the steering and looked serious. Or it just might be the effect of being thrown out of bed that early. He turned at me and gave his wide smile as I sat inside his car throwing the bag on the rear seat.

“You look fresh” he said.

“I took a bath. I guess you dint” I smiled, sarcastically raising my eyebrows at him.

“I knew, be it 4 AM or 4 PM, nothing makes difference for you when it comes to your silly PJs” he said starting the engine.

Time was 3:40 AM, as we hit the Outer Ring Road and were heading towards KR Puram Bridge. One more stop was to be made and we would be out of Bangalore, on the highway heading to Shimoga. I brought down the window glass a little to let some fresh air. Suddenly a cool breeze hit my face, giving the much needed freshness and an unexpected relief. I decided to keep down the glass until we reached highway and started looking out of the window at the closed shops lined up on the side of the road.

“Do we need to make the stop?” he asked with his eyes fixed on the road.

“No. Unless you have to pick and pack anything”

“We have everything we need.”

“Then let’s not waste any more time. It will be well over noon for us to reach our destination”

“Hmmm. Long drive”

I turned back to look out of the window and slowly relaxed back and resting my head on the back of the seat. Still breathing in the fresh cool air that was blowing on my face, I started thinking of the day. The long drive on the Bangalore Honnavar Highway; getting out of the busy City; the destination; and many many other things that waited for us that day.

I took out my mobile, unlocked it, scrolled to the message inbox and opened the latest message,

Rescue Operation. Code 206. Details emailed. No time to waste.

Reading it again, I said to myself “Today will be a long long day!”

Contd Next Sunday…


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Just Another Day… Ends...

Having no guts to either stop in front of her or even stand beside the road and keep watching her moves just like a useless roadside debaucher I had already moved few steps away from her. Without any option left, I stopped my bike and turned back just to find her crossing the road and walking swiftly away from me. Deeply disappointed, I rode to my room.

I had to bang the door for at least 15 minutes and then when finally I had given up all the hopes of entering inside the room, I started thinking of alternate options to kill my time. One being a visit to the bakery at the corner to have a cup of coffee and the second being sit on the terrace listening to my iPod, playing the brick game on my mobile. I found the game boring and the bakery far! Finally with one last hope, I banged the door praying for some miracle to happen. I was standing in front of the door cursing my friend for not opening the door and also cursing myself for missing all routes to my Purple Queen. I could have at least checked her ID card to know her name and this was the thought that was anguishing me the most.

Yes, the miracle did happen! My friend finally opened the door.

I was so frustrated and angered waiting outside that bloody damn door banging it without stopping for an instance I literally yelled at him at the top of my voice, "What the shit were you doing from half an hour?"

He sarcastically smiled at me and said as calmly as he could, "How did you get to know that?"

Being in no mood to fall into any discussion or disputation or argumentation I walked silently into my room and slept on my bed. It was ‘Just Another Day’ in my life and it ended ‘Just like any other day’.

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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Just Another Day – Part 3

It took few sweet moments for me to get back to my reality and by the time I started my bike and rode ahead, few people waiting behind me had started honking either to prove their horns being the loudest and scariest or as though they had to rush to something very severe without whom that something would start the end of our beloved earth! Irritated by their honking and their stares I rode as fast as I could and suddenly when I turned towards left, again I was lost in another world. It just happened that I again got my eyes on the same Volvo which was just few meters away from me and thus triggered all new and all optimistically sweet hopes into my heart. I tried the best of my rash driving skills and pushed my bike among all kind of blurred vehicles and rushed to the left side of the Volvo. But, unluckily, as I was about to reach the back door of the Volvo a dumb driver driving his new car stopped his car; the reason being unknown till this date and I had to stop behind him just to keep my eyes wide open and watch the Volvo move away from me into an unreachable distance. As the car moved after few seconds and I overtook it, I saw the Volvo had even crossed the stop in front of my office abducting my dream away from me and I, an obedient software employee right from the first day of my career, entered the ever welcoming gates of my office.

As I finished reading all the mails and prioritized the tasks for the day, I automatically found ‘Cup of Strong Coffee’ topping the list. Always believing in my Priority List I got up from my seat and headed towards the coffee shop, the only place that I like in the whole of my company’s huge campus. Surprisingly I found the Coffee shop empty and tried to remember if there was any function in the campus with free food being served. Else how can it be possible that the Coffee shop and its surrounding lawn empty without even a single employee hanging around. Who damn cares? I just bought my coffee and smiling at the shop owner returned back to my seat all the way careful enough to withhold my tempt to sip that coffee. Without even placing my ass on the chair, I sipped the coffee, relished it for a second closing my eyes. Then I sat back on my chair and unlocked my laptop.

The routine started with my daily tasks, specially assigned tasks and few lazy dumb developers who kept bugging me for their work disturbing my priority list. It had been 2 hours since I had been sitting on that bloody uncomfortable chair without even moving my position. I realized this when suddenly something deep inside my body alarmed me of the depreciating caffeine level in my body. Without thinking anything I just locked my laptop and got up from the bloody uncomfortable chair. I heard a few thanking words from my ass for giving it a break. My ten minutes break completed when I was back at seat with much needed strong coffee. It took me such a long time just because of the frustrated employees queued up at the coffee shop. I literally had to push myself, fight, pull, and move forward to get in front or else it would have taken almost an hour to get back to my seat.

