Saturday, July 26, 2014

It’s a long long day – Aberrant Ambush!

“Are you sure you wanna get started?” Praveen asked again.

“Yes. We do not have any better options right?” I asked back, taking another look around us with my view stopping at the end of the road in front of me.

“Yes we do not have any better options but we do not even have the right details to setup a proper ambush. There are lots of variables and more over any small mistake could prove fatal. Not only would the mission be risked but also the villagers and the agent.”

“Yes, but it’s already 5:30 PM and we do not have enough time. Any time the Sun might go down and leave us with no lights. It would be lot tougher then to find the vital points for a proper attack.”

“Don’t know. I am still not sure about this. The main thing is we do not know what is inside that house. How many men and what all arms await us. You yourself were so much in doubt about this group and house being the one that we are looking for.”

“Atleast lets setup an ambush and keep a watch. We won’t take any action until it’s completely dark and silent with no villagers out on the roads. Is that fine?”

“Okay with me. What would you like to do?” Praveen said, finally, but still a hint of disagreement was clearly visible on his face.

“We have lot of variables”

“Yes, that is what is worrying me” Praveen stopped me immediately.

“I agree. But the house, it has only two exits and if that house is any similar to these houses then the back door is not that helpful for them since it leads nowhere. They will still have to come to the front of the house to access the road for escape.”

“Or they can take the side way on the farer end into the forest.”

“Okay so there are two doors and two exits, one on the front to the road and another into the forest. And the jeep is not here so they will be left with foot escape. It is clear any attack or any escape will bring them out into the open. We will setup the ambush in such a way that we cover these exits. Once the exits are covered anyone coming out will be our target.”

“But what about their attack? What if they have are prepared for any assault and start attacking back with stronger artillery.”

“I told you one step at a time. At this time we will worry about watching them and closing in their exists so we are atleast sure no one can escape without our watch. Agree?”

“Agree. Once we have the exits closed in, we will have an eye on the agent. If nothing, atleast we can save him or help him escape. The only way for them to get him out, if they plan to, is these exits and on foot. No vehicle and no other escape. Either they have to bring him out on this road or else if they have a proper escape route setup then they will take him into the forest and somewhere there. But as far as I saw there is nothing special with that side towards the forest. If you are ready to attack lets setup.”

“That’s music to my ears! Let’s attack!”

“Dude wait, I meant just setup an ambush no attacking. They are atleast 20 men. In no way we would be ready for an assault with 20 men carrying even the basic submachine’s firing rounds faster than we can handle.”

“Of course. We too have our submachines with us but it won’t match 20 pieces on the other but still the best part is, we are the surprise attackers and they are not even waiting for us. Even by the time they know what is happening and figure out the source of attack and start firing at us we would have brought them down so much that they would be left with little options and moreover they would be scattered without any strategy. I am sure by then we can come up with some new plan just like we planned that attack of March in the Mid East and take them down. Or we can even fuddle them and redirect their attack to another direction.”

“Why do such talks which are in reality a danger and far from finishing up easily and successfully always sound simpler and lyrical from your mouth?”

“That’s because I had attended that class where they teach how to raise false hopes when you had decided to take a nap. That guy who had come in for the lecture that day even told how to sell out one single bullet as a complete army” I said winking at Praveen.

“Haha you are such a rascal. Now I know whatever plan we are making may never work. Still that’s our job, fighting against odds and bringing out evens.”

“We should have thought about that the day before we entered the gates of this Spy business”

“Who knew we would end up standing on this road setting up an ambush against an unknown group and unknown ammunitions with far too less variables on our side”

“Haha true! And with an empty stomach.” I said and continued, “If by some way we get on top of that second house we can get a clear range on the front door of the house and even the window. We can block it and even block the road if they plan an escape via this road.”

“Yes that’s what I was thinking. But how will we get on there?”

“Leave that to me. I will take care of it and get there. Where will you stand? You had a better view of the other end. You take your stand” I said.

“The best option I see is to get into the forest”


“By that way I will have a clear view of the side exit and also can keep the escape route into the forest, if any, blocked. Who knows they may call in for more support from the forest where they have setup their factory or plant or whatever it is. In that case I can hold them up as much as possible. Or as you put a colorful picture of doing some magic and divert their attention then that would be the safest place.” Praveen said raising his eyebrows.

“Looks better. Its 5:45 PM. I will be on that second light blue house with my sniper and you be prepared inside the forest. Are you sure you got proper cover there?”

“Yes. The tree right opposite to the house is the best place. It has few bushes on its side that can give me the proper cover for ground attack. Also that gives me a safe range for attacking with both pistol and submachine. If required can even get nearer. I guess you can watch me over from that house.”

“Perfect! I love this. Let’s hit!”

“Okay but no surprise attacks until its dark. Just because your hands have been itching to use that sniper doesn’t mean you have to use it. Chief will be sitting on the edge of his chair biting his nails thinking why he gave that in your hands.”

“Lol. I agree. We won’t attack until 7:30 PM. We will just be prepared for anything. And if nothing turns up till then, then we will meet up again here and discuss. Okay?”

“Okay” Praveen said picking up his bad of arms and that had enough ammunition to bring down the whole house and walking towards the end of the road.

I picked up my sniper bag and another bag of submachine and a semiautomatic and walked to the house that I had planned. Finally I had a feeling deep inside my mind that the long long day was coming to an end…

Comments, suggestions, feedbacks welcome... To be Contd…


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