Saturday, August 31, 2013

Facebook !!

I typed in my password for the fourth time that evening. The same screen of one of the most famous social networking site Facebook opened up and displayed my home screen. It was the same white and blue screen that I saw for the fourth time. I am still not sure if I was that free without any novels to read or anything to watch over the television.  Studies were not even an option even though the exams were nearing. I guess I was too lazy that evening to do anything particular and like lot many other people of my age Facebook had become my favorite pastime when I had nothing to do yet wanted to do something.

There were few new updates. Few status updates, few random shares. Being a Sunday evening, I thought I had more people with me in doing Facebook at this time.

Scrolling down, glancing each update, I came across a new image. Though I had passed it, the red color in that image was recorded by my eyes and now, they wanted to clearly view the picture.

Scrolling up, slowly, I came to that picture and was spellbound for few minutes.
It was her! Kajal!

I blinked my eyes for few times and looked at the laptop screen again. Yes it was her!

She had uploaded a new profile picture and one of my friends had liked it, resulting in that picture appearing on my home screen.

But wait… How the hell could he like it? Was he a friend of her? If so how? And why?

The seed of curiosity fallen in my mind started sprouting and was already grown into a plant. I checked their mutual friendship details, no luck. I checked her details, no luck. I checked for any other mutual friends between them, none.

My face again hung up like a patient and it seemed I lost weight suddenly. I decided to ask him about it. But then canceled that thinking he would bounce back more questions at me.

With more restlessness, I came back to my home screen and scrolled down to that picture. It looked cuter this time. I clicked on it and there, within milliseconds, Kajal covered my laptop screen. Wearing a bright red top she had turned a little to her right posing for the camera. The top was bright red in color and of cotton material with a black thin stripe as color and also present on the end of sleeves. It suited her fair skin aptly. Still her smile was the one that had controlled the whole picture. One of the cutest smiles I have ever seen until now. Though she dint had any dimples, her chubby cheeks had turned a little reddish and were looking cuter as the ends of that cute smile. Her sweet look from the corner of her eyes added a hint of naughtiness to the picture with the help of her neatly shaped eyebrows that had curved in more forming a bow over those two little black pearls. The black pearls had a little shine in them as though they were conveying a sweet message to the whole world. She had her hands folded behind her back and the whole picture seemed to be a candid shot rather than a demand shot.

She was sweet, cute. I knew. But I had never seen her so closely and had never ever got a chance to see her in pictures.

My brain was now like a ping pong ball being played in between two thoughts – her cute picture and how in the damn hell could my friend her friend.

I was growing out of patience and had almost picked up my cell to call him and clear my doubt. The more I refrained from calling him, the more the thought pierced into my brain. Finally, with one look at Kajal’s picture again, I called him.

Rascal never picks call when it is urgent. I called him again and he picked up the call.

“Helloooo Vish. What’s up?”

“Hello. Where are you?”

“I am at room. Was watching movie. Why? Anything urgent?”

“Dude, we have exams in two week s and you are watching movie?”

“This movie is related to Engineering and this has got some real info”

“What movie are you watching which seems to be a part of our syllabus?”


“What the hell. Leave that. I need to ask something”


“How do you know Kajal?”

“Oh ho. So finally you asked me hann? I knew you had a crush on her. But how did you know?”

“First answer my question”

“No ways! First answer my question”

“I saw your like on her profile picture in Facebook”

He laughed for a whole minute and then said, still trying to hold his laughter, “So as soon as you saw that you called me? You confirmed you have a crush on her. I won’t tell you” he laughed again.

The way he laughed, I felt like he was seriously impacted by the movie transformers and he needed some serious transformation.

“Dude. Now stop it. Just tell me how do you know her?”

“I said I won’t. Now listen. I will go and tell her that you were asking me about her and even said you liked her new profile picture very much” he laughed again.

I got annoyed by the way he was laughing and disconnected the call. It was lot better to just keep staring at her cute picture than to waste time in talking to that rascal.

Within seconds my mobile rang and his name displayed on my mobile screen.

