Spies come across many situations wherein their worst enemy is neither
a bunch of terrorists aiming the most sophisticated arms at them nor the worst
cold blooded criminals they are chasing; it is just being stuck in a situation
with hands tied up by themselves. Many a times they end up in the most uncommon
situations among common people wherein it is not only difficult to clear or escape
the situation but one wrong move will blow up the whole mission along with their
cover. All they can do is to keep their nerves calm and keep waiting for the
right moment to act without disturbing the situation.
We both were stuck in the exact
situation. The owner of the hotel had sat opposite to us and had continued the
chat we had started and was enjoying to his fullest. We had the plan, we had
the things required, we had almost everything ready expect the right moment and
one wrong move or wrong word from us would not only raise his suspicions but
would have spoiled the entire plan. Our hands were tied up by ourselves!
More than me, it was Praveen who
was getting impatient and I knew the exact reason for that. It was not because
he was the one who was going to execute the plan but it was because this was
the first time we had come up with such a plan and were going to execute it
without actually testing it. It was dangerous and scared me too but it was the
best option now and I had told Praveen and even myself (multiple times) that if
done in the right way this would be totally safe.
It was 7:50 PM exactly half hour back, I had noted the time,
when we had reached the hotel. We were already running out of time and now we
had run out of options and also light and hence noting time was most important
for any of our further plans and actions. As we stood a bit far from the hotel
while the light from the bulb lighted up above the main door of the hotel threw
some light on us as though it was showing some courtesy towards us.
Praveen had held my hand and
said, “Atleast now tell me what’s running in your mind. What’s our plan?”
“Yes I will explain you what I
have in my mind, in detail, now before going into that hotel. We must come up
with the right plan to execute it”
“Why hotel? What is this plan?”
he asked impatiently.
“Do you remember I gave you a
container two days back to keep it in the secret vault of your car?”
“Yes, and I have never moved it”
“Yes, that is our plan now. You
know what is inside that container?”
“No I do not know”
“It has a morphine based
“And how is that helpful now?” he
asked cutting me in between.
“Let me complete dude” I said and
as I saw him smile, I continued, “The container contains a morphine based
analgesic drug. It is medically used in reducing intractable pain. I suddenly
took some interest last week after that seminar on the medical application in
our field and started participating on some testing in the lab along with our
Doctor who then explained me more about its medical application and then upon
more research and some of my spy mind I kept with me a very little sample of it
to continue with more testing.”
“And how are we using it now?”
“This drug can be used as a
sedative as well in giving sedation. We can mix it with food and give them this
drug. With proper medication they should go unconscious. Now they are getting
the food from this hotel and if we manage to mix this in their food we can turn
them unconscious”
“Awesome. The plan is brilliant
and even looks simple upon hearing but how do we manage to mix it in their
food?” Praveen responded.
“That’s where you come in.
Somehow we have to manage to talk to that owner and make some excuse to get into
the kitchen and add this”
“That can be managed. We can talk
to him and make some way into the kitchen. But the tough part is mixing in the
food in front of so many eyes in the kitchen”
“There is just one little risk”
“What is that? And why are you
looking at me like that? I know this look. This is not little but some big
“The risk is, this has never been
tested in real”
“Whatttt?” Praveen yelled.
“Just listen. This has never been
tested in real scenario but this is a medically tested and approved sample.
Second risk is the medication, we have to make sure they intake the right
medication. Lesser intake won’t work on them and a little higher intake can
prove fatal to life”
“Whattt?” Praveen yelled again.
“Will you listen fully?”
“Yes go ahead”
I could see a tensed look on
Praveen’s face but I continued, “Don’t worry about that because the quantity we
have is not enough to be affective on twenty people.”
I took a deep breath waiting for
another yell from Praveen but this time he was quietly looking at me so I
continued, “Ok now we can take care of that as well. But the biggest challenge
is to make sure they intake this. We can mix this in food but how can we be
sure when they eat their food and if all them will eat it and if they eat also,
when will they eat it”
“Time, we can wait but how will
you be sure of the medication? And how will you be sure that it has worked
rightly and has done its work on all them inside that house? Something about
this is giving me cold feet. For some reason this plan and this morphine
approach doesn’t seem like a normal one. Firstly it was never done; secondly both
of us do not know how this is going to work out.”
“I know, but we have to try this.
This is the best possible way. Atleast we will be sure that we will be facing
ten people instead of twenty”
“Okay. Fine with me. But how will
you control the medication?”
“The quantity is enough for ten
people but this will make sure to atleast slow them down if not turn them unconscious.
We can enhance its effect and I can take care of that but even if this slows
them down that will be enough for us right? So, first let’s get in and talk to
the owner and get the details. If needed we will enhance the effect.”
Now the time was 8:20 PM and we
were sitting at a table in the hotel talking to the owner and waiting for a
chance to get into the kitchen.
More Action to follow…
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