Saturday, July 26, 2014

It’s a long long day – Aberrant Ambush!

“Are you sure you wanna get started?” Praveen asked again.

“Yes. We do not have any better options right?” I asked back, taking another look around us with my view stopping at the end of the road in front of me.

“Yes we do not have any better options but we do not even have the right details to setup a proper ambush. There are lots of variables and more over any small mistake could prove fatal. Not only would the mission be risked but also the villagers and the agent.”

“Yes, but it’s already 5:30 PM and we do not have enough time. Any time the Sun might go down and leave us with no lights. It would be lot tougher then to find the vital points for a proper attack.”

“Don’t know. I am still not sure about this. The main thing is we do not know what is inside that house. How many men and what all arms await us. You yourself were so much in doubt about this group and house being the one that we are looking for.”

“Atleast lets setup an ambush and keep a watch. We won’t take any action until it’s completely dark and silent with no villagers out on the roads. Is that fine?”

“Okay with me. What would you like to do?” Praveen said, finally, but still a hint of disagreement was clearly visible on his face.

“We have lot of variables”

“Yes, that is what is worrying me” Praveen stopped me immediately.

“I agree. But the house, it has only two exits and if that house is any similar to these houses then the back door is not that helpful for them since it leads nowhere. They will still have to come to the front of the house to access the road for escape.”

“Or they can take the side way on the farer end into the forest.”

“Okay so there are two doors and two exits, one on the front to the road and another into the forest. And the jeep is not here so they will be left with foot escape. It is clear any attack or any escape will bring them out into the open. We will setup the ambush in such a way that we cover these exits. Once the exits are covered anyone coming out will be our target.”

“But what about their attack? What if they have are prepared for any assault and start attacking back with stronger artillery.”

“I told you one step at a time. At this time we will worry about watching them and closing in their exists so we are atleast sure no one can escape without our watch. Agree?”

“Agree. Once we have the exits closed in, we will have an eye on the agent. If nothing, atleast we can save him or help him escape. The only way for them to get him out, if they plan to, is these exits and on foot. No vehicle and no other escape. Either they have to bring him out on this road or else if they have a proper escape route setup then they will take him into the forest and somewhere there. But as far as I saw there is nothing special with that side towards the forest. If you are ready to attack lets setup.”

“That’s music to my ears! Let’s attack!”

“Dude wait, I meant just setup an ambush no attacking. They are atleast 20 men. In no way we would be ready for an assault with 20 men carrying even the basic submachine’s firing rounds faster than we can handle.”

“Of course. We too have our submachines with us but it won’t match 20 pieces on the other but still the best part is, we are the surprise attackers and they are not even waiting for us. Even by the time they know what is happening and figure out the source of attack and start firing at us we would have brought them down so much that they would be left with little options and moreover they would be scattered without any strategy. I am sure by then we can come up with some new plan just like we planned that attack of March in the Mid East and take them down. Or we can even fuddle them and redirect their attack to another direction.”

“Why do such talks which are in reality a danger and far from finishing up easily and successfully always sound simpler and lyrical from your mouth?”

“That’s because I had attended that class where they teach how to raise false hopes when you had decided to take a nap. That guy who had come in for the lecture that day even told how to sell out one single bullet as a complete army” I said winking at Praveen.

“Haha you are such a rascal. Now I know whatever plan we are making may never work. Still that’s our job, fighting against odds and bringing out evens.”

“We should have thought about that the day before we entered the gates of this Spy business”

“Who knew we would end up standing on this road setting up an ambush against an unknown group and unknown ammunitions with far too less variables on our side”

“Haha true! And with an empty stomach.” I said and continued, “If by some way we get on top of that second house we can get a clear range on the front door of the house and even the window. We can block it and even block the road if they plan an escape via this road.”

“Yes that’s what I was thinking. But how will we get on there?”

“Leave that to me. I will take care of it and get there. Where will you stand? You had a better view of the other end. You take your stand” I said.