“Hello… What the hell do you want now?” I asked with a raised voice which definitely showed my annoyance.

“Ok ok calm down. I will tell you what you want. But I need to know one thing”

“Nothing. I won’t tell anything and I don’t need anything”

 “If you tell me what I ask, I might be able to help you in what you want” he said

I thought for few seconds and without any option left, I said “Ok. Ask”

“Do you have a crush on her? Are you very serious on it?”

I dint speak for some time. Though I knew that would be his question, I dint knew it would come this straight and pierce me damaging my thoughts.

“I know you have a crush on her. Dude, accept it. I can help you”

Sheepishly, without seeing any other better option, I said, “Yes. How can you help me?”

“I lied. Now see how I will spread this news to the whole college” he said laughing as loudly as he could.

“Ass” I yelled and cut the call.

With a disturbed mind, I logged out from Facebook deciding that would be my last login for the day.

I was wrong, I logged in again after dinner. Again, I scrolled down to her picture and kept staring at it. Every second I observed it, I felt she grew cuter. A sense of childishness was floating in her. Her smile drew me closer and her eyes grew me crazier.

After feeling happy, I clicked on her name beside the image. It opened her profile on my laptop screen. I scrolled down but dint find any new information there. I am not sure if my brain was working right but something strange happened and I clicked on the Add Friend button.

I bit my tongue after I released what I had done. I could not do anything now nor had any way left. I started feeling weird and a feeling a shame slapped me on my face.

What the hell was wrong with me and why the hell did I do what I just did. Scratching my head for multiple times dint help me. I sat in the same position watching the screen for minutes.

What would she think of me now? Would she accept my friendship request? Is yes then why? If no then how would I look at her again? What if the whole college gets to know? What the hell is awaiting in my plate next?

I went into sleep as these thoughts tried making me nervous...

Let me know how you want this story to continue… Should she accept my friend request? Or not? Do drop a comment below…

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Girlfriend(s) againnn !!!

Dear readers, I am back to the topic of my first blog – Girlfriend(s)!!!

If you had thought the behavior of girlfriends written in my first blog was intolerable then spare a few minutes on reading this. This will lend some more help for your weak memory to spot out the weirdest behaviors of girls, which is, their changing moods!

Again, this is just for humor... No hard feelings... 

One fine Sunday, I had woken up early than the other common Sundays and even had my breakfast along with my roomies, the breakfast consisting of 4 soft Idlis and a nice yummy crispy Vada, the most common South-Indian Breakfast, ending it with a strong hot coffee! With my stomach full my mood was set right into a damn good one. After returning back home, I found nothing much interesting was being played on any of the 82 channels. Switching the television off, I rolled on my bed. Being in a good mood, I sent my girlfriend a message hinting her that I wanted to chat with her. But, as always happens on a Sunday, she was busy with something and had no time for her romantic boyfriend. The time she gave me, that day, for chatting would come after my digital watch showed PM instead of AM. I had more than four hours to spend before I could chat with her.

Thinking of utilizing those four hours and finding none of my roomies would come out in that scorching Sun I decided to take bath and head for Library. Err, yes! I was finally to take bath after 3 days. Sorry to open up my secret but that’s true. I hate wastage of water! So with all the three pair of eyes staring at me in surprise I went into bathroom and was back out, fresh and reinvigorated, after a complete half hour of bath. With such a nice bath, I can easily leave bath for another three days I told to myself. Finally with that extra energy one gets after a refreshing bath, as I unlocked my mobile, I saw six messages all from her and two missed calls. Bit worried, I scrolled through the messages thinking of various reasons that could be behind a series of continuous messages. That’s what I had expected. Her mood had changed and she wanted to chat with me but not receiving my reply her anger had burst out and again this was her last message,

Message: U dnt even hav time fr me... atlst cnt u even reply?

Without being much shaken, I replied back

Reply: Hey dr... I was havng bath. Tell me now...

Message: No need to reply me now... u cnt reply me whn I msg u?