It was 7:30 PM when I was done with my tasks, in fact I tried hard and finally consoled my mind that I was done with all my tasks for the day, and packed my bag. All of my fellow team mates had already left for the day. I slowly walked to my bike and kick started it listening to a famous song on my iPod and rode towards my room. I was so lost in the song that I had reduced the speed of my bike a lot lesser than my average speed. Though the roads remain quite empty with a very few number of vehicles at the time when only the selected few hard working dedicated Software engineers like me return home, its bit riskier to be lost in thoughts while riding a two-wheeler but yes, I had risked my life and the life of my best friend, TVS Victor, to listen to Kishore's breathtaking number from Jewel Thief - Yeh dil na hota bechara!!

Suddenly as I stared at the two bright red lights in front of me, I came back to the living Bangalore Road. The Honda Civic in front of me had suddenly applied its brakes and had slowed down. Its tail lights were strong enough to bring me back from my lost world. I looked around to know where I was and took few milliseconds to refresh my mind and get back to control my bike in the toughest situations. My body worked robotically to bring down the speed of my bike by applying the brakes with the correct timing. With all the robotic movement of the countable parts of my body as well as my bike, we both smoothly crossed the road hump in front of the Cosmos mall. To tell you guys, I am still confused if the mall is bigger in size or the bloody engineered road hump. I even guess it was on this hump that Jack and Jill had been to fetch water and Jack had rolled down!

With that uphill and downhill journey over the hump, the speed of my bike had almost reached null. As I was about to rotate the accelerator and speed up my bike, accidently I turned to my left and there occurred the real accident. Most of the times in your life unexpected things happen unexpectedly and expected things never happen as expected. This is what the real meaning of life is. Now wait. What crap am I speaking? I can’t help readers; it’s just the effect of that accident. Though there was no blood spill but yes it hit the blood factory - Mr. Heart. Yes, your guess is right, as I turned to my left, I again saw the same girl I had seen in Volvo in morning. The perfect sweetness bundled in the most preferred simpleness. The elegant Purple colored Churidar stood apart highlighted among the other dull colors of my life. Those jet black hair just like the waterfalls of hope, with just few hairs that had escaped the tie from her hair band and managed to kiss the plain fair forehead of her ever fresh bright face. The wind was playing its game on those few naughty hair blowing them once to cover her left eye for a moment and again back to their place.

Her gorgeous bright fresh face and her small cute nose with those two small black eyes twinkling with energy enough to challenge the Moon's shine and small pink lips lovelier than any loveliest thing in the world made up the most beautiful face in the world enough to crush my heart into pieces resulting in the deadliest accident I could both witness as well be a part of!

To be Contd…


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Just Another Day – Continues

All the vehicles were moving at snail’s pace, may be bit slower than the slowest snail in the world. Just then a Volvo bus turned to its right and stopped right in front of me because of a jam. I tried peeping into the bus again looking out for a face powerful enough to draw my interest and add up more freshness in me. Again I felt it true what my friends keep telling me, travelling in Bangalore Volvo, especially at the office timings is lot more profitable than travelling independently on bike. Though you miss the independence of time and almost end up waiting at the bus stops for minutes that really count up in your life, you will get a nice chance to meet new young girls daily! Now rethink readers. Time is important for you or the nature’s beautiful creations? Let me take a look at the commuters in the Volvo by the time you think though I know you would go with the second option. After all you too have a heart and manifestly ‘Yeh dil mange more…!’

I was shamelessly but hopefully and of course sweet heartedly staring at the commuters in the Volvo standing right in front of me. As I was about to move my eyes to the backseat something caught my eyes right at the back door of the Volvo. Almost a dozen number of people were standing adjusting themselves on the floor of the Volvo struggling to balance themselves and all the second trying to get enough space around them just to avoid getting suffocated by all the irritating aromas.

Those dozen people were all the time busy looking at all the faces and trying their best to push each other making more room for themselves. Deep inside their heart they were praying to get down from the bus at the earliest time and at the same time were envying the people who had acquired seats and were enjoying all the comforts of the Volvo. Among those frustrated faces suddenly one fresh and mind it, it was a very cute face, attracted my eyes; just like a pure white lotus right in the middle of a muddy pond full of unwanted. And, readers, I swear this white lotus was more beautiful than any of the lotus in the world. She was standing right in between the crowd trying hard to get enough space around herself and balance herself in the bus.

For the first time in my four years that I spent in Bangalore I felt pity for a commuter travelling in Bangalore. Now, please, I am not that mean! Holding a purse in right hand, with a laptop bag hung on her right shoulders she was struggling to hold the handle from her left hand. Being pushed by fellow commuters at times and loosing balance by the movement of Volvo at times balancing her laptop bag that was sliding down each time she moved, she was finding it very difficult to balance herself. With every try to balance her stand she was getting more suffocated and irritated but still her face remained calm and the same innocence glowed enlightening the whole bus, in fact the whole of Whitefield, rather more specifically the whole of Bangalore.

Fine! Let me be more daring and tell you all the truth. Enlightening my Heart! Clad in the most decent purple colored Churidar she was looking so simple yet so charming that I just could not move my eyes away from her. Her hairs neatly tied with a matching purple colored hairband were freely flowing below the tie of hairband with her slightest move.

I had never found any face so attractive and in those few seconds, her face attracted me so much that I stood still even after the Volvo moved away and the signal turned green.

To be Cntd…