“The best option I see is to get into the forest”


“By that way I will have a clear view of the side exit and also can keep the escape route into the forest, if any, blocked. Who knows they may call in for more support from the forest where they have setup their factory or plant or whatever it is. In that case I can hold them up as much as possible. Or as you put a colorful picture of doing some magic and divert their attention then that would be the safest place.” Praveen said raising his eyebrows.

“Looks better. Its 5:45 PM. I will be on that second light blue house with my sniper and you be prepared inside the forest. Are you sure you got proper cover there?”

“Yes. The tree right opposite to the house is the best place. It has few bushes on its side that can give me the proper cover for ground attack. Also that gives me a safe range for attacking with both pistol and submachine. If required can even get nearer. I guess you can watch me over from that house.”

“Perfect! I love this. Let’s hit!”

“Okay but no surprise attacks until its dark. Just because your hands have been itching to use that sniper doesn’t mean you have to use it. Chief will be sitting on the edge of his chair biting his nails thinking why he gave that in your hands.”

“Lol. I agree. We won’t attack until 7:30 PM. We will just be prepared for anything. And if nothing turns up till then, then we will meet up again here and discuss. Okay?”

“Okay” Praveen said picking up his bad of arms and that had enough ammunition to bring down the whole house and walking towards the end of the road.

I picked up my sniper bag and another bag of submachine and a semiautomatic and walked to the house that I had planned. Finally I had a feeling deep inside my mind that the long long day was coming to an end…

Comments, suggestions, feedbacks welcome... To be Contd…


Saturday, July 19, 2014

It’s a long long day – One step at a time

“What shall we do now?” Praveen asked.

“We need to scout the place properly. There are too many variables and risks. Especially there is no proper range” I replied.

“And check the neighboring house. It’s too close. We cannot start an attack putting those people in danger and there is no way we can carry on this silently and neither move those people away without alarming those men” Praveen replied back.

By then there were few villagers who were showing more than required interested in us. The queerness that followed their gazes was bothering us more than the issues on our plate. These situations are normal for spies when they get involved in such missions that are carried on in inhabited places.

“Yeah that is next to impossible but first atleast we need to check that house. The doors, windows, number of men, their weapons and ways to get in and out” I said.

“How do we do it? Unless we risk walking real close to it”

“Yes we need to do that. One of us can just walk past the house and if any questions will continue with our cover story of the Paper Mill and came to the dead end of the village. The other one can backup from there behind that tree”

“Sounds like a plan. I will walk up, scout the house and come back. Hard part is we don’t have proper signal to be in contact” Praveen said.

“Are you sure you wanna take this shot?” I asked again.

“Very sure” he said handing me the bag he was carrying and reaching for his pistol and checking it in place.

I carried the bags to the tree and took a position from where I could keep Praveen in view. I saw him walk slowly looking at each side. Another look around me and I was bit relieved as few of those scary gazing eyes had by now lost interest in us thinking we were not of that interest and there was no need of wasting time in watching us. May be they might have even thought we belonged to the same group in which they had lost interest two months back.

Praveen was slow and careful and I was sure he kept his eyes wide open to grasp any information he could get his hands on. As he neared the house he stopped for almost few couple of seconds and turned completely towards the house, then turned back towards the forest and walked and then turned all around, took a U-Turn and took advantage of that turn in taking a neater look at the house. Then he quickly walked back to me.

“Anything useful?” I asked

“Yes. It’s like most common houses, a little bigger than others though. It has a main door at front and one window. I saw another window at the other side, both windows closed down completely and dark. I guess, if it is like other houses, it has another door at the back but nothing other than that. I am damn sure the all the windows are completely closed and any view from outside blocked. And the fact that no one noticed me may say that the view from inside is blocked. But there should be some way for them to keep a watch on the road and any possible incoming attack or danger”

“What are we waiting for then? Let’s plan an ambush” I said.

“But how? What If they are already watching the streets and the exit points? We cannot risk. We cannot even wait until its dark and leave the benefit factor on their side” Praveen said.

