All of the nine people who got
down from the jeeps looked just like factory workers in uniforms and in no
angle looked dangerous. It was already getting dark and I had to strain my eyes
to focus on as many details I could get. For sure they were some organized group
which could be clearly deduced from the way they came in, got down, took a
clear look around, and walked to the door, unlocked it, entered carefully with
two of them staying out making sure if everything was normal. They both even
took a slow and heedful walk around the house and then went in. If it was not
for the highly advanced military grade binoculars, I could have got only the
count of them and would never have seen the submachine the last two guys held
out when they scouted around the house for dangers.
“What did they need those
submachines for if they were just a group of workers setting up a factory? Even
in case they were security guys and even if they had some heavy costing
equipments also, a simple arm in the hands would have been enough; and if we
consider the risk of roaming in the forest at unwanted timings, a double barrel
gun should have sufficed the requirement” I asked myself. But the sight of
submachine had alarmed me and if on one side had raised many concerns and questions;
it had by now confirmed a wrongdoing about the group and almost confirmed the
presence of the kidnapped agent in the house.
Suddenly I turned at Praveen.
Though I could see the image of his body, nothing was clear in the dark and the
bushes around him had made it more difficult. His image was still and that was
fine as he was in clear view of those two men roaming around the home and he
could take no risk in that short range. The time was running out of our hands
and we had to meet to come up with a concrete plan and setup the right ambush
and attack. But for all this, Praveen had to come out safe.
My eyes and the focus of the
binoculars kept shifting between Praveen and the house. Finally, after a few
minutes, those two guys went inside the house and closed the door behind them.
The lights were still off in the front side of the house and the windows were
still locked down tight. When turned again to Praveen I saw a small light from
his mobile. That was the signal! I too unlocked my mobile and waved up at him
and quickly packing up the sniper and picking up the bags, I came down the
house and sneaked out into the road and walked out to the open end of the road with
a pace that was safe enough to be justified if something or someone turned up.
As I reached the tree that we had
departed from two hours back, I could see Praveen walking down towards me.
What makes a great team is knowing each other working in the team and
making sure your every move and every act are like notes in a musical. A stand
alone note often ruins the music but the notes picked up keeping the whole
musical in mind makes a master piece. Team work is nothing different. Every act
of every member working for the team keeps building the work and one wrong or bad
act spoils everything. This was the best part of working with Praveen since
years. We both knew how our minds thought and how we both reacted to a certain
action. There was no time wasted in explaining each other or discussing any
Our small signal of waving mobile
to confirm on proceeding with a pre-discussed plan had helped us today in
avoiding any confusion and helping each other in confirming the road to be
clear and safe.
“What’s happening?” Praveen
“They both were carrying
subamchines. This has to be something serious and now suddenly I am getting a strong
feeling that our kidnapped agent is being held hostage in that house”
“I too have the same feeling. But
with nine more people? Or if they are a part of that twenty person group?”
“Something is not right here. The
door was locked until now. If there are other eleven of them then they are not
in house or may be in the house but then why was it locked from outside. And if
they had locked it from outside and have people guarding this heavily then it
must be something serious”
“Right. Just imagine that many
more people carrying the same arms and attacking us. We do not even know their
count and the grounds they can put up an attack on us”
“Moreover we do not want to
disturb the peace of the village and alarm any villager or even put any
villager in danger”
The tables had suddenly turned
now and we were left with almost zero options. We had to think seriously about
those people and their arms and had to come up with the right plan. Else, the
whole mission would be in danger and there was a life hanging.
We stood their discussing about
the situation and all the probabilities and possibilities with no much fruit.
Unsatisfied with everything we discussed, we finally stood blank looking at
each other.
The spy business is always tagged with uncertainties and surprises. The
situation can change anytime, the possibilities can either grow or fade out
anytime, a well prepared plan can fail or suddenly a new plan can come up which
may succeed.
“We can get the right count from
that hotel when someone from that group come in with the food order. That might
help us” Praveen said, awakening me from my thoughts.
“You are awesome!” I exclaimed
“I know that. But why the unexpected
appreciation now?” he asked, a bit confused.
“That’s because I have a new plan”
I smiled
“What’s that?”
“First let’s go to the hotel and
have a nice heavy dinner” I said.
“We are in middle of a critical
mission trying to save the life an agent and you want to have dinner? Are you
mad?” he yelled.
“Yes I am mad” I said, and
continued, “about my new plan. Let’s go and have dinner. I will tell you my
plan there”
“And leave this house without
keeping an eye on these people?”
“Yes. Just come with me. No more
I could see the curiosity building
up in his eyes, but I wanted him to wait a bit longer on this really long long day…
To be Contd…
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