Saturday, June 21, 2014

It’s a long long day – Honnavar Bar

It took a little more than half an hour drive to reach Honnavar but before I could head to the bar where the missing agent had scheduled an appointment with Agent Ram the previous evening, I had to drop off Ram’s all-in-one who was busy chewing his tobacco and spitting it all the way till Honnavar, almost marking a red line to the side of that road. If it was not for my cover and the mission critical to the level of a life hanging in midst of the air, I would have had him either stop spitting or get down from the car.

To gather information, in many cases, spies use advanced microphones and cams that are smaller than a house fly and are hidden in places where it is impossible to imagine and in some other cases spies just stick to their places holding a high power binoculars doing lip reading. But there are few times when all that a spy needs to do is just blend into the environment, act a bit, get the information and skip away.

I had learnt from Ram that he could gather no information from the bar where the meeting was scheduled neither the police were involved to interrogate anyone from the bar in fear of blowing up any cover. It was now time for a small spy act to gather any information I could. I strongly believed that if the missing agent had scheduled his meet with Agent Ram in that bar then he knew the bar and its safety completely and if he felt the place safe it meant only one thing – he had visited the bar multiple times and scouted it for its safety. If he had visited the place multiple times then he must have left some scent to be picked up, it only required the right nose to smell it.

As soon as we reached Ram’s shop, I turned to his assistant and said, “I need your T-Shirt and a tobacco packet”

“What?” he yelled shocked by what I said.

“Yes, I need your T-Shirt and a tobacco packet and also your slippers” I repeated.

“But why?” he asked.

“Don’t ask. I have some work locally. And don’t tell your boss that I took it. Here take this 500 note” I said and winked at him.

Seeing the Rs. 500 note his mouth opened so wide that not another word escaped through it. He quickly removed his T-Shirt and gave it to me along with a tobacco packet from his pocket then gave his slippers.

Before he got out of the car he again said, “Sir I don’t know who you are and why you need my shirt and slippers but you are mad” and grinned.

“I know that. I am so mad that I will take back that note if you stay here for a minute more”

As soon as he walked into the shop I drove towards the bar. Within a few meters away, I quickly changed into his greasy and oily T-Shirt and his slippers. Though a percentage of the scent of the deodorant I had sprayed was still there, the extra smelly T-Shirt cleanly defeated it with no doubt. Putting the tobacco in my mouth, spoiling my hairstyle to look like it was never neatly combed, I put on his slippers, got down from the car and locked it. Taking a bit of mud, I applied it randomly on my jeans. Within seconds, I quickly walked into the local bar that Agent Ram had mentioned, chewing the tobacco as quickly and as wretchedly as I could.

Even though few things in the life of a spy depend on the type of the mission, the place, the undercover lifestyle he has chosen, there are few habits that he keeps to himself and finds most comfort in doing few things in his own way. Ways of communication and choice of meeting places are one of those.

The entrance of the bar was a narrow passage with only the light from the door lightening it. Once inside, it was as dark as it proved to be night anytime of the day. I saw two aged men standing at the counter and talking to a person who seemed in charge of the whole bar. None of them cared to look at me. I walked straight, passing the counter, and into a hall that was separated from the passage by a curtain helping the room to gain more darkness. The sudden darkness and a strong smell of local alcohol gave me jolt with few hairs on the back of my neck standing up. Slowly as I got habituated with the bar and its environment, I saw few zero watt bulbs were glowing at the corners. Most of the tables were open except for two that were kind of lonely separated from other tables by a wooden compartment. I bet the agent used these tables and walked to them. Both of them were empty and I sat on the corner one that gave view to the whole of the hall. Even before I could take a neat look at the whole room, a boy, no more than 20, walked to me and shouted, “What you want?”

“One kingfisher beer”

He left not even waiting for my next order and within minutes I heard the sound of a bottle thump onto the table as I was taking look at the hall. It was not so big hall and had two tables separated into compartment, one out of which I was sitting. There were six more tables neatly spread out in two rows of three tables each, one behind another. The wooden pane that separated the two tables from rest was till my shoulder when I sat, that left a clear view to the entire hall from corner side of the table. Almost every part of wall below my ankle was either painted in tobacco splatter or something else. All my worry of the deodorant smell giving up my cover as a local worker went away with the strong alcohol smell that roared in the air.

I was still busy taking in the environment and studying three more people, two together and one alone, busy drinking local whiskey and another bartender when he asked if I wanted anything else. I signaled him a wide NO and got busy in serving myself. Time was running away and with it taking my chances of gathering the info. I yelled again for the boy and he came in few minutes with the same frown on his face.

“You don’t give any free chips?” I yelled, behaving a bit drunk, already.


“I don’t care. Bring me a chips packet. I will pay today.”

He went away and came back in minutes with a plate and a packet of chips.