Reply: Arey I told u na I was havng bath... hw can I take mobile into bathroom??

Message: Dnt joke. Why u need to take bath now when u knew I would be msging u?

Reply: Hey u told u were busy and cant chat till noon... tats the reason...

Message: I told I was busy then not now... u just never undrstnd me... now lets chat at noon...

My fellow readers please have some courtesy and decide on the position I was in. She had said she was busy few minutes back and then suddenly she got time for me but since I dint reply even if she was free she was in no mood to chat and again the chat session got scheduled at noon. Such a weird behavior. Everything remained same except a small tornado rotated me upside down within five minutes and went ahead!

Leaving the schedule undisturbed I went to a Temple on the way to Library and asked the same question to the Lord, again, “When will boys understand girls?”

I heard the same meek voice echo “Son, please ask me anything in the world but not this!”


Saturday, August 17, 2013

Raining Romance Contd…

A watch! A bright silver colored watch was the one which had diverted my attention from the beauty of the nature. The watch was tied to a fair hand. What? A fair smooth hand that looked like the hand of girl? A girl?

Without blinking, I looked up. A girl was standing in the balcony of the opposite building. Wearing a light green colored T-Shirt, she had rested her left hand, with the watch onto it, on the railing and was trying to the drops of water with her right hand extended out of the balcony. Very cutely, she was trying to focus a single drop among the millions and try striking it with her index finger. I was not able to determine if she was succeeding or not but every time she did that, there was a cute smile on her face. Just like a small kid, she would modestly smile in victory and her lips would turn into a bright smile in between two little dimples on her fair chubby cheeks. She was far, yet my eyes had taken all the trouble to notice her little dimple on her left cheek that looked like a small silver cloud in between a vast clear sky. She was beautiful. Yet there was something in her that gave her a childish look.

The way she was playing, the way she was engrossed in her own world, the way she was enjoying the real monsoon. There wasn’t even a small hint of disappointment or a look of frustration on her face. Her face was the brightest and the fairest I had ever noticed. Upon On it were the two little black pearls. Two twinkling pearls were shining as brilliantly as the watch was. They were as lively as the refreshing rain, or might be they were livelier. They blinked every time she hit or missed a water drop and when they opened they had more life in them. The eyebrows above them added more life to her cute face, falling down and raising up every time she blinked.

I was amused by the way she was engrossed in her own world of her own silly game. It might have been few very long minutes that passed since I first set my eyes on her. When I forcefully turned down to my coffee mug and raised it to take a sip, I realized it was cold now. The effect of that strong caffeine which I wanted had now expired.

I turned back to her and she was still busy playing her game. I took the last sip of coffee and turned back to her. Suddenly, she stopped her game of striking the free water drops. She turned to her right and looked at the ground. Her hair tied at the back as a small pony tail moved quickly and oscillated for three times and settled down. But before it could settle at its place, she turned again and this time to her left. There was still a mild smile on her face and the cheeks were ready to sketch out the cutest dimples.

I was wondering if I could see her magical dimples again along with those twinkling pearls, when she suddenly turned to her front and looked at our building. It did not even take more than a second for her to notice me staring at her stupidly. She looked at me and was blank for some time. Even I kept staring at her. Then suddenly she turned away and turned back again at me. Noticing me still staring at her she frowned. Her eyebrows now curved and her eyes shrinked into two small black dots. The mild smile on her face was now gone and her lips turned straight and zipped tightly together. I felt two sharp arrows of her anger from her eyes pierce me right through my eyes. That was when I woke up and agnized what I was doing. With abnormal blinking I bent down quickly and lifted my cup for  another sip. After lifting the cup I remembered that the mug was empty, but I had already lifted it. Lifting it more, I acted as though I was taking drinking the last sip from the mug and then pursing in my lips I turned back to my chair without lifting my head. Placing the empty mug down, I picked up the novel in my hand and sat down on the chair.

Alas, chair was directed to her side and I would be facing to her. I failed even after trying my best to resist turning towards her and gave into my heart. I lifted my head slowly only to see that was still frowning a little angrily at me. I quickly bent down and opened my novel.

