I typed in my password for the
fourth time that evening. The same screen of one of the most famous social
networking site Facebook opened up and displayed my home screen. It was the
same white and blue screen that I saw for the fourth time. I am still not sure
if I was that free without any novels to read or anything to watch over the television.
Studies were not even an option even
though the exams were nearing. I guess I was too lazy that evening to do
anything particular and like lot many other people of my age Facebook had
become my favorite pastime when I had nothing to do yet wanted to do something.
There were few new updates. Few
status updates, few random shares. Being a Sunday evening, I thought I had more
people with me in doing Facebook at this time.
Scrolling down, glancing each update,
I came across a new image. Though I had passed it, the red color in that image
was recorded by my eyes and now, they wanted to clearly view the picture.
Scrolling up, slowly, I came to
that picture and was spellbound for few minutes.
It was her! Kajal!
I blinked my eyes for few times
and looked at the laptop screen again. Yes it was her!
She had uploaded a new profile
picture and one of my friends had liked it, resulting in that picture appearing
on my home screen.
But wait… How the hell could he
like it? Was he a friend of her? If so how? And why?
The seed of curiosity fallen in
my mind started sprouting and was already grown into a plant. I checked their
mutual friendship details, no luck. I checked her details, no luck. I checked
for any other mutual friends between them, none.
My face again hung up like a
patient and it seemed I lost weight suddenly. I decided to ask him about it.
But then canceled that thinking he would bounce back more questions at me.
With more restlessness, I came
back to my home screen and scrolled down to that picture. It looked cuter this
time. I clicked on it and there, within milliseconds, Kajal covered my laptop
screen. Wearing a bright red top she had turned a little to her right posing
for the camera. The top was bright red in color and of cotton material with a
black thin stripe as color and also present on the end of sleeves. It suited
her fair skin aptly. Still her smile was the one that had controlled the whole
picture. One of the cutest smiles I have ever seen until now. Though she dint
had any dimples, her chubby cheeks had turned a little reddish and were looking
cuter as the ends of that cute smile. Her sweet look from the corner of her eyes
added a hint of naughtiness to the picture with the help of her neatly shaped
eyebrows that had curved in more forming a bow over those two little black
pearls. The black pearls had a little shine in them as though they were
conveying a sweet message to the whole world. She had her hands folded behind
her back and the whole picture seemed to be a candid shot rather than a demand
She was sweet, cute. I knew. But
I had never seen her so closely and had never ever got a chance to see her in
My brain was now like a ping pong
ball being played in between two thoughts – her cute picture and how in the
damn hell could my friend her friend.
I was growing out of patience and
had almost picked up my cell to call him and clear my doubt. The more I refrained
from calling him, the more the thought pierced into my brain. Finally, with one
look at Kajal’s picture again, I called him.
Rascal never picks call when it
is urgent. I called him again and he picked up the call.
“Helloooo Vish. What’s up?”
“Hello. Where are you?”
“I am at room. Was watching
movie. Why? Anything urgent?”
“Dude, we have exams in two week s
and you are watching movie?”
“This movie is related to
Engineering and this has got some real info”
“What movie are you watching
which seems to be a part of our syllabus?”
“What the hell. Leave that. I
need to ask something”
“How do you know Kajal?”
“Oh ho. So finally you asked me
hann? I knew you had a crush on her. But how did you know?”
“First answer my question”
“No ways! First answer my
“I saw your like on her profile
picture in Facebook”
He laughed for a whole minute and
then said, still trying to hold his laughter, “So as soon as you saw that you
called me? You confirmed you have a crush on her. I won’t tell you” he laughed
The way he laughed, I felt like
he was seriously impacted by the movie transformers and he needed some serious transformation.
“Dude. Now stop it. Just tell me
how do you know her?”
“I said I won’t. Now listen. I
will go and tell her that you were asking me about her and even said you liked her new profile picture very much” he laughed again.
I got annoyed by the way he was
laughing and disconnected the call. It was lot better to just keep staring at
her cute picture than to waste time in talking to that rascal.
Within seconds my mobile rang and
his name displayed on my mobile screen.
“Hello… What the hell do you want
now?” I asked with a raised voice which definitely showed my annoyance.
“Ok ok calm down. I will tell you
what you want. But I need to know one thing”
“Nothing. I won’t tell anything
and I don’t need anything”
“If you tell me what I ask, I might be able to
help you in what you want” he said
I thought for few seconds and
without any option left, I said “Ok. Ask”
“Do you have a crush on her? Are
you very serious on it?”
I dint speak for some time.
Though I knew that would be his question, I dint knew it would come this
straight and pierce me damaging my thoughts.
“I know you have a crush on her. Dude,
accept it. I can help you”
Sheepishly, without seeing any
other better option, I said, “Yes. How can you help me?”
“I lied. Now see how I will
spread this news to the whole college” he said laughing as loudly as he could.
“Ass” I yelled and cut the call.
With a disturbed mind, I logged
out from Facebook deciding that would be my last login for the day.
I was wrong, I logged in again
after dinner. Again, I scrolled down to her picture and kept staring at it.
Every second I observed it, I felt she grew cuter. A sense of childishness was
floating in her. Her smile drew me closer and her eyes grew me crazier.
After feeling happy, I clicked on
her name beside the image. It opened her profile on my laptop screen. I
scrolled down but dint find any new information there. I am not sure if my
brain was working right but something strange happened and I clicked on the Add
Friend button.
I bit my tongue after I released
what I had done. I could not do anything now nor had any way left. I started
feeling weird and a feeling a shame slapped me on my face.
What the hell was wrong with me
and why the hell did I do what I just did. Scratching my head for multiple
times dint help me. I sat in the same position watching the screen for minutes.
What would she think of me now?
Would she accept my friendship request? Is yes then why? If no then how would I
look at her again? What if the whole college gets to know? What the hell is
awaiting in my plate next?
I went into sleep as these
thoughts tried making me nervous...
Let me know how you want this story to continue… Should she accept my
friend request? Or not? Do drop a comment below…