“What’s the hurry man?” I asked

“I have other customers” he said and almost had stepped away blabbering, “Why do people drink when they can’t handle, that too at noon”

“Hey come here brother” I yelled again.

“What?” he asked in a tone that clearly showed his frustration and a hint of anger.

“What did you just say? Do you know why I am drinking today?” I asked him taking few continuous gulps of beer.

“I don’t know. I have lots of work to do” he quickly stepped back, sensing something wrong.

It’s always tough to act and it’s always toughest to act a drunkard. You act too much drunk and you scare people away; you show you are not too drunk and people don’t have interest in you. The best thing to do is start a friendly conversation on a local topic that gets people interested in what you talk or exchange a few heated words that can start off a battle of words and might even involve some hits and punches but will get people involved.

“Hey come here. Who the hell did you call drunk?” I yelled and thumped the bottle loudly on the table.

While I heard a few murmurs I did not care for anything. Spilling a little beer on the T-Shirt, I stood up and again started yelling for the boy. He came out of the kitchen door and walked towards me.

“What the hell is your problem man? This is the same attitude you showed to my brother? And when he asked you to behave properly you hit him with beer bottle?”

“I dint hit anyone. You are drunk, sir” he said.

“Who the hell do you think you are? You call me drunkard?” I raised my voice and stepped out of the table almost to reach his collar but stumbled a bit at the edge and took support of the wooden pane.

“You are drunk. I will call the manager.” The volume of his voice had come down and now he was on the edge of deciding either to get involved in a fight or to settle everything calmly.

“Haha. Call anyone. I am calling the police. My brother is in hospital. I will put you in jail. Who the hell do you think you are?” I yelled, taking a few hiccups.

That was the final brick in the wall. Hearing the word police his eyes turned big and he turned silent. I saw the second bartender walk out of the kitchen door and before he could turn the things worse I yelled at the top of my voice, “Manager. Manager. I want the manager. I will call police now”

No matter what place it is and no matter who and where we are dealing with, managers or owners always try to keep police out of their business places, especially when customers are present and especially when a sight of few policemen can obstruct the business. The first thing that they try to do is calm down the situation, and then try to calculate the situation and the benefit of supporting the sides. If it is not serious then they scold their own side and wrap up the scene. If it serious then they take the matters in their hands and turn everything upside down.

The manager walked in quickly and by now the other customers had gathered beside my table. The other bartender was ready to pick up a fight and I was trying my best to steal the attention of manager on my side before something worse happens and I turned up with few punches on my face.

“This boy from your bar beat up my brother yesterday and now my brother is in hospital. He hit him on his head with a beer bottle” I said to the manager, trying to walk towards him.

“No sir. It cannot happen. This is the best boy we have in our bar and moreover there was no fight in our bar yesterday” the manager said, calmly.

“No. You don’t know sir. This boy, yes this same boy who was yelling at me few minutes back hit my brother with a bottle on his head. He is bleeding in hospital. If you don’t take action now I will call police”

“No sir. You are drunk and not able to identify the right person I guess. There must be some misunderstanding I believe. Please sir, do not shout and calm down” the manager said to me as already the boy was pleading not guilty to the manager.

When I realized I could no longer drag the scene peacefully, I took the shot. Taking out the photo of the missing agent from my wallet given by Ram and showing it to the boy I asked, “Ok then tell me who hit my brother? You serve him beer daily right?”

“Do you know this guy?” Manager asked the boy.

“Yes this person comes daily and sits in this same table” the boy was saying when I interrupted, “See I told you sir. Someone hit my brother. This boy hit my brother. I will call police and get you arrested.”

“I did not hit anyone. He just comes here and drinks a beer daily and sits quietly. Only sometimes he comes with someone.”

“Oh so that rascal hit my brother. Thank you thank you” I said trying to hold the hand of the boy but slipped again and he too moved back.

“No. He was alone yesterday. But from last few days another man was coming and sitting in that table” he said pointing at a table exactly opposite to this one, but in the far end of the hall, and continued, “yesterday I saw your brother go up to that table and talk to him and then he scolded him something and walked away. I remember because he had still not completed his drink”

“Oh so that rascal hit my brother. I won’t leave that bugger. He won’t see tomorrow’s sunrise. Who the hell was he?” I yelled carelessly.

“I do not know but he was coming since few days and sitting in the same table. He was wearing the same green T-Shirt all days. He is long and has thick beard. I do not know anything else” the boy blabbered out quickly.

“Sir, now that you know our boy has nothing to do with this, please doesn’t create a scene here” manager added.

“Yes yes. Sorry sorry” I said turning at both of them as the customers walked back to their tables.

Quickly exchanging few more apologies and trying to hug the boy, I paid my bill with some tip and yelling loudly that I would take revenge on the person walked out of the bar.

Finally there some information about the missing agent but yet it was nowhere near the unraveling the mystery and yet it was just middle of the long long day…

To be Contd…



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