The two lines I read after that were the lengthiest lines I had ever read. I couldn’t resist thinking about her reaction. I had multiple thoughts of what she would be thinking about me but they were replaced by the picture of her fair face with chubby cheeks, sweet smile, cute dimples and twinkling eyes. I wondered how those twinkling eyes had shrinked in anger yet they were equally cute.

As the picture of her face grew thicker in my thoughts, the urge to check her reaction now kept tickling me at the back of my neck. Again, failing to my heart, I moved aside my novel and tried stealing a look at her. I was surprised to see her still looking at me, but now the eyes were normal. She was looking at me like a CID officer keeping an eye on suspect. Her blank look was slowly turning into a playground of anger when she saw me stealing a look by the side of the novel.  I quickly moved back the novel and closed my eyes forcing them to remain closed for a good amount of time. I felt my heart beat and felt guilty for my act.

Deciding to be adamant I rested my back on the chair, slid down a little until my lower neck rested on the back of the chair. Brining the novel closer I started reading again. It was difficult. Reading when the mind is concentrating on something else is really difficult. Gulping in the saliva soothed my disturbed heart and as it travelled down my throat I felt the courage in me adding up. I folded the novel and raised my head and looked straight at her.

My eyes widened with surprise to see her still looking at me. Her eyes were shrinked and the two black pearls scrutinizing my every act. A quick frown on her face said she knew I would look at her again. Unknowingly an apologetic smile got carved on my face. It took few milliseconds for the frown on her face to disappear but only after a surprised look it was replaced by a girlish giggle. She covered her mouth as she giggled and then smiled widely at me. Her giggle clearly told me that she had caught me staring at her and her smile clearly told me she knew I was clean bowled by her.

My smile widened too. And my eyes rejoiced her smile. All of a sudden our eyes locked and within second she blushed. Bending down her head for a millisecond she looked back at me. I was looking at her with a wide smile and a stupid look. She smiled again with a hint of blush in her eyes and quickly turned around and stepped inside the home.

I was surprised by this sudden act and kept on thinking, for minutes, if I did something wrong. Being dumb, which I am, it took me a real long time to realize that is what the real jewelry of any girl is.

I always knew monsoon is romantic but for the first time I realized it true…

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Raining Romance!

Adding two full spoons of coffee powder I stirred the milk in the coffee cup until I was satisfied that I had prepared one of the best coffees strong enough to kick my nerves that send signal to my grey cells that are responsible to keep me awake and keep my body functioning at a snappy pace.

Holding the mug full of strong coffee, the aroma of which was already rising up above from the mug and travelling right into my nostrils tickling the inner walls and sending a sense of temptation to taste the strong coffee ASAP! Carrying the mug in one hand and my favorite novel in another and the irresistible coffee temptation in my heart, I walked to the balcony. Sitting on my favorite arm chair I took in a sip of the hot coffee and made sure the coffee floated right from the tip of my tongue till the throat, sending a vibration of burning my tongue and also kicking up all the taste buds on my tongue as it floated down till I gulped in the coffee. Unknowingly my eyes closed for a second and when I opened them, the world seemed bit fresh.

My mind was ready to start the novel which I had received a day earlier from Taking another sip from the coffee mug I glanced the first few introductory pages in the novel. Not sure why but I felt an urge to enjoy the heavy downpour than to read the novel.

Standing up from the arm chair I took a step and bent a little taking support of the railing and started looking at random directions.

It was raining heavily. The sound itself was so high that even sound from the neighboring home was not audible to my ears. The ground below my balcony, which was the path for the vehicles to come inside the society, had turned into a slippery dirt track full of loose mud and flowing water. The entrance was saved by the recently cemented platform. I turned to my right to notice the security guard sitting cozily on his wooden chair in the small security room. There was no one visible to my eyes except a street dog sitting under the society board looking far away on the other side of the road.