“Let’s worry about that later but for now we should really get started with the proper setup for a real ass kicking ambush” I said.

“Don’t hurry up. Let’s think again about what if they are keeping a watch”

“First we get started with setting up the ambush. Next we will bother about their watch and their exit points. One step at a time” I replied as the final moment of the long long day neared.

To be Contd…


Saturday, July 12, 2014

It’s a long long day – In Narayanpura

We were still sitting in the car discussing the details of all that had happened during the day when Praveen said, “It’s already 4:30 PM. Let’s get into the village and get some more details before it gets dark.”

I felt he was right and nodded quietly.

Any planned mission or a planned attack is similar to an exam. The exam spans for just few hours while the preparation for it spans over months including hours and hours of dedication and hard work all day and night. A mission may end in an instant with a single bullet but it is not all that atleast if the target of the bullet hasn’t to be ourselves. The greater part of the mission, which is also the most important part, is always gathering the information and using it in a right way and draw out a near to perfect plan. A Spy is trained to do this since the day he decides to become one. A Spy clearly understands the risk of losing patience during that part of the mission and never proceeds on any attack without a proper plan.

I picked up my Heckler & Koch Semiautomatic Pistol and checking the magazine once placed it neatly inside my T-Shirt. Praveen picked up his Colt and then picked up the bag packed up with few more arms and bullets. I picked up the Sniper bag and hung it on my back. Holding another bag that had few other accessories, I locked the car.

We walked towards the Narayanpura road and turned back to confirm that the car was not visible from the road. Then we headed straight towards the village.

“What if we spook the villagers and somehow the message gets carried to that group?” I asked.

“I too am thinking the same” Praveen said, “but we cannot lose this opportunity to watch the house before it gets dark”

“Yes, atleast we can scout the place and prepare for an attack and any surprise that might hit us”

“We will walk to the house and check it out. Better not to waste any more time”

As we entered the village, the first thing that my eyes fell on was a building that looked little bigger than others that were obviously houses.

Praveen pointed to it and said, “That’s the only restaurant in this village”

“Anyhow the owner knows you and you already have a coverid. Tell him or anyone something about me, say your driver, and let’s continue with the same coverid you guys have used” I said.

“Yeah that’s right. We can say that Ram had some other work and we are waiting for him and will take a walk in the village. But you be a technical engineer whom we picked up to study the area and site for the factory. If you want to be driver then you will have to wear back that stinking T-Shirt and those slippers.” Praveen replied with a grin.

Happy with the idea, I just smiled at him and we walked straight towards the hotel. The owner of the hotel greeted Praveen with his smile and welcomed us both.

“I knew sir. No one can walk out of my restaurant without eating. The smell of my hot bhajji’s pulled you back. Sit down please” the owner said, directing us to a table.

Praveen smiled and said, “Thank you. Actually my friend had another work and he went to another place. Until he gets back we will take a walk into the village and check site and water. This is our engineer from Bangalore. He had to join us when we came earlier but he got late.”

“Yes yes check the water check the site. It will be good for the village if a factory opens here. But now you must eat my special bhajji’s” he said with the same smile that had never gone away off his face.

We couldn’t resist him and did not wanted to risk anything by hurrying up and above all we too were hungry. So we decided to spend few minutes there and quickly gobbled up a hot bhajji and extended our hands to the plate to pick another one.

While eating my second bhajji I said, “Sir so I heard there is another group here who are also planning on the factory. Do you know anything about them? I mean not them but about their site? Where is the site? How much far from the river? Construction started?”

He nodded blankly raising his shoulders and said, “No idea at all. No one from the village goes that deep into the forest where they say the factory site is. Also, none of them mingle with us so we have no idea about where and what they are building”

“Oh. Then how do they travel so deep into the forest?” Praveen asked.

“They have a jeep and few people have seen them taking jeep through a small road that they have made but that too until a certain place. After that no one has gone. We are waiting on the road they say they are building and also we are too afraid to walk in that forest because of the animals.”

