Saturday, August 3, 2013

Rain Rain Go Away...

Pattarrr... Tappaaarrr...
Tapparrr... Pattaaarrr...
The drops of water kept on kissing the ground, the same ground where few minutes back I had been playing football, like a small silver colored butterfly that flew from the silver cloud and slowed down just before it sat on the bright yellow flower and then quickly sat kissing the heart of the flower. The flower blossoms, with a smile. The butterfly dances.
The scene my eyes were relishing looked same. Each drop being sent from heaven kissed the ground and then jumped up dancing in celebration. But then, I lost the count of drops that danced, or the ones that silently flowed away, or the ones that clashed others.
“Damn rain! Spoiled our game”
I blinked turning towards Ganesh who sat to my right staring at the ground with anger.
Just a minute back even I was anguished by the sudden downpour but then the little drops had taken away all my concentration and kept mesmerizing me with their little game.
“You should be happy, your team was losing!” Veeri mocked at him.
“Just by one goal. We would have scored that anyway” Ganesh swapped back.
I glanced at others and all of them were busy looking how the rain was destroying our ground. It would require atleast another couple of sunny days for the ground to be hard enough to play on it.
We were sitting, facing to the ground, on the narrow stairs of the building right in front of the football ground in our colony. Ganesh and I sat on the first step while the others sat on the steps behind us. Few were discussing on the outcome of the heavy rains, bit helpful bit unhelpful, that month, while few others had chosen the topic of how rains had been successful in bringing a temporary halt to the whole city but had failed in closing our college for even a single day.
I too for some reason felt irritated by the prolonged rainy season. The muddy roads, the dirt splashing on the trousers, the mini swimming pools on the side of roads, the wet grounds, somehow al this felt intolerable for me at that moment. But I was still in a dilemma on whether to support the rain or to go against it in the great debate going on behind me.

Rain rain go away
Come another day
Little Ganesh wanna play
Veeri sang tapping on my back. Still I sat motionless, thinking if rain was my friend or enemy.

If the rain had spoiled my game, it had even helped me enjoy a warm cup of tea along with two bhajjis at a small tea stall when I was fully drenched and shivering while returning from college just few days back.

When I felt I was putting on a lot of pressure on my very small and weak cells present in the grey area, I stopped thinking and turned back to quickly check what everyone was doing. Each person sitting along with me was busy in either chatting or playing on his mobile.

I decided to continue enjoying the rain and its naughty little games. First I glanced at the ground which was now full of water and the drops falling on that water designed a number of small rings randomly everywhere. Then there were few drops that fell on the green lush leave of the trees. They fell on leaves causing a vibration in the leaves and then flowed down to the tip of the leaf and quickly fell down to the earth giving way for the next drop to follow. Then there were many other drops that were being confused by the wind.
Travelling over to those drops, my eyes wandered everywhere until their vision caught the building to the right side of the ground. It was the same old building painted dull cream years back. If there wasn’t something yellow that shone brightly, my eyes would have returned back from their journey.

Focusing my vision on the yellow color, I saw a little girl standing on the inner side of a window on the first floor of the building. Her frock was bright yellow with brown flowers neatly printed on it. She was as chubby as the petals of those flowers. Her face, with her chubby cheeks, looked round and pink just like a fully bloomed rose. And down came her curly black hair on both sides of her cheeks. The little rings that her hair made were visible from that long distance only because of the pink cheeks, visible between the curls, they were trying to hide.

She was playing merrily with the small drops of water that she was catching. Every time she held her little palm out of the window and caught few rain drops she smiled jubilantly. She then took in her palm and looked at those drops and tried to play with those drops from her other hand and then again would extend her palm out. The smile on her face that would glow every time she caught the drops was the cutest thing I had noticed in the recent days. And when she jumped, happily, in between her little game, her dark curly hair would dance along with her rejoicing the rain.

How pure and cute was that happiness. How the rain that spoiled our game few minutes back was giving new game to that cute kid. Was her smile and happiness the reason God was sending in more and more rain down to earth?

Was it only me? And two more folks sitting behind me cursing the rain? Were we the only ones and few other similar brains who taught much and much and much and decided rain is causing more damages than the happiness it is bringing in?

Suddenly I felt the discussion taking a U-Turn. I was now favoring the rain. Something tickled in my tummy. I felt much younger when I stopped thinking.

Bending down I checked my shoes that were already painted brown by the dirt. Standing up from the stairs I turned back towards others. No one noticed me and the few who looked at me dint bother to give a second glance.

I bent forward and snatched the football that was silently sitting in between the legs of Veeri. He passed a quick questing glance at me. Bouncing it three times on the floor brought in some noise but was not strong enough to pull everyone’s attention.

I put the ball down and kept my right leg on it. Then with a quick moment, I kicked the ball towards the ground. Without turning back I ran into the ground behind the ball. It seems playing for only few seconds on that wet ground tempted others. With a loud yell, Ganesh ran into the ground asking for a pass. Then followed the whole team, one by one!

Within no time, the match that had been disrupted by rain started again with double fun. The game was now wild, fun, and more thrilling. Getting drenched in rain, running wet, kicking the dirty ball, falling on the mud, being splashed with other’s kicks and all that troubled me now started thrilling me.

Rain rain don’t go away, I wanna play” I said running wildly for the football.


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