We had been reading over the same
mails again and again trying hard to identify any clue from any word. The key
to any riddle is a clue hidden within the riddle itself. We just need to keep
looking for that clue from different angles. The road was getting busier and
the there were few persons going into the hotel who were using the parking lot
and gave us a strange look every time they came in or walked out.
“Sir you need anything else?” the
waiter had asked few times signaling us promptly that the table was needed for
other customers.
Respecting the hotel rules and
regulations and even considering the hungry customers who would really be in
need of that table, we had cleared our bill and got into the car. But were desperate
to solve the riddle without which we had no clue of continuing our journey.
It was after long and silent gap
of half hour when Praveen said, “There should be something in that last line. That’s
why it’s repeated in both the mails.”
I read the line again - You both work together. Team work always
wins. Mix in your thoughts into your work. That brings the desired result!
“It says work together. What if
Chief was saying that both mails need to be put together” Praveen said.
Reading the line again brought a
twinkle in my eyes. Finally he had given a new angle to look at the riddles. It
was not two but one riddle and both the mails were two parts of that riddle.
“Yeah, you are right” I screamed.
“You got it?” he asked bending
over to my laptop.
“Look here. Chief’s last line
refers to the mails not us. Both the mails need to be put together.”
“But what can we get putting them
together. Both are just as meaningless and clueless as the other” he said.
“Let’s just put them together in
one notepad and read again” I said copying his mail and mine into a notepad.
“I guess these should not be one
after another. He says mix your thoughts. If he is referring to the mails as
you, then the thoughts would be words. We need to mix in the words” I said.
“Cool. Let’s try” he said trying
on his laptop.
“We can’t mix randomly. Let’s
start mixing one word after another” he said, trying something.
“If we start picking up one word
from each mail? Try that” I said.
“Agent raw was went missing. This
doesn’t make sense. Let me reverse order of mails and pick the first word from
your mail. Raw agent went missing. Bingo!” Praveen yelled.
“Awesome. Finally we got
something. Now let’s continue word after word.”
After putting together few words
we had – RAW Agent went missing. Was Mike
on working international.
“Again it’s not making sense” he said.
“Let’s not just pick word after
word but try identifying the next meaningful word. Check this one” I said,
trying to make the second line.
With that new idea of picking the
next meaningful word to make up a sensible line we got our second line - Was working on something international along
Finally after a hard work and
lots of trial and error of building up sentences and lots of yes and no’s we
had got the answer for the riddle. Chief had put in an encrypted message giving
a little detail of the mission within those mails which was –
RAW agent missing. Was working
on something international along with INTERPOL. Probably kidnapped by the group
he was looking into. But no demands, no contact. His last mail says 'Case
Cracked. Seen contents. Need to be one of them to spoil them.' This proves he
was alive yesterday evening. His safety and the information he holds is very
crucial. Highly secured mission. Text me just 'its hot' for local contact.
Code 206. Location - Narayanpur,
“Awesome. Finally we atleast know
where to go and what to do and what the mission is. I will start driving while
you text the Chief” I said starting the car and reversing it from the parking
“But why does the Chief want us to
text him. And why he has been hiding the message. He sent a short message with
just the code. Then he sent an encrypted message. Now this text” Praveen said
typing the text to the Chief.
“I too don’t have any clue.
Atleast we got this. And if the agent
himself had said he would be going undercover into that group he was dealing
with why is he being assumed kidnapped?”
“Yeah right. I just hope we clear
out atleast few things before reaching Narayanpur” Praveen said relaxing back
into his seat as we headed out of Shimoga.
The time was already 10:40 AM. We
atleast had cracked the riddle and got an overview of the mission. It was a
rescue mission of an agent who was dealing in something international. This
obviously made the code 206 meaningful! But still there were few questions left
answered or maybe it was part of the mission to find the answers and there was
one doubt as Praveen put out as to why Chief was hiding messages. Mobiles are
ok but weren’t our mail ids untraceable? The thoughts kept building up as I
drove onto the highway and started a long drive continuing the real long day!
Meet you all in Narayanpur next
Sunday to begin the rescue mission…
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