“So, what did the Chief say?” I
asked Praveen, unable to control my curiosity, as soon as he cut his call and
was still bringing down his hand from his ears.
“Hmm. This looks serious” he
“What?” I asked raising my tone a
We were by now driving on the
Bangalore Honnavar Road towards Sagara. It was newly constructed road that
curved neatly amidst the dense forests of Western Ghats. Thick forest with
abundant greenery on both sides of the road; the road with nice competitive curves;
the fresh oxygen with an aroma that comes only amidst this thick greenery; cool
breeze without any sunrays to strike into our eyes via the windshield; not much
vehicles to disturb the silence; if only I was not on a job at the moment and
my head was not filled with thoughts, questions, missions, dangerous groups and
a life at stake, I would have driven slower and stopped every mile and enjoyed
that drive to the fullest.
“First thing that Chief said was
he sent that encrypted message hidden in those riddles because he has got a
message that some of the IDs in our mail server have been hacked. They have
locked down the entire mail server and stopped all the e-communications. The
technical team is working on any leaks and any suspicious traffic recently.”
“Shit man! That’s hell! How did
that happen? And how did they know? Any leads?” I exclaimed almost jumping out
of my seat hearing to his words.
Though spies have been thriving from the era when no one knew what a
computer was, in the present Software Era spies have to rely on multiple software
technologies for most of their communications, encryptions and storages. And
with the most recent technical advancements, software has almost become an integral
part of a spy just like his gun. A spy in these has to know using these technologies
at his fingertips as much as he knows how to reload and shoot a gun within
seconds in any condition he is stuck in.
This was one of the most secured networks
of Indian Intelligence and hacking it didn’t show the weakness of our country’s
most secured network. It clearly meant some rich pocket and some very dangerous
brain is behind this who could reach any risk to get into it. One more message
any hacking incident delivers is ‘look out for a traitor in your team’.
“The technical head has not yet
confirmed it but the GPS tracker on this missing RAW agent stopped working within 30
mins after he sent out this mail. That’s what has spooked a guess on this
hacking and also this spy’s kidnapping.”
“No other clues?”
“That’s not to it. This agent had
to handover the information he had collected on whatever he was working to
another local IB agent before he infiltrated that group which he mentioned in
his mail. He had even called him and they had confirmed upon a meeting place
and time but this RAW guy never showed up. The local agent waited for an hour and then
went looking for this guy in the local surrounding areas of their decided
meeting place trying to get any information on him. He even took help of local
police to search for him just in case he was stuck up in some accident or
anything of that kind. But nothing came up. Upon contacting the base at Bangalore
they confirmed the agent’s GPS had stopped sending signals within minutes after
he sent out his last mail to his head which was after the call with the local
agent. There has been no sign of him or his activities or any of his belongings
since then. His last known address, a small rented house in Honnavar has been
swiped clean.”
“Hmm. Strange. So he is a smoke
“Yeah. There are only few clues
with this local agent whom we will have to meet and he would be helping us.”
“Who is this guy?”
“He is a former spy now into special
ops on information gathering working on Western Ghats Area as Info Gatherer. He
is purely into being a local contact whose main job is to collecting information
on the local happenings and from such spies working around this area and what
not and encrypt all the information and send it to the main base. His code name
is Ram. By the way Chief spoke about him, it looks like this man has earned
some respect both in the Bureau and also locally in Honnavar as a local grocery
“Hmm. So he would be joining us
in Honnavar?”
“No. First thing that Chief
cleared is, Agent Ram is completely into information gathering and his job is
only to do what he does. In no way he is a spy now and in no way he can get
involved into any action and at any cost his cover id should not be blown. We
would be driving for an approximate of 68 kms from Sagara towards Honnavar.
Then we would get this place called Herangadi Bus Stop on Bangalore Honnavar Highway. This place
comes within the Honnavar Taluk. Agent Ram would be waiting for us there. He
would brief us on the clues and next preferred actions and any other local
information that would help us in our mission. His part is done” Praveen said,
opening a bottle and gulping down some water.
He had been on call for atleast
20 minutes and now was sharing the information with me. I thought it better to
spare him few minutes to gulp in some water and help himself with his dried
throat. I took a moment and looked out of the window on my right. Though it was
still the same mesmerizing scenery surrounding us, the thoughts of the mission
had blocked any outside signals, especially about enjoying the scenery.
Declining his offer of water, I
asked, “What else did Chief say?”
“No one clearly knows what this
missing agent was working on and what organizations are involved in whatever he
was working on. The one thing that is for sure is he was working with INTERPOL
which confirms that this is something international but even they don’t have
any details about what information he had laid his hands on. INTERPOL has been
notified and they are also sending down their team. They are looking for an
update within 24 hours; else they want their involvement in all this. That’s all
he said. This is the mission. We now have less than 24 hours to find him.”
“A RAW agent working on something big
and dangerous happening in this Ghats and suddenly goes mission without any
trace. Just like smoke in the air. No clues, no contacts. Now I understand why
Chief gave this mission code 206” I said raising the speed a bit.
“And what about that text? Why he
wanted us to text him ‘it’s hot’?” I asked trying to get another piece of the
“Ah that! That was one of his
ways to find out if we were able to decrypt his message and had got the exact
message without missing out any word or message”
“Makes sense. That’s our Chief!”
“At what time are we meeting
Agent Ram?”
“No certain time. He has been
notified about our whereabouts and would be waiting for us near that Herangadi
Bust Stop at a roughly calculated time of 1 PM. We have to reach by then. How
many days has it been since you showed your speeding skills in Ghats?”
“There has been a long gap. But
today is the chance” I said raising the speed a bit more as we drove towards
The brain of any spy is specially
made and further more trained to stop thinking about anything other than the
mission. Especially when a mission involves something like saving a life, the
brain rarely gets a chance to think about anything other than plotting the next
actions for the mission.
Our brains too had started
putting up all the required thoughts for this mission and had turned as noisy
as silent it was out in that lovely green scenery which had turned blank and useless for
us now. The only thing that we saw now was this Rescue Mission and a Long Long
Mission Begins next Sunday!