Saturday, June 14, 2014

It’s a long long day – Part ways

Good Morning Readers,

Let’s wish A Very Very Happy Father’s Day to all those Idols and Superheroes of our lives!!!

I read my last year’s blog today again to take a moment and feel what this day meant to me -

Unlike others, when it comes to meetings, spies don’t have hours and hours inside a Conference room with cushioned chairs, projectors, AC and other comforts. They also lack the opportunity of cancelling or rescheduling or continuing the meetings. Their meetings have to be quick and no matter what, decisions have to be taken, be it either in a car parked on side of a road or under disguise in a busy fish market or while combating in a dense African forest.

Our meeting was also very quick. Lesser choices provided better chance of ending it quickly and we had carved out a plan and had already started preparing for it by the time Ram’s all-in-one returned with buttermilk for us. The best option was to go by his suggestion of gathering some information using his local contacts and his highly mastered local language. And it was also true that our car could call a strange attention from villagers and the spreading word may trigger any suspicion among the kidnapers, in case the agent was kidnapped there. And it took just one short sentence for us to convince him that we cannot separate from our car – ‘we have a sniper and two submachines in our car’.

Drinking the buttermilk not only helped us drench our thirsts but also provided a little more fluids for our system and soon enough Ram started giving us information on the missing agent and Narayanpura, a small village on the banks of river Sharavathi with a population no more than couple hundred, most of them either farmers or fishermen. He gave most of the information regarding the missing agent verbally except for his photo. Like us, he too had no clue in what brought the missing agent to this village on that day. We had contacted our Chief and updated him with our position and further plans. Though he had no information from INTERPOL, he knew one thing for sure; their team was getting ready to fly down to Honnavar.

With all the facts and information we had in our hands we finally decided to part our ways. Praveen would go with Ram to Narayanpura as his business partner and they would try talking to the villagers and gather as much information as they could while I would drive to Honnavar with Ram’s all-in-one and scout the local bar where Ram and the missing agent were to meet.

We both set the timers in our watches for 2 hours with a decision of no matter what meet here in 2 hours and walked apart into two cars.

Then, leaving no time, Praveen and Ram started towards Narayanpura in his ambassador while I started driving as fast I could towards Honnavar with Ram’s all-in-one sitting and chewing tobacco beside me.

I was not sure if the option was right and if it was the best option but I knew it was the one option that was apt for what present situation called in and no matter what it was going to be a really long long day.

To be Contd…


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