Turning to my left I got a glimpse of half of the society park where the red colored see-saw rested without any kids to squeak its nuts. The slide next to it was being enjoyed by a mini waterfall caused by the heavy rain. The water flowing down the slide glittered at places and flowed silently at few other places. I couldn’t see other more of the park but I could predict that the park had turned into a lake and all the kids of the society would be forced by their moms to sit inside home and do their studies. Their one eye would have been on their books and another would be outside the window.

All of the plants surrounding the park were the ones that were enjoying the rain the most. I had never seen, or maybe I had never observed, them to be this green. The color was so dark that even few of the leaves shone brightly at their tips as the sunrays hit them.

Following the route taken by both little and big drops falling down like the pearls, I looked up above to check the showerhead that had been showering non-stop since hours. The nozzle was the biggest I had ever seen. A blue colored sky curtained by dark clouds except at few spots that proved the sky was still blue. At a far end, towards west, it seemed a ball of fire tried hard igniting the blue sky. A bright yellow spot was quarrelling the dark clouds and trying to spread itself all over the sky.

Closing my eyes, I took another sip, not so hot but yet strong. I heard the sound of water drops dashing onto various surfaces. The ones that were falling on the railing had another tone than the ones that were falling onto the floating water in the potholes. There were few drops that were falling on the wet mud and few that were falling on cement pavement. Few were being stopped by leaves that produced and entirely different tone but still in rhythm. It acted chorus for the main tone, but could not decide which the main tone was. Whatever was that, it was melodious. 

The force of drops, the view and the hindered vision, the mixed color across the vast sky, the amount of water everywhere both floating and sinking, the sound and the rhythm, the cool atmosphere with a hint of periodic breeze carrying the smell of wet earth and a mug of hot strong coffee!

“A perfect Indian Monsoon!” I said to myself gulping in more coffee.

I bent more and stared at a small pothole filled with brownish red water amidst the path between the two tall buildings. Drops of water were continuously disturbing the brownish water there and were designing numerous rings of different sizes, all clashing into one another.

Something glittered. Glittered again and struck my eyes forcing them to shut down their doors for a second. My eyes got curious on what made them to close and stared courageously towards the pot hole. A reflection on the water was shining brightly. Some reflective material that dint like the bright rays of sun which were just beginning to sneak in between the dark clouds was catching all the sun rays falling on it and then throwing all of them onto the pot hole that was acting as a rangoli screensaver for my eyes till now.

Applying physics that I had learnt in my childhood, I calculated the angle of rays, coming from the pothole to my eyes, to the ground as 60o. Then, the rays coming onto the pothole should be making the angle on the opposite. By this assumption, my brain did a small calculation, like the one it had solved many years back in a Physics test, and told my eyes to look at the opposite building on the same floor. My eyes, being obedient rascals, quickly turned to the opposite building travelling along the sun rays from the pothole.

To be continued…

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Rain Rain Go Away...

Pattarrr... Tappaaarrr...
Tapparrr... Pattaaarrr...
The drops of water kept on kissing the ground, the same ground where few minutes back I had been playing football, like a small silver colored butterfly that flew from the silver cloud and slowed down just before it sat on the bright yellow flower and then quickly sat kissing the heart of the flower. The flower blossoms, with a smile. The butterfly dances.
The scene my eyes were relishing looked same. Each drop being sent from heaven kissed the ground and then jumped up dancing in celebration. But then, I lost the count of drops that danced, or the ones that silently flowed away, or the ones that clashed others.
“Damn rain! Spoiled our game”
I blinked turning towards Ganesh who sat to my right staring at the ground with anger.
Just a minute back even I was anguished by the sudden downpour but then the little drops had taken away all my concentration and kept mesmerizing me with their little game.
“You should be happy, your team was losing!” Veeri mocked at him.
“Just by one goal. We would have scored that anyway” Ganesh swapped back.
I glanced at others and all of them were busy looking how the rain was destroying our ground. It would require atleast another couple of sunny days for the ground to be hard enough to play on it.
We were sitting, facing to the ground, on the narrow stairs of the building right in front of the football ground in our colony. Ganesh and I sat on the first step while the others sat on the steps behind us. Few were discussing on the outcome of the heavy rains, bit helpful bit unhelpful, that month, while few others had chosen the topic of how rains had been successful in bringing a temporary halt to the whole city but had failed in closing our college for even a single day.
I too for some reason felt irritated by the prolonged rainy season. The muddy roads, the dirt splashing on the trousers, the mini swimming pools on the side of roads, the wet grounds, somehow al this felt intolerable for me at that moment. But I was still in a dilemma on whether to support the rain or to go against it in the great debate going on behind me.