“We too need to plan all that roads, men, construction materials and all. I say it would be better to talk to them once.” I said turning to Praveen.

“Yes yes. We will be talking to the owner. We are already getting contact details while we are working on the government sanctions and approvals” Praveen replied back to me.

“How many persons stay in that home Sir?” I asked the owner.

“No idea at all. I have seen only two guys who come to pick their food and give us order for the next day. It seems strange to me that some days they order for 15 plates and some days 18 plates and some days 25 plates” he said with a worried look on his face.

I wondered the innocence of the villagers. So much of suspicious activities were going on around them yet they were hoping for a factory and jobs coming in and were happy. I knew even Praveen was wondering the same as wiped the oil off his hand with his hankie.

“Thanks for the delicious bhajji’s. We will take a walk around the village until my friend comes” Praveen said paying the bill.

“We should thank you for getting a paper mill to our village sir” he said.

“Which way is the river?” I asked and before he replied, I continued “And which way is their road? And their house?”

“My boy can come with you and show you” the owner of the restaurant replied and yelled for the boy.

“No no. I just asked casually. Just show us the direction, we will walk” I said.

As soon as he gave us a rough direction to the river and the house, we came out of the restaurant and started walking towards the house.

It was a typical village with small brick houses on the sides of narrow streets. Almost all the streets were muddy and uneven. The street we walked through to get near to the house was the main road that stretched across the village from east to west connecting the entrance, school, river bank, and the dead end.

As we walked, we got strange stares and very very few smiles from the villagers, most of them wondering our presence. We were on high alert to keep watching for any suspicious looking men and especially those wearing green T-Shirts.

The house where this group stayed was on the last street to the left of this main road. The main road almost ran into it as a dead end and the other end of that narrow street was where the forest started. This house, though was at the end of the street and was almost alone with the nearest house being atleast a meter or two meters away from this, it’s still was close to its neighboring house and also the house behind it and we could never attack it with opposition from around 20 people, probably well armed, without alarming and frightening the neighbors.

We could neither keep a watch on it standing in open on the main road nor walk past the house to get into the forest and hide. We simple stood out in the open with few surprised eyes gazing at us and our strange black bags and  expecting an armed surprise from that group anytime and our brains working quicker than ever to think of a plan to overcome yet another hurdle of the mission and of the long long day…

To be Contd…


Saturday, July 5, 2014

It’s a long long day – Doubts, Debate, Details, Discussion, and Decision

After a bumpy drive of twenty minutes, Praveen said, “We cannot take this car into Narayanpura. That will be a risk.”

“We can stash it somewhere here and walk ahead, but we will have to pack the arms. It’s better to do that instead of risking” I replied.

“Yes. Let’s do one thing; we will drive back a bit. There was a small road going inside forest. Will drive a bit into that road and then park it there.”

I took a turn, which was equally difficult in that narrow road, and started driving back until I saw a narrower road on my right. Taking a turn into that road we drove for some time and finding a place far from the Narayanpura road and where we could park the car without blocking that road we parked the car. As Praveen started packing the arms into two huge bags, I quickly ran towards the Narayanpura road to confirm that our car was not visible from there. By the time I was back at car Praveen had almost packed the arms.

“Pack your favorite Sniper. Have kept it for you” Praveen said still busy packing.

“Who knows we might be using it today” I said picking up my favorite DTA Stealth Recon Scout Multi Caliber Sniper in its bag and zipping it tight.

“Don’t get started” Praveen replied quietly.

“Did you drink? You smell of alcohol” Praveen said suddenly, as we were winding up packing our arms and making sure the car dint raise any suspicions.

“Haha yes, I had a beer” I replied merrily.

“What the hell, I was busy here in this scorching heat collecting information with Ram and you enjoyed in Honnavar?”

“So what information did you collect? Ram just said that something fishy was going on in the village and it was almost sure that the missing agent was kidnapped and he was still here. No more details?” I asked.

