Saturday, April 5, 2014

Just Another Day – Continues

All the vehicles were moving at snail’s pace, may be bit slower than the slowest snail in the world. Just then a Volvo bus turned to its right and stopped right in front of me because of a jam. I tried peeping into the bus again looking out for a face powerful enough to draw my interest and add up more freshness in me. Again I felt it true what my friends keep telling me, travelling in Bangalore Volvo, especially at the office timings is lot more profitable than travelling independently on bike. Though you miss the independence of time and almost end up waiting at the bus stops for minutes that really count up in your life, you will get a nice chance to meet new young girls daily! Now rethink readers. Time is important for you or the nature’s beautiful creations? Let me take a look at the commuters in the Volvo by the time you think though I know you would go with the second option. After all you too have a heart and manifestly ‘Yeh dil mange more…!’

I was shamelessly but hopefully and of course sweet heartedly staring at the commuters in the Volvo standing right in front of me. As I was about to move my eyes to the backseat something caught my eyes right at the back door of the Volvo. Almost a dozen number of people were standing adjusting themselves on the floor of the Volvo struggling to balance themselves and all the second trying to get enough space around them just to avoid getting suffocated by all the irritating aromas.

Those dozen people were all the time busy looking at all the faces and trying their best to push each other making more room for themselves. Deep inside their heart they were praying to get down from the bus at the earliest time and at the same time were envying the people who had acquired seats and were enjoying all the comforts of the Volvo. Among those frustrated faces suddenly one fresh and mind it, it was a very cute face, attracted my eyes; just like a pure white lotus right in the middle of a muddy pond full of unwanted. And, readers, I swear this white lotus was more beautiful than any of the lotus in the world. She was standing right in between the crowd trying hard to get enough space around herself and balance herself in the bus.

For the first time in my four years that I spent in Bangalore I felt pity for a commuter travelling in Bangalore. Now, please, I am not that mean! Holding a purse in right hand, with a laptop bag hung on her right shoulders she was struggling to hold the handle from her left hand. Being pushed by fellow commuters at times and loosing balance by the movement of Volvo at times balancing her laptop bag that was sliding down each time she moved, she was finding it very difficult to balance herself. With every try to balance her stand she was getting more suffocated and irritated but still her face remained calm and the same innocence glowed enlightening the whole bus, in fact the whole of Whitefield, rather more specifically the whole of Bangalore.

Fine! Let me be more daring and tell you all the truth. Enlightening my Heart! Clad in the most decent purple colored Churidar she was looking so simple yet so charming that I just could not move my eyes away from her. Her hairs neatly tied with a matching purple colored hairband were freely flowing below the tie of hairband with her slightest move.

I had never found any face so attractive and in those few seconds, her face attracted me so much that I stood still even after the Volvo moved away and the signal turned green.

To be Cntd…


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