Saturday, August 10, 2013

Raining Romance!

Adding two full spoons of coffee powder I stirred the milk in the coffee cup until I was satisfied that I had prepared one of the best coffees strong enough to kick my nerves that send signal to my grey cells that are responsible to keep me awake and keep my body functioning at a snappy pace.

Holding the mug full of strong coffee, the aroma of which was already rising up above from the mug and travelling right into my nostrils tickling the inner walls and sending a sense of temptation to taste the strong coffee ASAP! Carrying the mug in one hand and my favorite novel in another and the irresistible coffee temptation in my heart, I walked to the balcony. Sitting on my favorite arm chair I took in a sip of the hot coffee and made sure the coffee floated right from the tip of my tongue till the throat, sending a vibration of burning my tongue and also kicking up all the taste buds on my tongue as it floated down till I gulped in the coffee. Unknowingly my eyes closed for a second and when I opened them, the world seemed bit fresh.

My mind was ready to start the novel which I had received a day earlier from Taking another sip from the coffee mug I glanced the first few introductory pages in the novel. Not sure why but I felt an urge to enjoy the heavy downpour than to read the novel.

Standing up from the arm chair I took a step and bent a little taking support of the railing and started looking at random directions.

It was raining heavily. The sound itself was so high that even sound from the neighboring home was not audible to my ears. The ground below my balcony, which was the path for the vehicles to come inside the society, had turned into a slippery dirt track full of loose mud and flowing water. The entrance was saved by the recently cemented platform. I turned to my right to notice the security guard sitting cozily on his wooden chair in the small security room. There was no one visible to my eyes except a street dog sitting under the society board looking far away on the other side of the road.

Turning to my left I got a glimpse of half of the society park where the red colored see-saw rested without any kids to squeak its nuts. The slide next to it was being enjoyed by a mini waterfall caused by the heavy rain. The water flowing down the slide glittered at places and flowed silently at few other places. I couldn’t see other more of the park but I could predict that the park had turned into a lake and all the kids of the society would be forced by their moms to sit inside home and do their studies. Their one eye would have been on their books and another would be outside the window.

All of the plants surrounding the park were the ones that were enjoying the rain the most. I had never seen, or maybe I had never observed, them to be this green. The color was so dark that even few of the leaves shone brightly at their tips as the sunrays hit them.

Following the route taken by both little and big drops falling down like the pearls, I looked up above to check the showerhead that had been showering non-stop since hours. The nozzle was the biggest I had ever seen. A blue colored sky curtained by dark clouds except at few spots that proved the sky was still blue. At a far end, towards west, it seemed a ball of fire tried hard igniting the blue sky. A bright yellow spot was quarrelling the dark clouds and trying to spread itself all over the sky.

Closing my eyes, I took another sip, not so hot but yet strong. I heard the sound of water drops dashing onto various surfaces. The ones that were falling on the railing had another tone than the ones that were falling onto the floating water in the potholes. There were few drops that were falling on the wet mud and few that were falling on cement pavement. Few were being stopped by leaves that produced and entirely different tone but still in rhythm. It acted chorus for the main tone, but could not decide which the main tone was. Whatever was that, it was melodious. 

The force of drops, the view and the hindered vision, the mixed color across the vast sky, the amount of water everywhere both floating and sinking, the sound and the rhythm, the cool atmosphere with a hint of periodic breeze carrying the smell of wet earth and a mug of hot strong coffee!

“A perfect Indian Monsoon!” I said to myself gulping in more coffee.

I bent more and stared at a small pothole filled with brownish red water amidst the path between the two tall buildings. Drops of water were continuously disturbing the brownish water there and were designing numerous rings of different sizes, all clashing into one another.

Something glittered. Glittered again and struck my eyes forcing them to shut down their doors for a second. My eyes got curious on what made them to close and stared courageously towards the pot hole. A reflection on the water was shining brightly. Some reflective material that dint like the bright rays of sun which were just beginning to sneak in between the dark clouds was catching all the sun rays falling on it and then throwing all of them onto the pot hole that was acting as a rangoli screensaver for my eyes till now.

Applying physics that I had learnt in my childhood, I calculated the angle of rays, coming from the pothole to my eyes, to the ground as 60o. Then, the rays coming onto the pothole should be making the angle on the opposite. By this assumption, my brain did a small calculation, like the one it had solved many years back in a Physics test, and told my eyes to look at the opposite building on the same floor. My eyes, being obedient rascals, quickly turned to the opposite building travelling along the sun rays from the pothole.

To be continued…

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