“First tell me how you ended up drinking beer? And what’s up with that strange smell from your body?” he asked.

“I did the same thing which we had done in Afghanistan 2008”

“Oh really? Did it work?”

“Yeah. I drove straight to the bar which Ram mentioned, wore that Ram’s assistant’s T-Shirt and his slippers, walked into bar, took a beer, gulped few sips, and started yelling that someone had hit my brother the previous night and showed them the picture of the missing agent and yelled about calling cops. Within minutes the bartender said that the agent was last seen talking to someone in green T-Shirt, who had started visiting the bar recently. After a small heated argument with that person, our agent had quickly walked out the bar, not even finishing his beer”

“Wait. Did you say green T-Shirt?” Praveen asked with his eyes widened.

“Yes, why?”

“Because the group that has been staying here has few of its members wearing green T-Shirts as their uniforms”

“What? Which group?” I asked.

“Wait. Let’s clear our doubts and setup a clear plan and only then walk into the village. It’s still 4:15 PM and still very bright. What will we do? I don’t even know the details or whatever information you both collected” I said.

“Fine. Let’s clear our doubts and sort out a plan” Praveen said.

“First tell me what info you guys collected”

We sat inside the car switching on the AC as Praveen said, “I can’t explain in detail but this is what we collected – A group has been staying this village in one of the houses at the end of the village. They say they are here to setup a Paper Mill. They haven’t much mingled with villagers but keep going into the forest where villagers believe is their Mill site. As per what we heard, there is definitely something wrong happening in this village and also that group.”

“Fine, there is something suspicious about this group, but what? Even though the group looks suspicious it doesn’t prove this the same group that we ought to deal with. And also there is no proof that they have kidnapped the missing RAW agent. What if this group is doing something fishy but in no way is related to our missing agent?”

“You are right, even I had that doubt. But right now this is the only lead we have. And atleast now I am more confident than earlier as you too mentioned about a guy in green T-Shirt sighted in the bar, even these guys do wear green T-Shirts, atleast some of them” Praveen said.

“That is true. That builds up some link and something to believe in. But I am still not convinced about it. Something doesn’t look right here.”

“What else do you need?”

“What is this group? What are they dealing with? Other than that green colored T-Shirt, which might be a hard case of match up, there is no more information. We cannot attack them nor take any action. We don’t even know if they kidnapped our agent” I said, still unconvinced on what we had gathered.

“I agree completely that we cannot yet attack them. But this is all what we have. The group is there since two months in the village, it has kept itself aloof, always silent and limited to that one house, those people seldom come out, mingle with villagers, never party, and engaged in suspicious activities.” Praveen said, trying to convince me.

“The only thing that the agents GPS device stopped working here and then went missing and this is the only suspicious group active in this village, it’s a very good reason to believe in what we have but can we really attack this place?” I asked.

“No ways. We don’t even know for sure that this is the group our agent was involved with so we cannot attack nor take any action but yes we have a suspicion and we need to scout them or atleast keep our eyes and ears open in this village for any more information or any small lead”

“True. And even if this was the group or say we get more information somehow and come to a conclusion that this is the group our agent was after how do we know if they kidnapped this agent or if he went himself into the group as per his last email?”

“That is true, but we do not have many options and cannot let the time slip away. Whatever it is, we have to risk on breaking him out. Be it a kidnap or be it infiltration, we have to get this agent out. Risking blowing up his cover is better than risking his life” Praveen said.

I was a bit convinced by what he said. Thinking calmly for a minute, I said, “I agree with you. But how can we be sure if that is the house we need to monitor. We do not know anything about the count of men, the arms they are equipped with and even if they are the group, have they kept our agent in that house? If yes then how do we attack? And if not then what is the use in attacking the whole house?”

“Hmm right. We cannot directly attack that house. We need another plan” Praveen said as we thought hard for more options and our action plans to end that long long day.

Can you readers come up with any plans and suggest us any ways to deal with this situation??
Drop in your suggestions below…
