Saturday, July 19, 2014

It’s a long long day – One step at a time

“What shall we do now?” Praveen asked.

“We need to scout the place properly. There are too many variables and risks. Especially there is no proper range” I replied.

“And check the neighboring house. It’s too close. We cannot start an attack putting those people in danger and there is no way we can carry on this silently and neither move those people away without alarming those men” Praveen replied back.

By then there were few villagers who were showing more than required interested in us. The queerness that followed their gazes was bothering us more than the issues on our plate. These situations are normal for spies when they get involved in such missions that are carried on in inhabited places.

“Yeah that is next to impossible but first atleast we need to check that house. The doors, windows, number of men, their weapons and ways to get in and out” I said.

“How do we do it? Unless we risk walking real close to it”

“Yes we need to do that. One of us can just walk past the house and if any questions will continue with our cover story of the Paper Mill and came to the dead end of the village. The other one can backup from there behind that tree”

“Sounds like a plan. I will walk up, scout the house and come back. Hard part is we don’t have proper signal to be in contact” Praveen said.

“Are you sure you wanna take this shot?” I asked again.

“Very sure” he said handing me the bag he was carrying and reaching for his pistol and checking it in place.

I carried the bags to the tree and took a position from where I could keep Praveen in view. I saw him walk slowly looking at each side. Another look around me and I was bit relieved as few of those scary gazing eyes had by now lost interest in us thinking we were not of that interest and there was no need of wasting time in watching us. May be they might have even thought we belonged to the same group in which they had lost interest two months back.

Praveen was slow and careful and I was sure he kept his eyes wide open to grasp any information he could get his hands on. As he neared the house he stopped for almost few couple of seconds and turned completely towards the house, then turned back towards the forest and walked and then turned all around, took a U-Turn and took advantage of that turn in taking a neater look at the house. Then he quickly walked back to me.

“Anything useful?” I asked

“Yes. It’s like most common houses, a little bigger than others though. It has a main door at front and one window. I saw another window at the other side, both windows closed down completely and dark. I guess, if it is like other houses, it has another door at the back but nothing other than that. I am damn sure the all the windows are completely closed and any view from outside blocked. And the fact that no one noticed me may say that the view from inside is blocked. But there should be some way for them to keep a watch on the road and any possible incoming attack or danger”

“What are we waiting for then? Let’s plan an ambush” I said.

“But how? What If they are already watching the streets and the exit points? We cannot risk. We cannot even wait until its dark and leave the benefit factor on their side” Praveen said.

“Let’s worry about that later but for now we should really get started with the proper setup for a real ass kicking ambush” I said.

“Don’t hurry up. Let’s think again about what if they are keeping a watch”

“First we get started with setting up the ambush. Next we will bother about their watch and their exit points. One step at a time” I replied as the final moment of the long long day neared.

To be Contd…


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