Saturday, August 17, 2013

Raining Romance Contd…

A watch! A bright silver colored watch was the one which had diverted my attention from the beauty of the nature. The watch was tied to a fair hand. What? A fair smooth hand that looked like the hand of girl? A girl?

Without blinking, I looked up. A girl was standing in the balcony of the opposite building. Wearing a light green colored T-Shirt, she had rested her left hand, with the watch onto it, on the railing and was trying to the drops of water with her right hand extended out of the balcony. Very cutely, she was trying to focus a single drop among the millions and try striking it with her index finger. I was not able to determine if she was succeeding or not but every time she did that, there was a cute smile on her face. Just like a small kid, she would modestly smile in victory and her lips would turn into a bright smile in between two little dimples on her fair chubby cheeks. She was far, yet my eyes had taken all the trouble to notice her little dimple on her left cheek that looked like a small silver cloud in between a vast clear sky. She was beautiful. Yet there was something in her that gave her a childish look.

The way she was playing, the way she was engrossed in her own world, the way she was enjoying the real monsoon. There wasn’t even a small hint of disappointment or a look of frustration on her face. Her face was the brightest and the fairest I had ever noticed. Upon On it were the two little black pearls. Two twinkling pearls were shining as brilliantly as the watch was. They were as lively as the refreshing rain, or might be they were livelier. They blinked every time she hit or missed a water drop and when they opened they had more life in them. The eyebrows above them added more life to her cute face, falling down and raising up every time she blinked.

I was amused by the way she was engrossed in her own world of her own silly game. It might have been few very long minutes that passed since I first set my eyes on her. When I forcefully turned down to my coffee mug and raised it to take a sip, I realized it was cold now. The effect of that strong caffeine which I wanted had now expired.

I turned back to her and she was still busy playing her game. I took the last sip of coffee and turned back to her. Suddenly, she stopped her game of striking the free water drops. She turned to her right and looked at the ground. Her hair tied at the back as a small pony tail moved quickly and oscillated for three times and settled down. But before it could settle at its place, she turned again and this time to her left. There was still a mild smile on her face and the cheeks were ready to sketch out the cutest dimples.

I was wondering if I could see her magical dimples again along with those twinkling pearls, when she suddenly turned to her front and looked at our building. It did not even take more than a second for her to notice me staring at her stupidly. She looked at me and was blank for some time. Even I kept staring at her. Then suddenly she turned away and turned back again at me. Noticing me still staring at her she frowned. Her eyebrows now curved and her eyes shrinked into two small black dots. The mild smile on her face was now gone and her lips turned straight and zipped tightly together. I felt two sharp arrows of her anger from her eyes pierce me right through my eyes. That was when I woke up and agnized what I was doing. With abnormal blinking I bent down quickly and lifted my cup for  another sip. After lifting the cup I remembered that the mug was empty, but I had already lifted it. Lifting it more, I acted as though I was taking drinking the last sip from the mug and then pursing in my lips I turned back to my chair without lifting my head. Placing the empty mug down, I picked up the novel in my hand and sat down on the chair.

Alas, chair was directed to her side and I would be facing to her. I failed even after trying my best to resist turning towards her and gave into my heart. I lifted my head slowly only to see that was still frowning a little angrily at me. I quickly bent down and opened my novel.

The two lines I read after that were the lengthiest lines I had ever read. I couldn’t resist thinking about her reaction. I had multiple thoughts of what she would be thinking about me but they were replaced by the picture of her fair face with chubby cheeks, sweet smile, cute dimples and twinkling eyes. I wondered how those twinkling eyes had shrinked in anger yet they were equally cute.

As the picture of her face grew thicker in my thoughts, the urge to check her reaction now kept tickling me at the back of my neck. Again, failing to my heart, I moved aside my novel and tried stealing a look at her. I was surprised to see her still looking at me, but now the eyes were normal. She was looking at me like a CID officer keeping an eye on suspect. Her blank look was slowly turning into a playground of anger when she saw me stealing a look by the side of the novel.  I quickly moved back the novel and closed my eyes forcing them to remain closed for a good amount of time. I felt my heart beat and felt guilty for my act.

Deciding to be adamant I rested my back on the chair, slid down a little until my lower neck rested on the back of the chair. Brining the novel closer I started reading again. It was difficult. Reading when the mind is concentrating on something else is really difficult. Gulping in the saliva soothed my disturbed heart and as it travelled down my throat I felt the courage in me adding up. I folded the novel and raised my head and looked straight at her.

My eyes widened with surprise to see her still looking at me. Her eyes were shrinked and the two black pearls scrutinizing my every act. A quick frown on her face said she knew I would look at her again. Unknowingly an apologetic smile got carved on my face. It took few milliseconds for the frown on her face to disappear but only after a surprised look it was replaced by a girlish giggle. She covered her mouth as she giggled and then smiled widely at me. Her giggle clearly told me that she had caught me staring at her and her smile clearly told me she knew I was clean bowled by her.

My smile widened too. And my eyes rejoiced her smile. All of a sudden our eyes locked and within second she blushed. Bending down her head for a millisecond she looked back at me. I was looking at her with a wide smile and a stupid look. She smiled again with a hint of blush in her eyes and quickly turned around and stepped inside the home.

I was surprised by this sudden act and kept on thinking, for minutes, if I did something wrong. Being dumb, which I am, it took me a real long time to realize that is what the real jewelry of any girl is.

I always knew monsoon is romantic but for the first time I realized it true…

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