Rain rain go away
Come another day
Little Ganesh wanna play
Veeri sang tapping on my back. Still I sat motionless, thinking if rain was my friend or enemy.

If the rain had spoiled my game, it had even helped me enjoy a warm cup of tea along with two bhajjis at a small tea stall when I was fully drenched and shivering while returning from college just few days back.

When I felt I was putting on a lot of pressure on my very small and weak cells present in the grey area, I stopped thinking and turned back to quickly check what everyone was doing. Each person sitting along with me was busy in either chatting or playing on his mobile.

I decided to continue enjoying the rain and its naughty little games. First I glanced at the ground which was now full of water and the drops falling on that water designed a number of small rings randomly everywhere. Then there were few drops that fell on the green lush leave of the trees. They fell on leaves causing a vibration in the leaves and then flowed down to the tip of the leaf and quickly fell down to the earth giving way for the next drop to follow. Then there were many other drops that were being confused by the wind.
Travelling over to those drops, my eyes wandered everywhere until their vision caught the building to the right side of the ground. It was the same old building painted dull cream years back. If there wasn’t something yellow that shone brightly, my eyes would have returned back from their journey.

Focusing my vision on the yellow color, I saw a little girl standing on the inner side of a window on the first floor of the building. Her frock was bright yellow with brown flowers neatly printed on it. She was as chubby as the petals of those flowers. Her face, with her chubby cheeks, looked round and pink just like a fully bloomed rose. And down came her curly black hair on both sides of her cheeks. The little rings that her hair made were visible from that long distance only because of the pink cheeks, visible between the curls, they were trying to hide.

She was playing merrily with the small drops of water that she was catching. Every time she held her little palm out of the window and caught few rain drops she smiled jubilantly. She then took in her palm and looked at those drops and tried to play with those drops from her other hand and then again would extend her palm out. The smile on her face that would glow every time she caught the drops was the cutest thing I had noticed in the recent days. And when she jumped, happily, in between her little game, her dark curly hair would dance along with her rejoicing the rain.

How pure and cute was that happiness. How the rain that spoiled our game few minutes back was giving new game to that cute kid. Was her smile and happiness the reason God was sending in more and more rain down to earth?

Was it only me? And two more folks sitting behind me cursing the rain? Were we the only ones and few other similar brains who taught much and much and much and decided rain is causing more damages than the happiness it is bringing in?

Suddenly I felt the discussion taking a U-Turn. I was now favoring the rain. Something tickled in my tummy. I felt much younger when I stopped thinking.

Bending down I checked my shoes that were already painted brown by the dirt. Standing up from the stairs I turned back towards others. No one noticed me and the few who looked at me dint bother to give a second glance.

I bent forward and snatched the football that was silently sitting in between the legs of Veeri. He passed a quick questing glance at me. Bouncing it three times on the floor brought in some noise but was not strong enough to pull everyone’s attention.

I put the ball down and kept my right leg on it. Then with a quick moment, I kicked the ball towards the ground. Without turning back I ran into the ground behind the ball. It seems playing for only few seconds on that wet ground tempted others. With a loud yell, Ganesh ran into the ground asking for a pass. Then followed the whole team, one by one!

Within no time, the match that had been disrupted by rain started again with double fun. The game was now wild, fun, and more thrilling. Getting drenched in rain, running wet, kicking the dirty ball, falling on the mud, being splashed with other’s kicks and all that troubled me now started thrilling me.

Rain rain don’t go away, I wanna play” I said running wildly for the football.
